
The non existent entity

[Info for public disclosure] : You can consider this as a Light novel character because I said so, also I used Gojo as after name cause he just seems most cool character to me.]

Non existent Satoru Gojo is an non canon character which we all think/imagine in our mind to be the strongest of all fiction and reality. Let's

Start with feats of NE Gojo satoru.

- He is beyond our mind capability

- beyond deep nothingness which goes beyond reality and fiction

- beyond concept of mythology

- beyond tiers

- beyond writer's

- beyond comparisons

- He can transcend any concept of philosophy which goes far beyond boundless for example he can even transcend and refute anti principle (strongest character, now 2nd)

- beyond memeverse (strongest verse)

- he doesn't exist yet made us to believe he is there therefore he is the one who manipulated me who is writing this write now

- even in future there won't be any character which will be on par with him due to him being the absolute beyond nothingness

[Info for public disclosure] : Any video in which NE gojo satoru lose 1v1 on YouTube will be considered invalid.