
First love?

Mom please talk to dad about this"

she was requesting her mother while packing her schoolbag.Her straight and beautiful long hairs sliped from her shoulder as she bend to pich her shoes from the floor.

"I tried my best dear, but he is not ready to send you alone to a new and strange place where you have never been to"

Now she was tying her shoe lasses.As she looked up towards her mom and her dark black eyes shines with the tears and make her long curled black lashes wet and made her eyes look beautiful as angels eye.she stand up and walked towards the door without saying any words and wiping her tears from her beautiful soft checks.

"Aria....hey are you crying ...Aria plz stop i will try to convince him..."

she left before her mother could finish.

She came out of the house and now she was sobbing and walked into the street.While she was walking someone grabbed her wrist and pushed her towards him she could not jeep blance fall on the person behind her.she looked into his eyes and stoped for a movement.His eyes were chocolate Colur and his long brown lashes makes his eyes more attractive and beautiful.Befor she could examin him he pushed her off and stand up.she starteled

"Sorry ....i didn't mean to.....it was just an accident"

she stands up and removed the dust on her skirt.

"if you want to die so go to your home don't make other punished for your doings"

She was shooked by his deep and beautiful voice.He said and turn his back towords her and walked away.she was still looking at him from behind.Then she starteld on what he said to her.she ran towords him.

"hey hy what do you mean by if i want to die i was not trying to kill my self "

she was right behind him and suddenly he stopped and looked towards her.

His brown hairs were all over hus forhead mames him much more handsome then a normal one. His white and bright skin was shining in sunlight makes him look like a fairy.

"Then what was you doing at the center of a busy road"

He waited for her rply but she was puased by his beauty.When he didn't got any answer he took texi and left.she was still standing there and thinking about the beautiful man

She wanted to go to London for her further studies but her father wanted her to complete her studies in china.But after this meeting everything changed.she was known as for her beauty and attractive features. Everyone wanted to be like her.All the boys wait for her to enter and just once look at them.She was Comsider godess.Always did top in whole school.Took paet in each and every activity of her Intrest.

After school she went home and her all focus was on thinking about that guy and his chocolaty eyes.She threw her bag on sofa while laying diwn ahe closed her eyes and all she could think was brown chocolaty eyes.She opend her eyes as she felt like someone touched her forhead.

"I will talk to you dad "

her mother was standing there

"Mom.... you don't need to do this.I don't wanna go"

she said that and left for her room.

After that day she always wait for that boy while going to school.

My first try i hope you like it and also my english is not that great so yes there will be some mistakes i want you to ignore them.

gulshan_sehzadicreators' thoughts