1 Chapter 1

"Daddy, do you have to leave? I don't want to stay at Miss Sue's... she smells like cat piss." Jimin's eldest child said as Jimin finished packing the diaper bag.

"Jiyeon, baby, don't say piss... it's a grown up word. And I'm sorry, but you have to go baby." Jimin said as he moved into his room.

"But, what about Uncle Jin?! Uncle JK?! Anyone but Miss Sue..." she said as she followed him.

Jimin sighed softly as he picked up his son in one hand and his bag of toys in the other. "No, Jiyeon. End of discussion. Now go get the bag and follow me." He said as he headed out of their apartment.

Jimin and his children walked down three flights of stairs and stopped at the first apartment. Jimin gently knocked on the door. After about a minute, it flew open and a gust of air breezed past them. Jiyeon held her nose as the smell of kitty litter and piss lingered out of the apartment.

"Ah! Jimin! Come in! Come in!" She said. Jimin smiled and walked inside of her apartment, Jiyeon slowly following behind him. Jimin set the diaper bag down on her table in her kitchen. "Everything should be in there and if you need anything else, Jiyeon can run to our place and get it. But I should have everything in the bag. I'm so sorry I can't pay-"

"Non-sense! You just keep getting my groceries for me and we're all good! Besides, I really enjoy the company." She said before she walked over and gently took the baby from him.

Jimin smiled and nodded. "Thank you... I'll be by in the morning to get them." Jimin whispered, but Jiyeon overheard him.

"What? Dad! You won't be back tonight?!" She asked.

Jimin sighed softly. "No... probably not. I'm sorry baby, but I have to work." Jiyeon scoffed. "Unbelievable." She said before she walked over and plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on.

Jimin sighed out and looked at Miss Sue sympathetically. "I'm sorry-"

She smiled and waved him off. "It's quite alright, Jimin. I was twelve once too. You go ahead and get going. I got them." She said.

Jimin nodded before he glanced at Jiyeon again. "Um she actually hasn't had dinner... if you could-"

"Absolutely... do you need some help this month? I don't mind-" She started to say, but Jimin cut her off.

"No, no! Thank you though! I should make enough tonight. Well... I have to go before I get in trouble and have to deal with the... untouchables." Jimin said before he smiled at his son and talked to him for a moment before he kissed him a couple times on the cheek.

Jimin then walked over to his daughter and gently patted her head before he leaned down and tried to place a kiss on her forehead, but she moved to the side. Jimin sighed out. "Park Jiyeon! You better behave for Miss Sue, or else I'll have you come down here for a whole month and help her with anything she needs." He said in Korean so the elderly woman wouldn't understand him.

Jiyeon sighed and looked up at him. "Yes, daddy." She said. Jimin nodded before he smiled and gently grabbed the sides of her head and forced it forward to give it a couple kisses on the top. "I love you, Jiyeon. I'll see you in the morning and we can get pancakes, okay?" Jimin said.

Jiyeon smiled widely and nodded. "Okay! See you, daddy! Have a good night!" she said as Jimin walked over to the door and left.

Jiyeon looked over at Ms. Sue and watched as she walked over to her and snatched the remote away. "Kitty litter first, then I want you to clean the bathroom. If it's done right, I'll get you something to eat." She said.

Jiyeon rolled her eyes before he walked out of the room, cursing to herself under her breath. "Fucking bitch... fuck her... I'm doing it for my daddy. I know he's struggling." She said softly before she walked into the kitchen, rolling her eyes and hissing back at the cats as she grabbed the cleaning supplies.

Jimin winced and rubbed his shoulder as he walked down the street to the loud club, men checking him out and catcalling him as he walked past. Jimin walked up to the bouncer and smiled brightly. "Hey, Taehyungie." He said.

Taehyung blushed a bit and smiled back. "Hey, Jimin... I thought you had the night off." He said.

Jimin shrugged. "Josh had an emergency so I'm covering his shift." Jimin said.

Taehyung nodded and rubbed his shoulder as Jimin subconsciously rubbed his own. "That was sweet of you..."

Jimin shrugged softly. "More money for me. And I found a babysitter in time so there's no reason for me not to help him out. But I will see you in the morning, maybe through the night if you have to come kick anyone out." Jimin said with a chuckle.

Taehyung chuckled back. "Yeah, well with you working, I'm bound to have to throw some grabby people out." Taehyung said.

Jimin giggled a bit. "Thanks... but I'm actually bartending! It's going to be a nice and easy night!"

Taehyung smiled and nodded. "Good, you need a break from all the... um... well you know." He said. Jimin chuckled as he knew that Taehyung wanted to call the customers gross and pervy but couldn't as they stood in front of them.

Jimin sighed softly before he smiled. "Well, I'll see you, Tae! Stay safe!" Jimin said before he walked past the taller male.

Taehyung blushed a bit more. "Yeah, you too Park Jimin." He said softly before he looked at the people in front of him and cleared his throat. "ID." He said in a deeper voice as he got back to work.

Jimin walked in and slipped behind a black curtain to his right and walked through a long hallway that lead him all the way to the back. He walked out to a bigger hallway with door of either side. He walked past two of them before he opened a door and walked though it. He was greeted by some of his co-workers as he settled in front of a mirror and began to get himself ready.

Just as he was finishing, the door opened and Jimin's boss walked in and over to him. "Jimin, thank you for coming in. We're really going to make a lot of money tonight. I hope you got enough rest." He said as he stood behind Jimin, clasping his hands down on his shoulders.

Jimin blinked a couple times before he looked up at his boss through the mirror, ignoring the pain in his shoulder. "But sir, I'm bartending tonight, I'm covering-"

"Oh I know, but I moved things around. Can't have my money maker hiding behind the bar. We're busy tonight! You can do a number as well before you go out in the crowd." He said as he rubbed his hands down Jimin's arms.

Jimin looked around at the other males who rolled their eyes and talked amongst themselves. Jealous that once again, Jimin was getting special treatment. Jimin looked back at his boss and nodded. "Sure..." he said with a forced smile.

"Haha! That's what I like to hear! Usual song? Or do you wanna change it up?" He asked.

Jimin nodded. "Could I do a slower one? My shoulder has been giving me problems." Jimin said. His boss nodded. "You got it, Jim-bo!" Jimin cringed internally at the nickname. "Take some aspirin and drink plenty of water!" His boss said before he left.

Jimin groaned softly and leaned back, closing his eyes as he did. "So much for an easy night." Jimin mutter before he sat up and began to get himself ready.
