
The Lightning Hero Emerges

Everyone gathered around the TV.

"Police haven't given any official answers but some citizens are saying it's a sign of god and some say it's a military experiment."

"This can't be real, can it, Spence?" A man with round glasses and a squeaky voice asked.

"I'm not sure, there's tons of footage from every angle. Not only that but there's also the people who saw something similar to that earlier." A man with bright yellow eyes and dyed white hair said.

"Alright everyone get back to work!" a sharp voice loudly clapped.

Revern Tech, science and weapons industry. Funded by the military to create weapons while also doing their own research. They've made some pretty interesting weapons over the years as well as scientific discoveries.

"Mister Denver?!" A raspy voice shouted.

"Y-yes sir?" Denver's squeaky voice whispered.

"Talk louder! Anyways, have you finished project XX2?"

"No sir—we're still in the testing process."

"Hurry it up then, take all night if you have to but just finish it!"

"S-sorry sir."

"The military are breathing all over my neck with this!"

"S-sorry s-sir."

"Well? What are you doing standing around, go finish it already!"

"O-okay sir."

Denver walked back to the lab, sweat pouring from all ends.

"He went rough on you again?" The man with dyed white hair asked.

"Yeah, he wants it finished by today but with all the setbacks that this is creating I have no idea if I can even have it ready by next year."

"Want me to stay up with you? Heard him say something about you staying the whole night here."

"No, thanks for asking though, Spencer."

"What even is the weapon? All these setbacks are making me confused."

"It's supposed to be this serum that amplifies the human's physical capabilities, and gives extraordinary abilities."

"The fuck?! How are you supposed to do that?! Bren has lost his shit if he thinks anyone can create that!"

"Hey! If he hears you then he'll get on my ass again!"

"Sorry Den, but how in the world are you supposed to do that by nightfall?"

"I—don't know, but I'll just have to make it work."

Denver spent the next couple hours mixing different chemicals and compounds together. By the time he took his eyes off work he had noticed that Spencer and everyone else had already left.

"Why me?" Denver cried to himself.

His tears falling from his cheek and into the serum.

"Huh?" Denver noticed that the serum began glowing orange. "Did—did I do it?" He asked himself.

He continued to look at the serum and quickly inserted it into a syringe and walked towards the testing lab. Using microscopes and other equipment he had noticed that the serum definitely had changed but he didn't know why.

"I—I think I did it!" He shouted with tears of joy.

His cheering went on for another minute or two, he walked towards the animals. Just as he reached he noticed that there were none left.

"I have to test this out someway—" he kept thinking to himself. Just then, a thought came to Denver. He looked at the syringe and then walked towards a mirror.

"I'm—I'm no failure, I will succeed!" He shouted and stabbed himself with the syringe.

Nothing. Nothing happened. He began breaking into tears again, he thought he had done it. By tomorrow he will be out of a job and an embarrassment to the science community. As all these thoughts ran through his mind, his head started to hurt.

"ARRHHHGGGGG" he shrieked from all the pain.

He began pounding his head against the wall hoping it'd go away. His skin started to look more like orange scales, his teeth and nails began sharpening. Fire begins to replace his hair as it burns off. His stature grows in length and mass, muscles start forming. His eyes glow a fiery red.

As the pain began to fade away he took one final glance at the lavatory, "This place—" he chokes up as his eyes glow even brighter. Red fiery beams shoot out his eyes, "No more suffering for me!" His monstrous voice echoed into the tireless night.

"In the latest news, the laboratory of Revern Tech was destroyed in a wildfire. There has yet to be any news on what caused the fire."

Jase looked at the TV endlessly looking through all the news channels, looking for any trouble.

"Fire huh? Might be interesting but nothing so far." He told himself.

Jases mom popped her head out the kitchen, "Jase, Bruce, breakfast is ready!" She shouted.

Jase looked at Bruce, knowing how much Bruce is into anime and hero stuff he began wondering if he should tell him.

"The fuck yiu looking at?" Bruce said.

Jases mom smacked him, "Language!" She shouted.

"Sorry mom"

"Yo Bruce?! So like, how do superheroes find bad guys and stuff?"

"That's a weird question."

"Just asking."

"Well I mean, it depends on the hero, some use their super hearing and others use gadgets and shi—stuff."

"Gadgets? So like, how do fast superheroes keep their clothes from burning up?"

"They have special made suits, obviously."

"Suits? Thanks man. I gotta go before we're late."

Jase walks out the door.

"Dude we have like a whole hour left!"

Jase looked around the nearest clothing stores but couldn't find anything, "Fuck! How am I gonna find a hero suit in the fucking real world!" He shouted to himself. His ring starts glowing on and off, "Huh?" As he notices it his vision goes black. He wakes up in the place he was before.

"Hey!" Tohny greeted.

"Fuck! I'm here again." Jase whispered.

"I heard that! Anywho I heard you wanted a suit."

"Y-yeah how'd you know?"

"It just so happens that the ring can do that for you."


"It's as ancient as our universe, of course it has a suit. Look, making a suit and maintaining it are both incredibly hard tasks."


"Well first go around it's hard, all the time after is easy."

"Okay, so how?"

"Speedy one ain't you, first you have to think positive thoughts, then channel those positive thoughts into a suit, that goes for shooting lightning too."

"Positive thoughts? That's not exactly my thing."

"Yeah, I can see that but you're already heading in the right direction."

"And that is?"

"You'll find out on your own, but it's about time you head to school, right?"

"Y-yeah" Jase said as his vision began to darken again.

Opening his eyes he notices that he's currently in class. Looking around he sees Nadia writing notes, and the teacher glancing at him.

"Mr. Lezz, glad you could join us." He teased Jase.

Nardia threw a note at Jase.

"The fuck?" He whispered.

Jase opened the balled up note which read 'Met friends couldn't make it, but we can still have lunch together.". Looking back at her she gives him a wink. He smirked and rolled his eyes. After class they met up at the lunch line.

"Jessie and Aria couldn't make it, clubs are still being a hassle to them" Nadia said, clearly not happy about it.

"It's cool,"

"Anyways, where did you go yesterday?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just before Jerome fell you had disappeared, next thing you know that weird lightning metahuman came saving the day, he was also found saving people close to our school."

"So—what does that have to do with me?" Jase tried avoiding eye contact.

"Hey look me in the eye! Do you have powers?!"

"Let's not talk about this here, let's go to the roof."

"That right there just gives me my answer."

Nadia and Jase walked towards the roof, an awkward silence between them.

"Okay, so?"

"Yes! Two days ago this ring on my finger just magically appeared, after that I suddenly gained abilities."

"Flight, speed and I'm guessing strength?"

"Pretty much-"

Jases ring starts glowing on and off, rapidly.

"Is it supposed to do that?"

Using a minute to think, he reached into his back bag and took out a police radio. He turned it on. Immediately he starts hearing chatter of something big going on.

"Send back up!! It appears to be some creature!! Send back up-"

"The fuck?!" Jase looks down at his ring which starts glowing brighter and brighter.

"Did—did he just die?!"

"I-I don't know, but—I'm going to help them out."

"I'll—I'll check my phone to see where this is happening!"

"Thanks, Nadia, tell me when you know."

Seconds of typing later.

"Found it! Whatever attacked them is heading towards that military base near redfull park."

"That's like forty minutes away—I can do it."

"Forty! That's like I don't know fiftyish miles."

"Nadia! If I don't help them, who will?! I have to do it—it's what my father would've done!"

"Then go! If you're not back by thirty minutes then I'll kill you myself!"


Jase closed his eyes and jumped off the roof, "I've picked up everything else pretty quickly, I can do it here too!" He thought to himself.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was floating. Taking a deep breath in, he motioned his right arm forward. He began flying forward at an incredible speed.

"Okay, Redfull park here we go!" Jase shouted.

Time slows down as Jase flies above the clouds, passing building after building. Citizens of all kinds watching, 'Is that a bird' one asked, 'Is that a plane' another asked, 'No, it's him!".

"Bren!" The monstrous voice echoed throughout the city.

Beams of great fire flowing through trees as if it was paper being cut with scissors. Swat teams arrive, shooting rounds after rounds into the monster before them.

The monster turns to them, "Stay out of this!" He lifts his arms and just as he drops them down a sonic boom screams throughout the park, "Huh-" he flies straight into a building.

"Y'all should probably leave." Jase said to the policemen and Swat teams, practically half naked.

"Are you the-" the police man gets cut off by a monstrous roar.

"You! You're in my way! Get out of my way!" He jumps towards Jase, "Or else something bad will happen" his fist slams Jase to the ground.

The monster sends punch after punch. Making the whole in the ground bigger and bigger.

"Hey kiddo."

"Huh? Who is that?" Jase asked.

"Who else? I'm your father." He chuckled.

"You came back!"

"Of course I did, but it seems you might be in some trouble."

"Yeah, what gave it away?" Jase laughed.

The monster contained smashing Jase into the ground.

"He doesn't seem like he'll be stopping anytime soon."

"Yeah, I guess playing a hero is different then I had imagined."

"Remember that word we use to say together, the word that strikes fear into anyone you use it on?"

"You don't mean—"

"Of course that's why I mean, shout it out, show that monster that you're not afraid and that he should be!"

"You're right, I just gotta shout it out!"

Jase opened his eyes, seeing nothing but a fist thrusting into his chest.

"STRIKE!" Jase shouted out.

Just as Jase shouted those words a giant lightning bolt struck both him and the monster

The monster falls down on its back. The crowd around watches as the half naked man from before had a bright blue suit. The suit had a giant glowing lightning bolt emblem on his chest. The texture looked fabric like and smooth with tiny ancient symbols all over with a white and gold cape.

"Why! Why are you in my way!?" The monster groaned, trying to move.

"I don't know why you went on a rampage but you killed innocents!"

"I-I didn't want to hurt anyone?! But he-he made me into this!"

"Who did?"

"Bre-" the monster tried saying as his eyes closed.


The monster's stature decreased in size and mass. His skin goes back to it's normal white color. Muscle deforms back to its normal state.

Jases eyes widen as he sees cuts all over the man's body, "Those aren't from any attack I sent, those are—" before Jase could finish the police captain arrives.

"Are you that new hero?" She asked.


"Thank you, if you hadn't stepped in then most of my men wouldn't be going home to their families tonight."

"Your welcome, Captain, can you stand back a bit?"


She stood back. Jase flew straight up. Boom, everyone heard as he flew off. To the naked eye it looked light he had become lightning.