

JANUARY 11 2008


2 days after the crash there still no sign of the rescue team. there gathering fruits from the forest and water from the rain. Lucas brings the sat-phone to Pablo Zachariah, a communication officer, he try to fixed and boost the signal and they get something but its not clear enough.

"Lucas, we need to go up that hill to get a better signal and hear this transmission clearly." Pablo said

"I agree with you" Lucas replied

"Im sensing there is a but" Pablo said

"See, its dangerous out there,we dont have any weapons I just worry for the safety of our people. Lucas said and look John.

John was holding a briefcase, and open it full with knives

both Pablo and Lucas wondering how a knife full with briefcase pass the inspection.

"Jo-John whats all of that." Lucas said confusingly

"Kinives,Hunting Knives I use to hunt.so maybe I can be helpful with your little hike." John said and smile to Lucas

"ok you can go, Pablo how long the hike will take?"

"if we go now will be back before sundown." Pablo said

"Hey Doc,DOC!!, the man we thought dead he was alive he is bleeding badly!" Alejandro said while catching his breath

Lucas and Alejandro run back to the man bleeding badly.

they tried to fix him. meanwhile Pablo and John readying for the hike James punch Pablo accusing him to be a fugitive. James found a handcuff near the forest. Elleanor calm them both. John and Pablo are about to take off when Lucy and Harold ask to come. Pablo agree and they continue.

Elleanor,James,Joe and Ivy walk to the jungle to find fruits and some other useful things.after gathering,theres enough food for everyone and Joe suggest that they should head back to the beach,walking to a tall grass on a way back the saw something running towards them and its moving fast. they all ran except for James that stand still and he suddenly pull a gun and shoot the creature 7 times laid dead in front of him.

"A polar bear, what the-" Ivy said scared

"Man a polar bear cant survive in this tropical island" Joe said frustratingly and scared

"Where did you get that?!" Elleanor said angrily

"Whatever do you mean? oh the gun easy sweetheart, I found it on a body he's a marshal oh hey I even took the badge. james replied and smile to Elleanor.

"Your the fugitive,You know theres a marshal and when we crash you took the gun!! the handcuffs was yours?! Joe said

"Where did you get that idea" James replied

"give me the gun,James" Elleanor said

"(sigh) here you go ma'am" James replied

"No one saw this ok? it will create panic if we tell to the camp. lets go.

Back at the camp the man spoke weakly to Lucas.

"she's dangerous" voice breaking

"who's dangerous" ask Lucas

"she's dangerous" pointing to the pocket of his jacket.

the marshal show Lucas the mugshot of Elleanor and then fall asleep.

"Alejandro,where's Elleanor? Jack said

"Dude relaxed she's with James nothings gonna happen"

Lucas show the mugshot to Alejandro

"Where is she?! guard the marshal dont let Elleanor come near to him."

At the hill Pablo get some transmission.

"at the radio" (foreign language) iteration one,seven,five,five,zero,four,four,five.

then repeat.

"Whats that its all that we get?" Jonh said angrily

"Its repeating all over again!" Harold said

"I-I think I can understand that." Lucy said

"Go on try it" Pablo replied

" It kill them, all of them" Lucy said

" Lucy,are you sure?"Pablo ask

" Yes,Im sure

" Iteration one,seven,five,five,zero,four,five. Its been repeating for 20 years" Pablo said

" So someone was here before us and been here for 20 years? and then no rescue has come to get them!?"Harold ask

"By conclusion on what we heard, yes. I think thats what gonna happen to us, I'll fix the sat-phone and made a signal booster and lets hope they here us."

"Now lets head back to beach" John said

Knowing that someone is stuck on an island for 20 years.

John did not expect rescue. and they decide not to tell

the group what they heard because they hope.

Meanwhile a secret meeting that Charlie arrange a secret meeting between him and his 14 comrades. before they crash they have a mission to find an island that never been discovered. they are on there way to Las Vegas to receive a coordinates. There meeting was about finding their instrument. which Elleanor found and hid it.

JANUARY 12 2008


Morning,Lucas was wake up by Alejandro and told him 12 of them was missing someone or something get them.Elleanor told Lucas about the instruments that Charlie bought. They try to find them but they found their body laying to the ground in cold blood 11 of them one must be alive. they get back to the camp to confront Charlie.

Charlie was force to tell the truth about his team and also himself.

Next chapter