
Strife of the Gods

Marchosias, a race of canine Asuras. Said to have been the smartest of their kind, smart enough to pose a threat to the King of the asuras. After a long war, one which resulted in one mass of land splitting into the two, the Indrarth stood victorious. Now the remnant of an once proud godly beings stay in a realm of their own. And I am their representative, their champion. I have been taken to their homeland of Losvillion to be trained in their ways. Alas not before a rift was created in our family. After revealing our unique situation to them, Mom and Da-no Alice and Reynolds both showed multiple reactions to this revelation. Not a single one of them pleasant. Finally not being able to take it anymore I ran away. Well not run per se, but I might as well have. Perhaps its better this way, I will be able to focus more on getting stronger. For even if we aren't a family anymore, I will still protect them until my dying breath.

Erebus512 · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Rousing the Masses

I didn't immediately head to my room, instead searching for three familiar mana signatures.

Luckily they weren't very far from my location, and so I headed towards them, letting my mana flare up for just a second.

They got the message as they began moving, in my direction.

I ran into them in a corridor near the healing halls of the castle, "There you are."

"Hey man, long time no see!" Owen threw one of his arms around my shoulder.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm, "Yep, over three years."

"I can't even sense your core, you must have gotten much stronger under the guidance of your benefactor." Brandon commented.

"I'm a high silver core mage now, and that's not half of it."

Claire shook her head, "Seems like it will take us a while to get to your level, and you're four years younger than me too."

"Not as much as you think," I said cryptically. Again, damn you Noctis.

"We've only barely made it into the initial silver stage, with Claire here being close to breaking through it. By the time we catch up, I'd reckon you would already be well into white core." Brandon provided his input, not knowing what I had in mind for them.

I shrugged, "That might be true, but then again it might not."

"I brought back some souvenirs, here." I tossed each of them one of the chips.

They stared at it in confusion, before I snapped my fingers, activating them.

The chip 'melted' in their hands, each taking a different shape and eliciting a different response from each of them.

Azrul didn't tell me this would happen. That sly bastard is probably laughing his ass off at my expense.

Claire jumped in surprise; Brandon calmly stared at it, an eyebrow raised; and Owen shook his hands rapidly,trying to get rid of it as he kept repeating 'Get it off me! I'm too young to die!'

"A tad bit melodramatic don't you think?" I commented, amused at his reaction.

"You try staying calm when a chip of metal literally melts in your hands!" He shot back.

"Give it time." I said calmly.

The one in Claire's hand had already formed a hilt, an elaborate knuckle guard and a pommel.

Brandon's one had covered half of his hand, extending to his elbows.

And Owens' one had turned into a pole, still stuck to his hand.

By now Claire and Owen had calmed down somewhat as they just let the device work its magic, although Owen still kept his hand far away from his body.

From the hilt, a long thin blade of swirling black and white emerged, from the pommel another handle materialized, with a crossguard of similar design and a small blade of swirling black and white. It looked detachable.

The gloves had turned to black gauntlets, the edges and knuckles being pure white, ending in razor sharp claws.

And the black pole formed a scythe head of the same color one on end, although the sharp portion of it was white. From the bottom of the pole extended a small blade, similar in coloration as the main blade.

All three weapons radiated power, they made Solaris and Shroud look like toothpicks in comparison.

Although I guess I can't complain since I am basically a demigod by this point.

"A most peculiar way of handing weapons." Brandon was the first to speak.

"I didn't know they would do that." I shrugged, "The one who made them is a rather cunning one."

"Who made them?" Claire asked, tearing her gaze away from her rapier dagger thing.

"A guy named Azrul, one of the Marchosias and a literal deity. So handle them carefully will you?" A smirk crept up my face as I saw their faces pale as they almost dropped the weapons, Brandon excluded of course.

In my head I heard Zeke snickering at their reaction.

"Oh and also, they will make it easier for you to channel and purify mana, while also enhancing your magic capabilities. Don't swing that in here Owen, wait until you reach a training ground sheesh." I had to stop Owen from destroying the palace and likely decapitating us in the process.

He only smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, "Go try them out, I'll get some sleep in the meanwhile."

I'll ask them about joining later, even though I am certain they won't decline.

[And what if they do? What happens to the artifacts?]

They keep them, I would have given them the artifacts regardless of their answer.

[You are too kind.]

No, I am far from being kind.

I could sense Zeke's disapproval as I entered the room I had been provided, but ignored it in favor of falling into the bed.


I woke up early the next morning, thanks to years of following a routine.

After taking a bath, I found a grey uniform similar to the ones the Lances wore, although a bit more armored, along with a note from Virion. The note was an apology for my clothes not being as grand as Arthur's for the speech, and for not offering me the position of a Lance since the Glayders objected. It also directed me to go to Etistin, considering some people would have issues with me being on the stage, no matter how much Virion protested.

I sighed, it's Bairon and the Glayders isn't it?

'You did threaten the kings, and killed Lucas.' Zeke pointed out.

[The mutt has a point. Considering all this, it's a wonder they haven't called for your execution yet.]

Lucas' death was going to come no matter what. And they did call for my execution, remember? The timely arrival of Noctis and Sierra was what saved both me and Arthur.

'Hey! Who are you calling a mutt?!' Zeke ignored me, focusing on his comment.

[Then why do you stay in that form when you could stay in a human form?]

'It's more comfortable this way.'

[Whatever you say, little doggy.]

Will you two stop?



Anyways, back to the note. What Virion had prepared for me was too extravagant;, I prefer subtler clothes aAnd I'll be damned if I allow myself to be bound like a Lance.

Thankfully, I brought my own set of clothes.

With a wave of my hand, the garments materialized in front of me.

After changing I stood in front of the mirror. I wore a black calf length coat over a grey shirt, and a red tie hung from my neck. Black trousers were accompanied with maroon loafers, and a thigh strap on my left leg.

I glanced down at the rings in my hand, they had gone from their usual greenish silver coloration to a white and black, with white more dominant than black on one.

Might as well.

I summoned Solaris in my hand, and its sheath from my shadow storage in my other hand.

Noctis had given me their sheaths after learning what they truly were.

The sheath was simple, a pure white piece of leather with the insignia of the Marchosias on it.

Sheathing it, I strapped it behind my back before doing the same with Shroud.

Now satisfied with my appearance I headed out of the room, preparing myself for the jumps to Etistin.

Well then, let's go.


It took me half a dozen Void Steps to reach Etistin, and that was exhausting.

The place was filled with hundreds of thousands of people, and unfortunately I was late enough that I had to stay at the back of the crowd.

Ah well, can't do anything about it now.

[You could always just Void Step to the front.]

Too crowded, besides that screen will probably show us their magnified projection.

'Like the one during the announcement in Xyrus.'

'Yeah... feels a lifetime ago now.'

Soon the screen was turned on and Virion's face was projected on it, "Many of you have traveled far to be here, and that fills me with pride. As I'm sure you have noticed, standing beside me are your leaders, the very people who have protected this continent and the ones who will protect us in the future."

The cheering of the crowd went to a deafening level, and I had to augment my ears to hear any further, "However, while these are the heroes you see in the light, there are heroes in the shadows who constantly risk their lives to fight for this continent." He looked straight at me and nodded, I'd like you all to help me welcome the Lances of Dicathen!"

Bairon, Varay and Aya stepped forward, heads held high.

The indiscernible cheers of the people had now turned into one of 'Lance-ES'

Virion let them chant for a few moments, before holding his hand sup and silencing them, "We are in a time of War and conflict." His face turned serious and his voice held more authority than before, "I know that half of the Lances are absent, but that is not by mistake. Some of them are in the middle of a mission and weren't able to come."

And one of them is dead.

[He should have just told them that one died, that way they will have an idea of what they are fighting against.]

For once, I found myself agreeing with him.

"The Lances have constantly shed blood, sweat, and tears to keep Dicathen safe, but in these uncertain times we can no longer rely only on the strong. We must fight together in order to keep our homes safe" Virion continued.

"At the inauguration of the Lances almost four years ago, we made a promise that the title of Lance would not be limited by birth or status, but could only be earned through hard work, talent, and strength. Today is the dawning of a new era, and with that new era come new heroes. Two of these heroes have been discovered and one of them is here with us today. Please, welcome with me, our newest Lance: Arthur Leywin!" While he said this, Virion was staring right at me.

'Uncle's a Lance now?'


Arthur stepped into view, muttering something to Virion.

His face basically screamed 'I can't do this.'

Sighing, I focused on him, not the projected one but the actual one.

As my eyes turned red, I could sense the connection being formed.


<What?! Who's there?!>

<Relax, it's me.>


<No, it's your conscience. Of course it's me.>

<How are you->

<I'll explain later, but for now listen to me. These people see you as their savior, a Lance. They expect you to protect them, to fight their battles. But you can't do that, you are only human like the rest of th- the rest of us. These people put their hopes on you. They see you as a pseudo- god. But you can't fight all their battles, they need to know to look out for themselves, for this country. Show them yor resolve, the reason you fight, psych them up. But most importantly, remember I am there for you, our family is there for you. We don't care if you mess up the speech, so relax and say what comes naturally to you.>

Not waiting for an answer I severed the connection, and as he swept his gaze over the millions of people, I raised my arm my fist enclosed in a thumbs up, showing my support for him.

He saw it, judging from how he stared at it for a few seconds, before his eyes moved to a different location. Probably, Ellie and our parents.

His lips twitched up in a smile as he began speaking, "Despite my age, I've read countless books on this continent's history and economy. Yet, none of those books explain what makes a citizen love their country. Some historians have speculated that it's simply because they were born there, that they have a natural inclination toward their homeland. One author by the name of Jespik Lempter argues that there is an intricate trickledown effect that starts with the leaders being able to provide for their people, and continues down to parents being able to feed their children. As long as that flow of security in livelihood is maintained, he states, natural loyalty to the providing country is sustained."

Well, that's the Arthur I know.

"I tell you this because I disagree with both claims. I choose to believe that loyalty isn't a calculated decision by the citizens, nor should it be diminished by the assumption that loyalty is framed purely by the accident of our births. Loyalty to one's country is born of mutual respect between a country's leadership and its people; from the support of friends, neighbors, and strangers; from the promise to protect one another and progress together. Perhaps it is presumptuous to even try defining the term, as we each carry in our heart our own definition, just as we each show loyalty to our country in our own way."

Go Arthur! Channel your inner king!

"But one thing is certain: Loyalty is always easier when times are easy. It's easy to cheer for your king when your children are well-fed and your land is prosperous. It's easy to rally behind an army when you know it's going to win. But it is unlikely that this war will be easy. Your loyalty to this country—to this entire continent—will be tested. There will be times when you'll be faced with a choice between dying with your people or hoping to live with your enemies."

And just like that the atmosphere turned gloomy.

[What would you do if you were caught in such a predicament?]

I… don't know.

Even though I said I did not care about the future of this continent, that wasn't totally true.

I like this place, where I grew up in a rather normal childhood, I will protect it.

But if I had to choose between protecting my loved ones along with the continent, or taking them away to a safer location…

I would pick the latter.

"The fact that I'm up here right now speaks for the choice I'm going to make when that time comes for me—and it isn't because of my title as a Lance. My loyalty wasn't bought, but neither was it freely given. My loyalty to this continent, and to everyone on it, was nurtured during my childhood in the countryside, then as an adventurer, a student, and then a teacher. Now, it'll be proven as a Lance." Arthur continued with no idea of my inner turmoil.

"Sure, Dicathen and its leaders have their flaws, but what no one can say is that they haven't tried. The joining of the three kingdoms to form the Council would've been unheard of only a few generations ago, yet the leaders of the three races put aside their pride and differences to unite, to share their resources with one another, in order to better the lives of all who live here. While discrimination may still exist, this land we live in belongs to all of us."

"Just beyond this city is an army—over a hundred ships approaching our shores. We've been given the option to either give up the lives of all the royal families who have served this continent in exchange for our enemy taking our land without a fight, or to proceed with this war on a greater, much more devastating scale. Commander Virion was ready to give up his own life to protect this continent—to protect you—but I said it wasn't his call. This doesn't only affect his and his family's lives, but the lives of everyone here."

At this he turned back, and beckoned the others to come forward, "I would rather fight and risk dying for the life I've come to love here than betray my brethren in hopes of a promise that our enemies—enemies who have already separated families—may or may not keep. But I dare not speak for everyone on this continent. The only thing I can say with full confidence is that, if given the chance, every one of us up here will fight to our last breath to protect Dicathen from the likes of those who dare invade us."

<Good speech brother,> I sent him mentally.

And a single voice spoke out, "Long live Dicathen!"

And that provoked a chain reaction as the entire crowd of almost a million exploded, "Long live Dicathen! Long live Dicathen! Long live Dicathen!"

Just then, Sylvie who was perched on Arthur's shoulder, jumped down and transformed into her true form, startling the people.

Spreading her wings she covered the whole balcony.

Arthur unsheathed an unfamiliar sword and held it up, as Sylvie faced the sky letting out a terrifying roar that drowned out the crowd, as the very ground trembled from the sound.

Show off.

'Would have been nice if we could do something like that too…'

'Maybe at a later date Zeke.'

And as the cheering of the crowd intensified even further, I turned back walking away, dispersing into a black smoke.