

An old man with specs sitting on his chair having a nice cup of tea is writing a novel. His grand son knocks his room's door and ask him to come and have dinner. The old man is a weired person, he doesn't speak much. His grand son's name is Adair Smith. He is a 14 year old boy. His parents lives in a city and he lives with his grand parents in a village. His school is also in that village only. "Let me finish my first page of my novel son".Just then his grand mother Abuela came and shouts on him " what type of freaking novel you want to write since yesterday but doesn't completed its first page yet".The old man's name is Herman.She open the door and told him to come and have his dinner in an irritating manner. While she leaves his grand son Adair is still standing outside his room with a door wide open. He enters inside the room. He can see his room, too neat and him trying to write, but not able to write anything except the title of the novel. But Adair is not able to see the whole title because his pencil case is covering the title. Though he can see a word of his title that is "PREMISES".His grand father's room is so neat but his desk is opposite of his room. It is unorganized and have many unwanted things over it.

At that moment when Adair get inside his room, he doesn't noticed his presence. But when he tries to remove his pencil case and read the complete title he got scared and by trying to get up from his chair, he fells with it. Adair than got him up saying, "what's the matter" and herman was just saying "oh son! ".Adair asked him by getting him up that

" Is that a some kind of imaginary novel that you are writing ".He replied in a low tone

" no son it's about a real incident, that happened to me when ,I was a kid of your age". When his grand father fell, his table gets shaken a little bit, and he saw the complete title it's "The Barrier At The Premises".

After saying " let's go, and have our dinner then I'll continue writing this" his grand father leaves the room. Adair stays there and when he turned the first page of his novel, he read the starting chapter's name


He thought whether this type of title suits his incident.

The next morning ,it's Sunday so Adair and his grandmother Abuela is getting ready for Adair's uncle and aunt wedding anniversary

" Adair it's late, let us go son " Abuela calls him loudly . His grand father Herman have to complete his novel, so he is not going with them. As they were about to leave Herman felt thirsty. He went to the kitchen, as he drinks his half glass of water, just then, he heard a sound of water falling from their bathroom's tap. As Herman gets there, he tries to close the tap but the tap is broken. He said to himself that " What kind of trouble is this now". At that very moment he fixed it temporarily.

After too much hardwork he fixed the tap and stopped water from flowing like a waste. He is tiered as well as frustrated about that, because he'd told Abuela before that the tap is leaking ,but she ignored it. Herman thought she gets too lazy sometimes. By sitting on the sofa after working hard onto the tap to stop leakage, Herman gets so heated up that he calls Abuela instead of calling a plumber by the telephone kept on the stool near the sofa.

At the other end Abuela and Adair have just arrived at there destination. His uncle and aunt name is Dren and Eliya. They welcomed them. They are rich .Abuela get busy talking with Eliya. Adair is so excited when he met his uncle. He is a wealthy businessman and love children.

Dren asked Adair to play one game of chess with him. "Yes uncle surely I'll play" Adair replied. Just then on 3 o'clock afternoon, ther doorbell rangs, Eliya opened the door. An employee from Dren's office was there. He looks unhappy and said her in a strange voice, without asking for his boss that" I'm Dren's branch manager and I'm here to give him my resignation letter, please give it to him."

At that time Adair and his uncle is playing chess, so concetrated at that game that they didn't heard the door bell. Abuela is standing and watching the conversation between those two, just than the mobile phone of her rings. It's Herman calling, as she picked up the call and said,

"Hello".Herman yelled at her, " You didn't called the plumber to fix the tap leaking from two weaks, today it's get fully broken, I fixed it temporarily. "

and cuts the phone angrily.

After 12mins, there is a knocking on the door. Herman saying "yes, coming", gets to the door and

he is getting negative vibes as he opened that door. A man in blue uniform says, " Good afternoon sir, I'm a plumber". Herman said to himself, "It must be Abuela, who called him. " Herman can't see his face properly because of his hat and also his face is slightly inclined, watching a bit downward. Herman allows him to enter. As he was fixing the tap. Herman gets to his room and continue the novel. He is still getting some horrifying vibes from that person, but he ignored it. As he was writing his novel, he is so tiered, that he tried to take a nap by putting his head down on the desk.

After 25 mins Herman realised that the plumber is working on the tap about half an hour. He got out of his room and saw the man leaving without saying a word to him. "Hey is your company had payed online only ".He just said a word " Yes" and left there house.

At evening Adair and Abuela came back.Abuela started making dinner for them.

When they were having there dinner,

Herman says softly, "Sorry for yelling at you and thanks for calling the plumber".

" It's ok, but I never called any plumber, I had totally forgotted to call the service for it".

As she denied about calling the plumber, his eyes are wide open. And after a few seconds he calms and says while chewing his food, "oh, good, what a joke, ha, ha, ha".

"Are you day dreaming, I never called, and I'm damn serious", when she said that, her looks are not telling him that she was in a mood of joking.

Herman stood up from his chair , " What, this can't be ".

He rans towards the bathroom "hey, Herman where are you running now" Abuela said, as he reached to their bathroom, Herman opens the door with a bang and saw that broken tap.

"This is bad, too bad".

" What happened, come back and sit here quitely, have your food ,afterwards we will talk about your day dream ".

Adair got scared by his reactions. "Grandma what was he talking about?".

"I don't have any idea son".After they had their dinner, Adair goes to his room to sleep. But, Herman is still in the main hall, sitting on the sofa.

He seems to be thinking something deep. Abuela is washing plates and glasses at that time.

Telephone rings, Herman picked the phone.


" Herman, they got me", after these words Herman can hear only holler on the telephone.

The next morning, the birds are chirping, Adair woked up and as he opened the door of his room,he heard footsteps coming from the kitchen, he gradually walks towards the kitchen ,the sound is increasing and when he get there ,in a moment the footsteps stopped. His grandma Abuela is lying down on the floor, he saw the blood all over her body. Her whole body is like someone is tearing it off the whole night.

He got shaken at that time. Adair gets a feeling that someone is hiding below the dining table.

At that terrible moment, he knew that something must had gone wrong yesterday.

Abruptly the blood on that floor were splashed into his eyes, as someone not wanted to get Adair to saw him. There is a window at their kitchen which get cracked, like someone escaped.Adair can only hear the voice of running and cracking of the window.

He got frightened and started running here and there. Crying and terrified.

Without wasting time he ranned outside

and called help from his neighbours.

Everyone gets shocked when they watched the teared body. His Grandpa was found dead on the backyard.

Adair's Uncle and aunt lives near to his house, so the people called the police and them also. It was decided that Adair should be moved to the city with his parents.

When Adair's is about to leave , he remembered the book that his Grandpa was writing. As his last memory he took his novel along with toys.