
Strength of Will (A BNHA x Undertale FanFic)

After Frisk finally managed to bring peace to her universe a certain glitchy skeleton appeared out of nowhere and erased it from existence, but luckily the goddesses Fate and Destiny found her Soul and decided to let her reincarnate, what will Frisk do? And will she be able to stay a pacifist... (I am not a native english speaker, so please forgive me for any spelling mistakes, this is also the first novel I am writing, so don't expect high quality stuff, this is just going to be some half-assed story, that I am writing because of quarantine, and I repeat DON'T EXPECT QUALITY! Btw obvious DISCLAIMIER, I don't own BNHA or Undertale and the cover art was made by Patzzi and reedited by Solunary.)

HopelessHikikomori · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Beach Episode

Izuku was still extremely nervous about the letter Akane wrote for him. He knew that Akane wasn't that kind of girl, but that still wouldn't stop him from getting worked up!

Why did everything she said around him have to sound so suggestive? Well, it was probably because she loved seeing people get worked up by the words she said, but it still made his heartbeat like crazy. Especially because the words came from a girl a beautiful as her.

Well, but now that he calmed down again, thought about the situation and what kind of girl Akane was, he got a shiver down his spine. Well, if his premonition was right, it was probably a good choice to come in a swimsuit.

"Hey, Izuku! I see you've come prepared! Glad that you got my innuendo about getting wet, but just so you know, I have a pair of swimming shorts just in case you didn't get it."

He got red after hearing her say this. Yes, she could have only meant swimming, that was the kind of girl she was.

He sighed and rubbed his head before turning around. No matter how often she would call him that, he won't see himself as an idiot.

But as he turned around, he got surprised.

"What's with that get up you are in?"

Akane stopped for a minute, her previous smile suddenly fading. He had the feeling that he said something wrong, until her smile returned even brighter before on her face.

Izuku was confused how, but Akane managed to completely cross-dress as a male in a male swimsuit.

"Surprised? Don't worry, I didn't cross-dress as a girl the entire time, I am a genuine girl! It's just that I am very skilled in these kinds of get up!"

Suddenly someone slapped her on the back, resulting in her having to cough.

"Yeah, it's just that you are having problems breathing in that get up. Why did you think it was a good idea to bind your chest until it's completely flat! You know doing this is bad for you!"

Izuku was surprised by the blond girl with twin drills appearing behind Akane. Admittedly, she was very beautiful, but he got the feeling of haughty rich girl from her.

"What are you staring at? You might be a friend of Akane, but that doesn't mean that you get my approval of looking at me, mongrel. Now if you'll excuse me, I plan to sunbath today. Butler!"

And with that she just entered the beach without looking back. Izuku was just astounded.

"Don't worry, Majeta is like that. She has problems opening up to strangers, she'll eventually warm up to you, but don't push it."

He just nodded at her answer. Right, Akane had many more friend compared to him.

"Akane! Is that really you? You completely look like a different person! How do you manage to do that? You completely look like a boy!"

Another group of four people approached them. Once again it was rather beautiful or cute looking girls. The nervousness meter of Izuku shot into the sky.

"Glad the QMC could come today. And about this crossdressing, let's just describe it as very much skin colored bandages."

"You really bound your rather voluptuous chest with bandages? Are you getting enough air under there? Are you sure you can still breath?"

"I am all right, KanKan. You don't have to worry too much about this!"

Suddenly Touko just hit Akanes chest area.


Resulting in Akane cowering up and kneeling on the streets. Yes, hitting her very compressed chest really hit the air out of her lungs. Impact danger was high on that area.

"Aki is worried about Aka! Are you really okay with this?"

"Yes, I can endure this. Don't worry, I think I made some mistakes during the calculation. I will fix it later on in the day."

Akane started to blush.

"I just don't want to expose my chest early in the morning."

Akita nodded satisfied with the answer, before turning around to the other girls.

"The last to enter the water gets a punishment!"

With that she immediately bolted towards the water, followed by the rather agitated girls.

"Wow, you invited so many people today. Will anymore people come?"

By this moment Akane already recovered and stood up.

"Welp, another rich girl is probably going to come and my members of the group too. Well one of the two is going to bring her brother along. But this is enough idle chatter."

Akane suddenly walked behind him and hugged him from there. He was surprised by this action, until Akane carried him up.


She walked to the edge of the beach.


He was scared of what would happen next.

"Time to swim!"

And with that she threw him into the ocean. Needless to say, but she threw him rather high up with that throw.


A couple of hours passed, and every guest reached the beach. Izuku was currently forced to swim, while Akane sat on his back.

He visibly struggled keeping his head over water and there was still no sight of salvation in sight. Akane kept him struggling.

"You think your training ended? Just because you have your quirk now doesn't mean anything! As it stands, you would probably still break your bones and then some more if you use One for All, so keep struggling to make this power yours!"

"This wasn't part of the promise?"

"Can you judge me? After all, my birthday is today."

Izuku stopped swimming for a second. Today was Akanes birthday? He didn't know! If he did, he surely would have prepared a present for her!

"It's nice that you want to gift me something today, but aren't you forgetting something really important?"

Indeed, he was forgetting something really important right now. He forgot to move his limb. Upon realization he started to flail around, getting back into motion so he wouldn't drown.

Akane laughed at this goofy action but decided to get down from the boy. He currently had enough trouble as it is.

Back on the beach she started to observe the other about what they were doing.

She saw how the QMC was going around the beach with metal detectors for whatever reason, she saw Kameko and Hoshi are bickering again, like always. And Majeta was sunbathing on a beach chair she brought with her. Surprisingly Masato was the one that tended to her, she already sent her butler back home, so now he acted like her butler.

Akane was a bit concerned on that site, but decided to ignore that, it seems like Majeta decided to use him as a temporary pawn, hopefully Kameko won't get jealous.

And there was the last person she invited. Momo. She looked around, trying to find her sound around her, after a while she heard her. She sat alone on the beach, gazing at the ocean as if she would admire a painting.

It seemed like rather lonely, especially with all the turmoil that was going around at the beach. So Akane decided to keep her some company. She took a can of cold soda and held it on her cheek.

The coldness of the can surprised her, and she jumped up in surprise.

"Akane? Why did you suddenly do that?"

"Well, I 'saw' you sitting on the edge of the beach here, so defenselessly, should I have skipped the opportunity to coax such a cute reaction out of you?"

Momo blushed hearing this, but quickly composed herself. Her gut told her that the girl in front of her liked to sweet talk with people.

"So, why are you suddenly here? Talking with me? I am sure you would rather spend more times with your friends Akane."

"You too are my friend, Momo. Just because we rarely talk face to face doesn't mean that you aren't important to me too."

Momo just started to blush more intensely seeing Akane answer her so genuinely. Why did everything she do had to exude such an aura of cuteness! She wasn't even a 'girl' at the moment!

"Besides, Izuku is currently training, the QMC is trying to find treasure, Masato is playing butler for Majeta and Hoshi and Kameko are bickering once again, the only one that doesn't really partake in an activity here is you, Momo. Can't let you sit here lonely, gazing at the ocean alone, right?"

Akane said all of that with her signature cute smile. Not that she was a narcissist or something, but in her own fair opinion, she as sure that she was fairly beautiful for normal standards. Heck, every girl here on the beach was pretty much a beauty. But that girl in front of her just had to shine like the bright sun!

Her body, her personality, everything about her just screamed perfect. It was fair for her that her heart started to beat faster because of her sight, right?

"Well, do you have anything you want talk about? You seem like as if you had things on your mind."

Well she indeed had something on her mind.

"It's about my hero costume."

"Your hero costume? What should be the problem with it? Aren't they normally designed to amplify the users quirk? What could possibly…

…and I know what you mean."

"You got it?!"

"Well, your quirk is that you can create anything that you want, as long as can replicate it's workings. The sacrifice is that the objects are created through the calories you can consume."

Akane now looked Momo straight in the eyes.

"The objects come out of your body through the skin, that means that you need to reveal a lot of skin, well if you don't want the created objects stuck in your clothes that is."

Momo was dumbfounded. Akane just summarized the problem of hers, without her even explaining it.

"Yes, that is kind of problem and it bothers me."

"What, that you reveal a lot of skin in public? Don't worry, I am sure the male populace will appreciate that 'Fanservice'."


"Sorry, sorry. It's just that I really can't give much advice on that and you probably already tried thinking out some solutions for your costume. It's just, you know. I never was the kind of girl that would reveal a lot of her body."

Momo chuckled. That point doesn't really make much sense now that she was in a swimsuit. A male, nonetheless.

"If you are asking, what you currently see as 'skin' on me are skin-colored bandages. My whole body is covered, almost like always."

Momo was dumbfounded. Now that she is thinking about it, it kind of made sense, especially the chest area that was completely flat now.

"Well, if you want to hear my suggestion on your costume, how about you try zippers? They should be able to cover up the holes in your costume, right?"

Momo thought about it and started to get red. Right, something so simple, why didn't she think about that?


The day passed fast, and everyone had fun at the beach. The sun slowly started to go down, coloring the blue sea into a warm orange. Everyone started to gather at the beach on their blankets.

Even Izuku finally left the water. Akane was a bit impressed to say the least. She never said to the boy that he should swim until evening, yet he went ahead and did it. She was kind of proud seeing the progress of the boy.

Well, now was the time for the finale of the day and she put on her bikini. She hoped that nobody here would be too horrified with the sight of her body. It was scar riddled after all.

Everyone was at the blanket circle, cheerfully spending their time in idle chatter, until Akane entered the scene in her white bikini.

It covered every important part of her body and then some more. The upper part was a front piece that was connected to a collar that she wore on her neck. The lower part was additionally covered with a skirt piece.

She just entered the place and silently sat down, waiting for everyone to notice that she changed outfits.

After a moment the chatter died out. There was an uncomfortable silence now between all of them.

Until Majeta started to cough to relief the atmosphere a bit.

"Cough, cough. How should I put it? Well, I am going to be direct. I was very excited to see you in a bikini today, Akane. But the number of scars on your body is abhorrent, I mean I knew that you went through some shit, but I didn't expect that there would be THIS many on your body! I don't even know what to say! Should I console you? Talk with you about it? Ignore it? Every option just seems kind of wrong! I can't be the only jackass thinking that, right?"

Everyone started to nod.

"Not too sound condescending or anything, but as you all can see..."

"My brother doesn't even have close to such a riddled body like yours, Akane! I mean holy shit! What the hell did you do with yourself!"

Akane decided to stay silent for another moment. She knows that she shouldn't behave like that, but she wanted to see how her friends reacted to her body, she wanted to know how confident and comfortable they could act with this kind of sight.

Akane didn't really expect that, but the situation surprisingly just escalated. Opinions were voiced, opinions about how it was insensitive it would be to directly mention her scars, opinions about how it would be insensitive to ignore it when she trusted all of them, by exposing her body to all of them etc., etc.

Akane didn't know what to think about this situation. She wondered how gruesome scars really looked if people thought this was an uncomfortable to approach topic. She made an internal note to herself to look at herself in a mirror. Nude.

Do scars really look so bad?

"Guys. How about we stop the discussion about my scars. Based on the reaction I guess it's something uncomfortable to look at, right?"

Everyone looked at each other embarrassed. Right, blindness. It was difficult to put Akanes sight and their sight into perspective. For Akane, scars probably would just look like normal skin.

"Well, that's good to know. I guess I should check myself in the mirror for once."

Everyone stared at her after she said that sentence. She could see? But before anyone could ask more questions, she just pulled out her violine.

(Samba de Island ~ SUMMER BATTLE 1, Fate Grand/Order 5th Anniversary special Orchestra medley, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbdgWV0VQUo (from 2:34 to 3:10))

She just silently played her instrument and hummed the melody of the piece. Once again, everyone was distracted by the sheer beauty she and her music displayed on a sunset on the beach.


Earlier, Yesterday:

The former day, right after she visited Izuku for a second and gave him that letter.

She still had something important to do. She straight up broke into a recording studio, (owned by the Königskrone company), and started to record an announcement live.

"Surprise! This should be broadcasted live on the big screen, right? Hehe, I'll probably get in trouble for doing this, but I am pretty sure future me know how to deal with this."

Akane 'hijacked' the station, so everyone was extremely surprised that that famous idol suddenly was making an announcement. Of course, she didn't literally hijack the studio, she first asked Majeta for permission. (and of course, she didn't wait for the confirmation of her request)

"Anyways, I have an important announcement to make! I'll retire from the idol scene!"

Silence in the city square. She was going to retire?

"Now before you all fall into panic. You all should know that I am not even a real high schooler yet. I want to take a break and just enjoy my youth, it's as simple as that..."

That sounded reasonable for most of them, indeed she was a young girl. Quirkless as well, she deserved to have fun with her youth.

"...I'll enroll into UA, so the next time you see me, I'll be a hero. Bye."

Silence again, then loud exclamations of surprise followed.

Hehehe, a beach episode. Did this maybe surprise you?

To be honest, I found it rather sad that the cleaned beach was never mentioned again in the manga. I mean, hello?

Some fucking random people cleaned up the trashed beach and nobody even gives a shit about it?

That was definetely a missed beach episode opportunity!

Hehe, skin colored bandages go crossdressing.

HopelessHikikomoricreators' thoughts