

Its 21st of June and the year is 2003. Everybody's happy celebrating. Well they should be because the son of a well known family of the town was born,Zain. Yeah thats me. From the day I was born,it was decided for me to become a doctor without even asking me,started school at the age of 4. Well it was fun but I was a slow learner my teacher called me "Mr Ulta". Its a pashto word that means Mr Upsidedown because whatever I wrote it was somewhat upside down.Yeah I know thats funny but I tried.Well most of the times. Changed my school after spending 2 years in that place. So after two years started school at PMS. The place was like a hell on earth. They didn't let you keep long hair. Tailored paints were not allowed. In short you can't look good. So I was in grade 1 when I came to know that I had a beautiful voice,I started singing,my family was impressed by that that by the way. After sometime there was a singing competition at our school which I won fortunately. That made me the coolest kid in class. I was a child and I didn't know much but I had a taste of fame and it felt incredible. So Zain from Peshawar,Pakistan started to study,but still I was weak until I got 3rd position in grade 3. From that day I started taking good grades but to be honest it didn't feel as good as being famous so I decided to start singing again. I made friends,but most of them left after a month or two except one. His name is Hammad and still my best friend to this day. We were enemies till grade 5 and in grade 6 he became my bff. Tbh life was boring in childhood the real fun begins when you are young,but young age isn't peaceful and there's no such peace on earth as childhood. Life of temporary people start at the age of 15