

Human greed for power and the hunger for knowledge leads to a path of destruction.

universalstar · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"we're moving"

"what?" I looked over at my mum shocked.

"Were? Why?" My sister asked, spiting out her drink. she looked over at my mum questionably.


I internally swore, my mind racing.

"I'm not moving" My sister and I said after each other. I stood up from my seat at the dining table.

"I am half way finish with university" I shook my head at her.

"mum I about to finish high school, you can't do this" Kris chipped in. Wiping the tears from her previous violent coughing .

"Don't worry you'll get to finish your education there" Mum said as she moved herself to sit on the couch.

Is the woman kidding? Belgium has like 3 official languages not one being English. Like there's no way I am to learn Duch, French and flemish.

"What? No I spend so much money on this uni" I spat out.

"You only want to go there because of dad" I said. Glaring at her.

Her face went red. I could practically see the steam run out of her ears.

"We're going there for a better life. Now go and pack your shit up. I done with this!" She screamed.

currently this argument has been going on for 10 minutes.

"No! Your so fucking selfish" kris yelled. Her face red as she glared at my mother, eyes glistening with unshead tears. Getting up from her seat, her hand banged on the wooden table. "I hate you".