
Stranger things(Upside Down)

This is an pure Fanfic on Stranger things I dont owe any character except MC it's my first novel I hope you guys will support it... .

Hectar7901_legion · TV
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13 Chs

chapter 11

William spend the rest of his day in the basement checking the company's affairs and collecting information about superpowers, yes here except him and other Nos. there are many superpowers and he already found Ten of them he took this kid and named a project extremist, in this World he wants to create a organization like Vault which is going to be his trump card but he is not going to took those people of age more than 15 because children mind is like water we can shape it however we like so he started to find children of age less than 5.

Next day at morning a convoy is moving towards a deserted place, a man with black hair driving looked at a woman with short hair sitting next to him.

"Erica do you know why boss sent us here this time.?"

"Its about something recieving a sealed sample from Russians boss said that these samples are very delicated so we have to be careful this time...whatever inside its non of our business Ron."

The man was about to ask something again but he swallowed his words after seeing Erica's deathly eyes.Erica is an S class mercenary while the others in the car are A or B class they were trained as well as absolute loyal to Vector Enterprise. Before joining the mercenary they were just bunch of rookies who is used to pic pockets or do some small robberies but they were grateful for William because he gave them a home, a family.

They will do anything in their power to repay this favour. The convoy reached the designated area without any problem, they saw some man in black suit and sunglasses waiting for them with a huge truck and some SUVs behind them.

Erica was the first to walk out of car behind her rest of the members also walked out they are twenty of them with fully armed with high tech weapons as well sensors and cameras.

Erica saw the middle Russian man walking towards her with a suitcase she also singled a man behind her to bring a bag between the Russian man and her their is a table on which both of them exchanged their things.

The russian man opened the bag and saw full of dollars his eyes shined before taking a revolver out of his back and aiming on Erica head.

But he was shocked to see there are multiple guns aimed at them as well as a those guns looks very fierce not like the one he had ever seen.He pulled his gun back and walked towards his man, Erica saw this but she remained vigilant before she saw their convoy leave.

She signaled others to get into the car before they leave the place but something happened they saw an helicopter following them the most difficult problem is that this helicopter is not a normal one but a combat one.

Erica saw this but instead of panicking she contacted William.

William POV

William saw the will and his gang is hanging around the school it seems Venna has something in his mind so he is delaying his plans, his watch vibrate suddenly he walked out of the class behind him max saw him leaving in hurry she got worried she also followed him.

William got inside a bathroom before taking his phone.

"What happened Erica,why did you call me in this hour.?"

"Sir there are some problems here we recieved the package but behind us is an military helicopter following us, what is your order Sir.???"

Erica's voice came through from the phone though it is not clear like 20th century phones but it is far exceeds this era.William heard this he is got little worried but after some seconds he is calm again.

"Dont worry about it just dont stop moving forward. I will arrange everything."

William hung up the call before dialing an number.

[Sir what can I help you with]

"Arrange Two missiles and destroy the helicopter that is following the convoy dont leave a trace of it, clean it properly. "

[Yes sir it will be Done.]

William hung up and move out of the bathroom but he saw Max is standing right next to the door, she looked worried.