
I Don't Wanna Work (`Д´)

Rachel walked along the river with a dull expression on her face.

Today had been greeeaaat. Frickin wonderful.

Let's skip to the beginning of her great day, shall we?


Rachel awoke at 3AM. She closed her eyes again and tried to fall back asleep, but her body said "Nah. We're not gonna do that today. Instead, let's stay awake for three more hours!"

Her braincells were having a party. They haven't been able to do a morning party in a while. Since Rachel started her job, she hasn't been staying up as much as she would've liked.

"Wooooooooooooooo, remember that time when we threw a snowball at some girls face?" A cell yelled out with Gatorade in its hand.

"Ya, I remember that! It happened... Four years ago?" Recalled another cell.

Cell #124 got on the table and started singing songs from Rachel's childhood.

"We used to sing that all the time!" her cells exclaimed and started singing along.

All the while this was happening, Rachel was awake. She tightened her muscles and released them to force herself to sleep. She looked at the time once more, it was now 4AM.

Her cells continued to remember things that she did years ago as if to punish her for trying to sleep.

"Why am I remember all these things! Stop remembering them!" She yelled into her pillow.

"What's that sound!?" A cell exclaimed.

The singing and storytelling stopped.

"The owner of our body is officially insane. She's yelling into her pillow! Is there a tumor?"

"We have to stop the tumor without going broke in a hospital!"

"Going broke in a hospital? Who cares about that! It might be too late to save ourselves!"

Her cells were in panic, running around like tiny mosquitos.

"Wait, look at what time it is!"

The cells immediately stopped and whipped their heads to the vision screen. They immediately started laughing, realizing their mistake.

"It's 4:05... No wonder she got insane. We should go to sleep, right guys?" A new cell asked.

The others shook their heads.

"We have only two more hours til our alarm goes up? Why not just stay awake? Two hours isn't gonna help us with this right now." said the old cells. They were experienced in this field as they helped Rachel stay awake for hours at night, especially school nights.

There were murmurs of agreement, with many saying "We've done it before, why not now?"

The young cells sighed and looked down. They possibly couldn't get Rachel to sleep! Besides, they were tired as well!

"Bunch of oldies, they're insane and got old so quickly because they stayed up for so long!" they said to one another.

The youngins huddle up in different circles and came up with plans to dominate the brain.

"Let's run to the different parts of the body and have Rachel sleep!"

"No! Let's have a revolution and take over the human body-"

"We can't do that! Rachel will have an IQ of 10 if we get rid of the oldies. We should probably stay up. Rachel used to do it countless times, she can do it again once more."

"Yeah, I guess... Time to watch Netflix!"

Rachel sighed and looked at the clock once more. It was now 4:30. She picked up her phone and got onto Netflix and started watching baking shows.

"aaaaaaggghhh, I wish I could cook." she mumbled as she kept watching.

She blinked, but next thing she knew it was already 6:30 and time to get up. She got dressed and walked to her kitchen and made some scrambled eggs, then brushed her teeth. Hopped onto the train to work and played games on her phone til she got to work.

She got off the train and walked inside her building.

"Hey, Rachel." greeted the receptionist with a dead-inside voice. Her face was straight as usual, looking very unimpressed with Rachel. As always.

"Oh hey... Maria." Rachel responded with an awkward smile, trying to get rid of the atmosphere.

She got onto the elevator and went up to her level. Walking to her cubicle, she looked around to see if her friends were there or not.

'They're late again!' she thought and sat down at her desk.


Don't leave me alone here so early!

She turned on her computer and wrote down some stuff she needed to get done.

The alarm on her phone rang, signifying a meeting starting in 10 minutes. She got up and sprinted to the meeting room.

Outside of the door, she made sure that her hair wasn't frizzy, and that she didn't have anything weird on her face.

She took a deep breath and walked in. She sat next to her friend, Jordan. The room was dead quiet except for the stuttering breaths.

A ding sounded from Rachel's phone. Everyone immediately looked at her. Her face went red with embarrassment. With shaky hands, she took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the notification that read

"Meeting Cancelled."

( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧

She took a breath of relief and showed the screen to her colleagues.

She felt the room become lighter and happier. Jordan looked at her and mouthed "kid sick again?". Rachel nodded.

"Third day in a row." she said with a sigh.

"His kid can't be sick again! Does he even have a kid? He doesn't wear a ring so he must be single, and most dads show off their kids in the office." Jordan stated with an eye roll.

"I know right, why doesn't he show off his kids? I have the pleasure of having two great children with good grades and-" started a father before everyone looked at him.

"Um... Here's a picture?"

The father opened his wallet and all of his pictures fell out of his kids. Mainly his son. The person in his pictures most was a woman, presumably his wife.

"Stop flexing on us single men!" others exclaimed with displeasure. They all glared at him.

"Heh, after years of trying to ask people out, they failed in getting anyone." Jordan mumbled.

"I don't blame anyone for rejecting them." Rachel responded with a slight smirk.

She and Jordan looked at each other and tried not to laugh, but it was so hard not to for them.

Rachel laughed the most, even after Jordan stopped laughing.

"Why are you still laughing?"

"I need sleep, okay."


Rachel looked at her phone once more and saw the rest of the email. Her eyes widened and she started gasping to get her colleagues attention.

"Why are you gasping so much? We don't have a meeting, therefore we can go home!" exclaimed a colleague. Must have been John.

"He gave us a list of what to do... He sent an email to everyone... We still have work!" Rachel exclaimed back.


Screw you boss!

Everyone groaned and sighed, taking out their phones and going through their email.

'Great. Just great.' she thought as she walked out of the room.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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