
Return To School.

(Fixed the last chapter a little. He ain't a Softmore, he is in 8th Grade. High School will be saved for UA.)

Ivan did not get much sleep that night as he did not need much to function. He was fine on just 3 hours of sleep which he used to his advantage. Over the next 2 hours, he continued to work on the schematics of his future power armor. 

He was starting to think that just being a Vigilante and Hero would not cut it. He needed more so he would have to think up a third identity to play as when he went all Villain mode. 

And he thought he had a perfect identity to take, Perturabo himself. He smiled as he lay down in his bed as if he was going to take this world for everything it had to offer. He closed his eyes and forced himself asleep. 


Exactly 2 hours later, Yoshimura opened his beddroom door at 8 AM. Ivan as usual was shirtless and only in a pair of shorts breathing quietly.

"Young Master, it's time to wake up." 

Ivan opened his eyes as he sat up like a Vapire rising from his grave. He brought his fingers to his mouth and whistled loudly. He did not have to wait long and from the open window, Typhon flew in and landed on his shoulder. 

"I assume it's 8 AM?" 

Yoshimura nodded. 

"I'd have a change of clothes for you, but you only wear clothes you make." 

He nodded as he placed a hand on his chest. From his hand, his school uniform formed around him. As usual, it was made of a unique material that was both light and stronger than Kevlar. He did not need it as his body was armor enough, but it was good to be safe. 

He moved his head from side to side as he cracked his neck before quickly shifting his form from Toji to Megumi. Of course, he was careful and made his face more youthful than his Toji form as he looked like an adult as Toji. 

This way, he truly looked like a teenager and at a place in a High School. The only thing was he was in 8th Grade, not High School. He planned to take several skip years until his 15th Birthday when he could enter UA.

Meaning he only had a few months before he left School.

Seeing that made Yoshimura curious. 

"Another form?" 

He nodded as his usual defining features, black sclera, golden-slitted iris, and black extendable nails remained. In School, he kept to himself for the most part as he had no friends. He was famous as Momo for a few reasons. 

His ability to seemingly change his features on a whim, Typhon, and his size. But those were explained with one simple thing. Quirks. If it could not be explained by logic, blame it on a quirk. 

 There were tons of children who grew huge or looked nonhuman. He who was just taller at a young age wasn't anything of much attention. However, being able to shapeshift like this would be a little more attention-drawing, but not much.

"Yes. I have a reason for this, but on another note call me Megumi."

Yoshimura nodded. 

"Got it. I assume you choose this form for a reason?"

"Yes. I will explain as we walk." 

She nodded as she followed him out of his room towards the garage. 

"Ok. As you know, I was born as Momo Yaoyorozu, but that identity is essentially dead now. I won't be returning too often to it any longer. Instead, these two shall be the forms I shall take from here on." 

Yoshimura nodded. 

"I understand."

"When I am in this form refer to me as Megumi, and obviously when I am in my other form call me Ivan. I need more than one identity." 

Yoshimura was now really curious about it. 

"What will you do?" 

"I will use this one for Hero work. As for my Toji form, well I will use it for Vigilante work. I also will make a third one for let's say less than ethical work." 

She did not stop walking as they exited the mansion. 

"What kind of work?" 

"Not heroic." 

"Will you be hurting innocent people?" 

"Not if I can avoid it." 

"As long as you don't become a mass murder, I shall accept." 

Now he was confused. 

"Ok, what's the deal? Were you indoctrinated to accept anything your Master says? And how did you get assigned to be my maid and guard." 

Yoshimura pulled out a remote and pushed it to open the garage. 

"What you say is true?" 

Ivan got in the passenger seat of a sports car as Yoshimura got in the driver's seat. 

"I never did tell you why I work as a maid for your family did I?"

He shook his head. 


"Before I met your Mother Miku, I was an orphan living at an Orphanage paid for by your Maternal grandmother. Your grandfather Yasuo would pick out children from that orphanage with strong quirks and train them into loyal bodyguards. 

I was brought into Miku's home and raised to guard her personally. However, when you were born, she asked me to be there for you and protect you. That is why I will do anything you say." 

He hummed as she turned the Sports Car on and drove off. 

"I see. Well then, you aren't a slave are you?" 

"No. I have my free will, but my training did make me more accepting of what my Master says. Why do you think I could refuse you asking me to join you in the shower?" 

She said the last bit with some venom as she was still annoyed about that. 

"What? Don't tell me you are mad about that. I would have made it worth your while." 

"No matter how mature you make yourself look with shapeshifting you're still 8. I am not going to be a predator." 

"Why would you be the predator when you're meek like a rabbit? Just watch out as the big bad wolf might lose his patience." 

"And you are then wolf Ivan?"

"Of course." 

She rolled her eyes as she quickly made it to Ivan's school. It was an expensive Private School that had both boys and girls, unlike other schools. Once he arrived, Ivan sighed and got out of the sports car. 

He looked back at Yoshimura. 

"See you later. Take care." 

She smiled. 

"Of course. Good luck with your classmates." 

"Thanks. By the way, see if you can't have this identity be Momo's twin brother in a way. Say she got transferred to America." 

She nodded. 

"I will get on that. Good luck Megumi." 

With that, he closed the door and watched as she drove away. As she left, he was already getting some looks. Megumi was a handsome guy after all and no one recognized him. However, Typhon was another story as that is his most defining feature. 

He did not delay and began to walk inside passing by some of the other students. No one approached him for a while before a girl walked up to him. 

"Excuse me? Where is Momo? That is her dragon, isn't it? Are you her brother?"

Ivan recognized her as it was a girl named Reiko Goda. She was one of the few people that regularly talked to him as she talked to everyone. 

"Yes, I am. The name is Megumi." 

"Ah, then why isn't she with you? I wanted to ask how her Christmas went." 

"She was transferred to America with some extended family, but if you want to know, we visited our grandparents." 

Reiko seemed a little down hearing that. 

"Then why didn't she take Typhon? She always spoke about how much she loved him. And why were you transferred here now?"

"Because Typhon belonged to me the whole time. She was just borrowing him for his convenient quirk. As for why I was not here to begin with, I was in American before this. We switched schools essentially." 

"Ok. Then, can you tell her I hope to see her again?" 

He nodded. 


With that, she went off to join her friends who were already talking about him. When he came back he would tell his parents to pay for a new identity as Momo's brother. It would fix so many issues as he no longer had to explain to anyone why he was now a man again. 

With that out of the way, he entered his first-period class which happened to be Japanese History. When he walked in the teacher, Mr Sadao Haga instantly noticed Typhon. 

Before he could ask Ivan answered him. 

"Sensei, I wish to introduce myself. I am Megumi Yaoyorozu, Momo's twin brother. She will no longer be attending this school any longer." 

Sadao nodded. 

"A shame. She was a good student, but I must say you two share the same features." 

"We are twins after all Sensei. Sadly, I had to keep Typhon with me as he is mine." 

They still kept the story that Typhon had the quirk that allowed him to open portals to a storage realm. As for Ivan, his designated quirk was Imagination Creation which was used to explain his other abilities. 

"Alright then. You can sit in her seat then."

He nodded as he sat in his old seat which was in the front row. Once he was seated, Typhon opened a portal and out dropped a fancy pen which he caught. Along with it, was a state-of-the-art laptop which he made himself as well.

That was all he needed as his grades were the best in the whole school. Now to deal with this borring place.


Yoshimura worked quite fast as by the end of the School Day, she had his new identity in the system. Megumi Yoyorozu was now a legal identity he would use for School. When the school bell rang, Ivan collected his computer and tossed it into one of Typhon's portals. 

He did not stop to talk to anyone and simply made his way outside where Yoshimura was waiting in the sports car. He walked toward the car and got into it. 

"How did your day go?" 

"Good. I kept getting eyed by girls. Momo's twin is a looker after all."

"I got to agree, you can make some handsome male forms." 

As she drove away he shifted back to looking like Toji which made her think about it. 

"Now that I think about it, these two forms look kinda similar." 

He chuckled. 

"Don't they? I wonder why."

He reclined in his seat as Yoshimura drove him home. As she did that, Typhon spat out his journal that contained the schematics of his Power Armor. He caught it and flipped the page to the parts of it. 

Helmet, Arms, chest, legs, weapons, lots and lots of weapons. He could write quite fast and the way his brain worked he could make split-second decisions in seconds. 

"I think this will work for a Mark I. I will begin working on it now." 

"I wish you the best with that. I can see this is important to you." 

"It is." 

For the rest of the drive, he kept sketching, but when they arrived Typhon stored his journal away. Yoshimura parked the car back in the garage as he entered the house. When he entered he saw his Father sitting in the main living room in front of the TV. 

He was watching a movie with a glass of fancy whiskey. When he saw his son and Yoshimura he called out to them. 

"Son. Welcome home." 

"Glad to see you Dad. How did your day go?" 

"Good. I came home early to see your Mother, she has been down recently. And I also wanted to ask about your twin?" 

He nodded. 

"I made a new form which I call Megumi. Rather than say, "I am Momo, I shapeshifted now." I just said I am her twin and she got sent to America." 

Asashi nodded. 

"I see. I can understand the logic. It keeps your privacy. Carry on then." 

He nodded as he went upstairs to his room. Yoshimura did not join him this time as she went to go check up on Miku. However, when he got in his room he saw Gustave sleeping on his bed. 

He had his giant pool, but he was spoiled and liked to sleep indoors. 

"So much for nature's killing machines." 

Disregarding his pet, he sat down at his desk as he was going to be making the Mark I of his armor. Even if it failed, he would fix the issues and try again in the Mark II. And once his Logos Terminator Armor was complete he could start working on War Robots. 

Next chapter