
Strange Life of Cats

Zheng Tan returned to 2003 in the form of a black cat. He was found by the Jiao family and named 'Charcoal'. The mind of a twenty-years-old man trapped in the body of the cat, challenges and adventures were just getting started.

Lazy Cliché · Urban
Not enough ratings
190 Chs

I was Waiting for You


Mama Jiao's mood was in downturn for the past few days. It was the children who worried her. They would attend school Monday to Friday and rest at home on the weekends. At most Jiao Yuan would sometimes be naughty, but even this was better. Her cat was the reason for her wrecked nerves.


She couldn't even lock him in!


Every night, Mama Jiao had her nerves in knots. She was scared that her cat would become the target of life threatening wounds. She couldn't even concentrate on watching tv in the evenings anymore. The moment it hit 9, she would check back at the living room clock every few minutes till Zheng Tan was finally back home.


After what had happened to the two cats from the two quarters, everyone had a close eye on their cats. Some teachers even recommended to the security to clean up some of the strays on campus. Once Guo founds out, he had "Green Wing" send out staff to bring back the strays to the help center. With the string of events, it was concluded that everything was normal on campus. There weren't any irregularities.


Staff from the organization set up some traps to capture the strays. But apart from the odd few harmless cats that students abandoned, the others were all taken in by people who lived in the area. After all, cats that had tags were still a minority in this area.


There were also a number of people who thought the situation wasn't that big of a deal. At the end of the day, it was just cats. There was no reason to create so much fuss over something like this. It was an absolute waste of resources. As long as people were watchful over their own cats, everything would be fine.


As predicted, before Monday hit, everything quelled on campus.


Sheriff was taken home after two days of rest at the pet center. Yesterday, Zheng Tan had seen him lying on the balcony when turning the corner by his building. He had an Elizabethan collar[1] on his neck. It wasn't given to him because he was neutered, it was probably used to prevent him from licking the medication covered wounds. Thankfully Sheriff couldn't understand the confusing language of human speech, else he'd end up in a slump. When the neighbors saw his, they would all exclaim to his owner: "Oh, finally, this cat finally got it done?!"


Sheriff's owner only let out a slight chuckle.


In the end, the news of Sheriff being neutered spread like wildfire thanks to the quarter's gossiping aunties.


But Sheriff looked terrific. He was now able to run and jump around. His recovery speed was unparalleled. He could probably take off the cone after another week. Recently, because of his discomfort with the cone, Sheriff was being "rebellious". His owner was also helpless in this situation.


Tiger was locked in and even Fatty was under tight surveillance by the elderly granny. The only one who was still out in the quarters was of course Zheng Tan.


Zheng Tan wasn't outside running blindly about. Since the cat wasn't able to teach him a lesson, it hadn't achieved its goal. It was going to be back for blood. Still, nothing had happened. He'd been out strutting his stuff both day and night. Perhaps, too many people had their eyes on cats in the past few days. Anyways, those cats that fought with Sheriff and the others were probably wounded and were using this time to recuperate.


A Wu's cats didn't make an appearance on campus during this time. But brother Walnut did make an appearance once. He'd been hooked in by a call from Er Mao. Visiting Er Mao was definitely a first. It was actually because of Er Mao's story of the two wounded cats that had aroused his suspicions.


That day, Zheng Tan lazed around Er Mao's places and overheard brother Walnut talk about other information related to the case. A newly obtained photo was of the yellow coloured cat. The same one that Zheng Tan had saw by the photoshoot area.


However, there were so many cats in Chu Hua. The cats with that colouring were beyond counting, not to mention there were a couple of those cats on Chu Hua University's campus. How could anyone even start a search like this? Even till now, they had still failed to obtain an photos that proved that there was anything out of place. The cat trainer probably was tightening all the loose ends. So, after receiving the call from Er Mao, Walnut had decided to make an personal visit.


Zheng Tan crouched on the side and listened to their conversation about the case. From what brother Walnut learned from A Wu, if a cat trainer really had their eye on a certain prize, additional to normal training sessions, they would also require nearby command.


Specifically how this type of close quarter command would occur was completely beyond Zheng Tan, but his guess was that stealing wallets was simply a training exercise. That's why the trainer wasn't nearby when they were stealing wallets. But the trainer must have been observing in the shadows in the encounter with Sheriff and the cat from the western quarters. There was no way they'd be standing in the middle of a cat fight when these fight often spanned across large areas. So the trainer must have been within at least 100 meters of the fight.


If he gets to meet this cat trainer, Zheng Tan was determined to "nicely" pay his respects.


Today, Zheng Tan was blatantly out wandering about in the school plaza. There were numerous students there partaking in activities in the day time. There was a cultural gallery at the edge of the plaza. Students and other people who came out for strolls loved to take breaks and read a book in that area. But what stopped Zheng Tan in his tracks was a long haired cat.


This cat was slightly bigger than the average house cat. It looked like it had some forest cat ancestry. This wasn't considered a rare breed though. Guo had a similar brown tabby Norwegian forest cat at the center. Upon closer examination, it was similar in size with that cat.


Currently, the cat was still in the cultural gallery. Most students were kind to the cats on campus. A student broke off a piece of bread to feed it. However, the cat would wait till the student put down the bread in front of it then pierced it with its claws. Bending its arm, it brought the bread up and started to casually nibble at it.


It was very neutral to the people around it. Not scared nor intimate. Perhaps the students could detect it, so they stayed by the cat and continued to feed it all types of food. They had no idea that the cat didn't even hold their nice actions in regard. If it was in a good mood, it would eat the food. If its mood turned sour, it'd just leave the food there.


Zheng Tan had never seen this cat on campus. It was obvious that it was already an adult. Most students who raised cats would start from kittens. So this cat was likely an outsider.


Perhaps it noticed Zheng Tan's eyes on it. The cat looked in Zheng Tan's direction midway through biting the bread. It stared with a cold look for a few seconds before returning to eating the bread within its claws. But ZHeng tan knew, this cat was on guard towards his direction.


Zheng Tan could tell that the look the cat just gave wasn't that of the friendly sort. If he wasn't shot that look, Zheng Tan would only walk away with suspicion, but now, he was 100% certain that this cat would be trouble. This kind of looks didn't come from pets. But at the same time, it didn't look like a wild or stray cat. Zheng Tan only received the look for a few seconds but he immediately knew, this was the look an hunter would give to their prey.


But, just who was the prey? This couldn't be confirmed just yet.


Zheng Tan observed a little more before moving off in another direction. Just as he was turning the corner, Zheng Tan whipped his head back and caught the cat staring directly at him. The look of indifference over its face was more intense than a few moments ago.It was completely different from the cat in Guo's pet center.


Zheng Tan looked over with provocation. He lifted his chin up in the air, hooked his tail a few times, before puffing out his chest with pride and strutted away.


Once Zheng Tan left, that cat shook off the sausage that it originally pierced in its claws.Completely ignoring these "excessively attentive" students, it turned around and left. A male student tried to put his hand in front of it to prevent it from leaving. He ended up being scratched. A long line of blood appeared on his hand and immediately started to drip. Without waiting for the angry student to violently act out, the cat ran off, completely disappearing from the student's line of sight.


During dinner time at the Jiao family, Mama Jiao found Zheng Tan eating a lot more. Did this cat stay out for too long and use up all its energy?


Although Mama Jiao consistently complained to others that her cat was too spoiled, when it came down to it, she would scoop out some more rice and give him an extra two servings of meat for the soup bowl when they were alone.


"Better to eat more. He can be full and sleep at home. The he'd grow some meat. It's better than running around all day. "


Mama Jiao had the correct thoughts, but that couldn't stop Zheng Tan from escaping the house while she was occupied with the television in the evening. She was so enraged that she almost threw the remote in frustration.


Coming out from the building, Zheng Tan placed what he had around his neck on Fatty's balcony, making sure he found a good hiding place for it.


Fatty laid in the doorway to the balcony. Seeing Zheng Tan, he raised his head and gave a slight twitch of his ears, but showed no intention of getting up. Once Zheng Tan left, he placed his head upon his paws and closed his eyes to continue his nap. His ears slightly moved, paying attention to the environment around him.


Zheng Tan had only ate so much in the preparation for the battle tonight. He just had this feeling that the cat he'd seen at the plaza was bound to look for him. He wasn't sure of what would happen, so storing some extra energy a good plan of action.


Zheng Tan traversed down the path that Sheriff and the other cats often played about. The lights in this area were sparse. Occasionally, light from the stars shone from between the branches.


Moonlight was covered by the clouds and the evening winds carried with it something unnatural. It gave Zheng Tan the shivers.


These two years of experience gave Zheng Tan acute senses, though he didn't actually sniff anything out, he still felt as if he was being watched. Looking around, the average human would only be able to detect the trees, bushes, the narrow road behind him and the fact that they were utterly alone.


The music from the plaza only made this place seem all the more quiet.


Zheng Tan's footsteps suddenly slowed and he raised his ears to scan the surroundings. Immediately, he detected a soft sound that came from the grass right in from, then followed the sound of a bird and its wings. It felt like something straight out of the scene with the cat nappers cages.


Flicking the tip of his tail, Zheng Tan changed from simply observing to walking over. There was a trap there, but, if he didn't go over, he couldn't get the other cat to show up.


By the seconds, the sound of the wings increased. Once Zheng Tan reached an vicinity of 10 meters, he stopped in his tracks. The thumping sounds came from the beyond the bushes by the edge of the path. Zheng Tan ignored the other sounds around him and scrutinized the movements in his surroundings. However, other than the thumping of the wings, the forest was quiet. If anyone was moving around in the forest, they would definitely produce sound in the densely packed rye grass.


Only the sound of leaves rang through the vicinity. But Zheng Tan felt the intensity of the stares even more, now laced with danger.


The moment he heard the sound come from above, Zheng Tan turned and ran.


This guy was in the trees!


Normally, when a cat leapt down from a tall tree, it looked as if they were shrinking. This was completely different from the sturdy look they had when scaling trees. So Zheng Tan dismissed any likelihood of a cat staying on top a tree. But the this one came out of the trees with intense speed in the blink of an eye.


Though he didn't get a good look at the cat that pounced from the tree, he knew it must be the one in the plaza from earlier today.


Often, when Guo was shooting his advertisements, he constantly praised the Norwegian forest cats in the store. He often talked about how they were the only cats who could leap from such heights without a ounce of fear. Unfortunately, the breed they had at the store had been raised as a pet from birth. Zheng Tan had never seen that cat lash out with aggression. But now, he would completely understand the oppressing force behind this kind of behaviour.


Regardless of what other cats were like, the one Zheng Tan was facing now was quite ferocious.


Even if the other party was just a normal cat, and not anything special like nobility, Zheng Tan wasn't going to under-estimate it. With Zheng Tan's fast running, he escaped getting pounced on by the cat. The reason for his running was in order to find a place to get some peace of mind. Who knew if there were more traps in this forest. Zheng Tan wasn't going to rush inside like an idiot. He knew better rather than to let himself suffer blindly.


A distance away from here, there was another forest that Zheng tan was familiar enough with. He passed it by on his way back home for dinner. At that time, he didn't feel any danger. Thinking back, no one would put any traps there. It was the best to resolve this issue on home base. As long as it was safer than here. There is a always a right time and place, "topological advantages" should never be ignored.


That cat ran quickly, perhaps even faster than Zheng Tan.


After running into the familiar forest, Zheng Tan climbed up a tree and started to maneuver through the branches. This particular skill, he was confident far surpassed the cat behind him. But, this was only a single cat. Where were the others?


Perhaps that cat got tired in its chase, and being unable to deal with Zheng Tan any further it stopped to let out angry howls. The howls of this type of cat were often different to that of a regular cat. Guo said it sounded as if they were singing. Zheng Tan didn't see the song like sound then, and even less so now.


It was calling for its commerades right? Perfect, he could get rid of them all in one go. Just then, he had detected something else in the surroundings. The cat trainers had yet to appear.


But, the moment the cat stopped its howling, another cat started howling in the distance. The cat who was preparing to scale the tree paused for a moment.


Zheng Tan looked at this cat that suddenly tensed up, raising its guard. Thinking back, that howl did sound oddly familiar. He just couldn't put his finger on it, and this wasn't the time to determine which family's cat it was.


At this time.


Western quarters. Building B. Level 1. Fatty's home.


The elderly granny had on her spectacles on and was reading a book about Kun Qu [2] within her hands. Suddenly remember something, she shouted: "Fatty ah, bring in the slippers from the balcony."


The weather was warming up. The winter slippers hadn't being used for a while. The elderly granny had washed up her woolen slippers and had laid them out on the balcony to dry. She forgot to bring them in earlier. Normally, the elderly granny would get Fatty to bring in items from the balcony. Fatty was able to understand the frequently used words.


After not hearing any movement, the elderly granny raised her head and looked towards the balcony, "Fatty?"


Seeing that something was off, the elderly granny put down the book in her hands and moved to the balcony to take a look. Where did Fatty vanish to?!