
Strange Life of Cats

Zheng Tan returned to 2003 in the form of a black cat. He was found by the Jiao family and named 'Charcoal'. The mind of a twenty-years-old man trapped in the body of the cat, challenges and adventures were just getting started.

Lazy Cliché · Urban
Not enough ratings
190 Chs



Truthfully, Zheng Tan heard Mama Jiao yelling for him. But this wasn't going to stop him. After all this effort, he was finally going to corner the cat trainer. He wasn't going to let this go.


Even though the cat trainer seemed a little flustered and caught off guard due to Zheng Tan's sudden chase. From his escape path, Zheng Tan guessed that this guy had prepared beforehand in case something like this happened. He seemed a little too familiar with the layout of this area. He wasn't running in a confused state as expected..


This guy ran pretty fast. He didn't look all that active, so Zheng Tan was surprised with the speed the guy currently produced. Not only this, his reaction speed was equally as fast. It seemed like the moment he saw Zheng Tan bounding over, he turned and started his escape. Jumping over gates and other things that were in the way were done without breaking a sweat.


Zheng Tan continued his chase from behind, but he wasn't going to give up. This guy didn't use the main roads on campus. The places he traveled through were all without security cameras installed. No wonder campus security couldn't produce any footage evidence.


After flipping over the fence, the cat trainer took a look behind him. With the help of the street lights, he was able to identify the shadow that chased after him. He swore in his head. Although he didn't get caught, this cat was on his tail. After all these years as a cat trainer, he'd never seen a cat with such strong determination and persistence. All the f**ing b***ards! Thank god, he made preparations.


The cat trainer looked at the forest in front of him and started to produce a strange sound. It sounded like a insect call.


Zheng Tan was able to clearly hear this sound. He had heard this sound in the forest previously too. This sound had been mixed in with all the yowling from the cats so that he didn't pay special attention to it.


Sou sou sou sou!


Four more figures rushed out from the forest.


They were the cat trainer's back up. As a precaution, he didn't just bring over the cats that were currently fighting in the forest, he had another two healthy ones and two cats with light injuries to set an ambush. They were now going to assist him in his escape.


Zheng Tan had no fear of "boss" in pristine condition. Then these new ones that appeared meant even less to him. Zheng Tan's only target was the cat trainer, he wasn't going to heed any attention to the new crew of cats.


When the four shapes rushed in from the front, Zheng Tan leapt over the closest cat, pushed the second that cat that was blocking his path out of the way. The other two were already left in the dust by Zheng Tan.


Just when the cat trainer took a quick glance to see how the cats were hindering his pursuer, he caught sight of the Zheng Tan forcefully pushing his cat out of the way. He almost coughed up blood. The hell, was this a cat or a war dog? What cat in this situation would use such a ballistic strategy?!


Originally, the cat trainer only wanted his cats to slow down Zheng Tan for a bit, so that he could make his escape. He didn't expect it to completely serve ineffective. Just thinking about this fierce cat caused the cat trainer to keep up his painstaking run.


However, this cat trainer wasn't too familiar with his surroundings, and lacked the night vision of a cat. When he decided to cross through the grass, he tripped over a raised area. He didn't twist his ankle, but it slowed him down. When he was once again ready to speed up, a sudden force attacked him from behind and he face-planted into the ground. His chin hit the ground first. Even though it was grass, the impact was still painful. He was starting to feel dizzy.


The cat trainer shook his head, and got back up. He fished out the taser he had attached to his waistband. Then the attack from behind hit him again and he fell forwards. Since he was searching for the target when he stood up, he had changed direction, and this time he happen to hit his head on the stone park decoration.


Hitting one's head on a rock was just as bad as the grass. What was worse was the fact that he plummeted towards the rock face first. That originally dizziness was all the more disorienting now. Blood poured down from his face and nostrils. The taser had also dropped on the ground. Even though he was disoriented, his thought process was still clear. And playing to his strengths as a cat trainer, he produced rapid whistling sounds, calling forth his cats to his side.


Zheng Tank chucked the taser into the nearby man-made pond. Going up to the cat trainer, he attacked and and left a trail of claw marks down the cat trainer's face.


Being wounded by a pair of claws, the cat trainer howled in pain. Still disoriented, he staggered upright and tried to run away, but he wasn't able to do so as easily as before. He couldn't even process the reason why he had been shoved to the ground. It was clearly just a cat that was after him. Could it have this type of strength? Only when he was reoriented, could he then even starting thinking of these questions.


Zheng Tan watched as he stood, but just as quickly he sent another kick at the cat trainer and once again, the cat trainer was sprawled on the ground.


This person wasn't getting up again probably due to the tiredness and the accompanied dizziness. He grasped at his hood and pulled it over his head. Face still against the ground, he curled up to prevent Zheng Tan from getting another chance at his face.


Zheng Tan looked at the bastard who had settled in a turtle position. He didn't immediately rush up. Seeing the taser, Zheng Tan expected there to be more tricks up this person's sleeve. For his own safety, Zheng Tan wasn't keen in engaging in anymore close contact battles. If this cat trainer thought he was safe since cats could only battle in close contact, then he was well in over his head.


Zheng Tan took in his surroundings. Previously, different grassy areas had paving bricks installed into them. The "path" that the students had created was now replaced with square shaped lawn bricks. And next to the nearby bushes there were some broken lawn bricks that hadn't been cleaned up. Zheng Tan walked over, picked up a piece and threw it at the pretend turtle.


There was no one nearby, nor were there any cameras. No one would see this in the middle of the night. Zheng Tan stood upright on his two hind legs and carried the brick in his two front paws and smashed it at the cat trainer. A cat did arrive, but it was immediately beaten to the ground by Zheng Tan. And so Zheng Tan continued to attack with his brick.


In the beginning, the person still yelped in pain, but afterwards he stopped. Probably having enough he flipped and stood up. He brandished a thin whip in his hands and brought it down in a full arc. This was probably his whip for training cats.


He put good force behind his whip, and these were seasoned motions. However, Zheng Tan was outside the range of the whip.


Zheng Tan rejoiced in his foresight to not opt for close up attacks, else he would've been caught in the attack range.


After hurtling his whip in his surroundings, he realized he hadn't landed a blow on his target. He still wasn't standing steadily yet, so he decided to make his way to a tree to lean on. Suddenly feeling pain against his face, his sudden clarity descended back into confusion.


Finishing up with the bricks, Zheng Tan watched as the person crashed into the ground again. He wondered if he should make his way over and deliver a few more attacks to avenge Sheriff. Perhaps a few more kicks and scratches would suffice. But before he could, he heard the sound of someone running over.


It was Er Mao.


There wasn't too many street lights in this area. Er Mao could only make out a blurry image. He pulled out his flashlight and directed it into that area. He saw a figure on the ground that beaten half dead. And that black cat that Mama Jiao had gone in a frenzy to search for was perfectly sound and seated on top of a stone structure, completely calm.


"Charcoal, go back now. Your owner is worried sick looking for you. Let me handle this." Er Mao called out to Zheng Tan.


Seeing Er Mao, Zheng Tan wasn't going to continue to occupy himself with this cat trainer. On his way out, he purposely stepped over the cat trainer.


Finally seeing her house cat, Mama Jiao was able to relax. But after letting the worry pass, all that was left was intense anger.


Mama Jiao was furious. The repercussions were terrible. She demanded for Zheng Tan to hand over the house keys. Zheng Tan played dumb. He had them hid in a good location anyways. As long as Fatty didn't betray him, Mama Jiao would never find it.


The noisy eastern quarters finally quieted down with the arrival of the police.


Zheng Tan didn't know what happened to A Wu and his three cats, however, the day after, he heard everything from Er Mao's place. Zheng Tan found out that brother Walnut had come personally to take away that cat trainer along with some cats. This included the "boss" who's bone Zheng Tan had broken. A Wu took away his own cats.


Brother Walnut and Er Mao weren't ready to publicize the event involving the cat trainer. Else, not only would the cats on school campus, but all the cats around Chu Hua city, would suffer the people's hostility. Especially by those who's wallets had been stolen. Regardless of whether a cat had stolen anything, the anger and frustration would be transferred to the cats. And people who already weren't fond of cats would bad-mouth the cats even more actively.


Brother Walnut and Er Mao didn't enjoy the idea of people immediately linking cats to thieves. Especially with the cat lovers event that was just hosted, this type of news getting out to the public would be a huge slap to the face. It was better to keep it on the down low for a bit. They've even come to an agreement with school board. Unanimously, they agreed to not publicize it, they would only release a statement about arresting a thief. This was technically the truth, it didn't fully count as lying. It wasn't going to weigh on anyone's heart.


Zheng Tan stayed indoors. He didn't head out today, nor would he in the next few days. At most, he'd be wandering within the building, at least for the time being. Having not handed over the key, he lurked in the house, and consciously pondered about his misdeed. Till the day that Mama Jiao settled her anger, Zheng Tan wouldn't be wandering out any time soon.


On the balcony basking in the sun, Zheng Tan noticed a very familiar car parked in the courtyard. That was Fatty's cat dad's. Looks like Fatty was probably at home sitting on packed noodles again. The old granny probably didn't have the heart to hand down the punishment and had the cat dad come over to urge her.


Zheng Tan thought this over. If Papa Jiao was at home, how would the outcome change? In the end, he couldn't think up a likely scenario. Papa Jiao was unpredictable, his actions couldn't be predicted by normal person.


But what angered Zheng Tan the most was the fact that You Zi didn't let him sleep in her bed. He had to sleep on the cat tree for the past two days.


THe more he thought about it, the more aggravated he became. He removed a small pawful of dirt from the flower pot in the corner and flung it towards the fourth floor. It hit the metal netting. The listless General who hung his head and was lost in his own thoughts heard the sound and instantly started to run about and flap his wings. Searching left and right.


Zheng Tan wasn't in the mood to bother with that bird. After aimlessly doing a few somersaults on the balcony, he decided to head back inside to look through the latest gossip. This time, Zheng Tan didn't go on the pet thread, instead he clicked into the thread about Chu Hua University. The most popular threads were all about the recent situation.


Cats were gone and the cat trainer was also gone. But the gossiping wasn't going to stop here. It took a nasty turn into strange waters.


The aunties in the western quarters had fueled a fire with the rumors they spread. Saying that the cats and dogs in the quarters had helped to capture the thief. With the experience they gained in dealing with the past few situations, it was as if they were imbued with godly powers this time round. Most of the people on the outside laughed at this as a joke and didn't at all take it seriously. In comparison, the discussion amongst students was an extremely hot topic.


That night, the fight amongst the cats had spread out a little too much. They had neared a certain student dormitory and the few students who were still up heard the terrible cries from the cats, and the duration of these cries were longer than normal. Just by listening to these cries, the felt the chill as if all of a sudden it dropped by a few degrees. The second day, hearing that a thief had been caught on campus, numerous discussions started to pop up.


Zheng Tan kept reading and couldn't stop himself from complaining. They even managed to tie in demons into their theories.


A few students suspected that the school used the situation with the thief as a way to cover the truth, but they also theorized how cats could see spirits and could reincarnate. There must be some dirt here.After all, too many things had occurred at these residential dormitories. The students even dug out things of the past. Putting together all the theories of the students, would bring shivers down any reader's back. Then there were the ones who talked about caring for cats and how that linked to exorcism. This specific event eventually was named one of the top 10 strange occurrences at Chu Hua University.