
Trip Back Home

Everything happens for a reason.  Lena kept reminding herself over and over again. The divorce was painful, as it always is to those who fall hard in this thing called love. She fell in love with a knight in shining armor, or so she thought. Her mom noticed it the first time she set eyes on him, and she told Lena about it. He proposed six months later, and Lena said yes happily, discarding any doubts that her mother instilled in her mind. But, Mommy was right, as always. All her friends saw how her husband "flirted" around. Lena tried ignoring these rumors, until one night, at a party, and all their friends were there.  Matt was so drunk he started flirting with, and eventually kissing, the most eligible bachelor in her office, Lance. My husband was kissing a man! Everyone was dumbfounded, shocked. And so was Matt, who instantly turned sober. He looked at Lena seemingly pleading for forgiveness, and support. But she just stood there, frozen... red, not of anger, but of shame and disgust. She had wished for the floor to open up and swallow her that very moment. Nightmare was the right term, and she had wished she was having one!

She feels happier now. Forgetting was hard, but she's trying. She opens the book that she had been reading, again. No matter how many times she was told not to read while in transit, as it is not good for the eyes, she can never resist a good book while on a long trip. It's peaceful, unless you are seated next to a parent with children... as she does now. She loves children. She told Matt she wanted four, but Matt always changed the topic when she talked about having kids of their own. It was one of the danger signs among the many, but she chose to ignore and went on with the relationship. How will you forget, Lena? Stop thinking about him, please, and forget!

She had been opening and closing her book for an hour now. The mother of the two children gave her an apologetic look as she noticed the book in her hands.

"I'm not comfortable leaving my kids at home. It's hard tagging them along, but I am happy. And I know they are, too!" The mother said while handing a bottled water to her older child. The younger child on the mother's lap looked up and smiled at Lena. 

"I can see that." Lena answered smiling. She closed her book finally and put it inside her bag. This is a long trip, but hopefully won't be a boring one, she thought, as she smiled back at the little boy on the mother's lap.

"I'm Patty, and these are my kids, Chloe and Archie." The mother said beaming as she introduced her children. Chloe, the older of the two, looks exactly like Patty, her younger version in fact. Archie, on the other hand, has only her lips.

"Archie here has his father's features, if you are wondering." Patty laughed, and Lena did too.

"I'm Lena. And I'm very happy to meet you!" Lena said still laughing. I think I have found a friend for life! Lena thought happily.

The five-hour trip is never enough for a getting-to-know-you talk, especially when you feel you have found a friend in that person. Patty, Lena discovered, is also twenty eight years old, just seven months older than her.  She used to work as a Showbiz Reporter in one of the prestigious tv networks in the country, where she met (and fell in love with!) Rick, who is now her husband and the father of her two adorable children. As a Stunt Director, Rick's salary alone is more, much more, than enough to support a family. So, after Chloe's birth, they both decided that Patty should stop working. One might think it's unfair that the woman should let go of her career just so she can attend to the family's needs. But Patty never thought of that, at all. She feels very shappy and complete to be always around her children, and her husband, every single moment of her life. And Lena couldn't help but admire this woman, this newfound friend, seated next to her. Someday, I will find my happiness, too. She thought hopefully.

It turned out that Patty and her children are going to Lena's hometown for a short vacation. A friend invited Rick and Patty to this friend's newly acquired beach resort.

Unfortunately, Rick has yet to finish a movie shoot but will definitely follow in a day or two.

"Oh, in that case, I will be very happy if you can visit me at my parents' home in the duration of your stay!" Lena said excitedly. "I can be your Tour Guide, if you like."

"Well, that would be great, Lena! I can also leave the kids with Rick so we can go shopping! It's been awhile since I went shopping with a girl friend, hahahaha! And I am getting excited!" Patty said in a high-school-girl-pitch voice. They both laughed like they were high school girls once more.

At the train station, they exchanged numbers, said goodbyes, and continued on their separate ways. Lena felt happy to have met Patty. Her life seemed to be moving in a happier direction now. She felt excited that from there on, she will be waking up again with purpose. She smiled.

She didn't notice that a pair of deep-set, smiling eyes, hidden behind a dark sunglasses, had been watching her from across the street. The owner of those eyes, who was comfortably sitting on a parked Harley, smiled. He had been observing Lena, and he liked the smile especially. He had never seen such a contagious smile as this woman has, even from actresses in the showbiz world. She is not as gorgeous as those celebrities, but she is very lovely... classy, and elegant, a little boyish, but very womanly. And that smile.. from those lips... God, I must meet her! Patrick thought eagerly. His heart pounding, he started to get off his bike when his phone rang!

"Yes, Rick... I'm at the station now... Of course!.... No problem.... Okay, then... See you! Bye!" Darn! She's gone! Where did she go! I must meet her! I must! I must!!

But the woman that was making his heart pound wildly, just moments ago, was nowhere in sight. And Patrick's life will never be the same again.

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