
The immortal

Once there was a man named John who, through some strange twist of fate, had become immortal. He had been alive for centuries, watching civilizations rise and fall and experiencing more than most people could ever dream of. Despite his endless lifetime, John remained relatively unchanged physically, appearing to be a man in his late thirties.

John had always been fascinated by the concept of mortality and the fleeting nature of life. He had seen countless people come and go, and he often found himself wondering what the point of it all was. He had long ago stopped trying to find a purpose or meaning in his own existence and had instead devoted himself to experiencing all that life had to offer.

As the years went by, John traveled the world, taking in all the sights and sounds of different cultures and times. He learned new languages, tried every type of food, and explored every corner of the earth. He even ventured into space, marveling at the vastness of the universe.

Despite all his experiences, however, John couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something. He had seen and done it all, but he still didn't feel fulfilled. It wasn't until he met a young woman named Sarah that everything changed.

Sarah was a bright and vibrant young woman, full of life and energy. She was everything that John wasn't, and he was immediately drawn to her. They fell in love, and for the first time in his long life, John felt truly happy.

Unfortunately, Sarah was mortal, and John knew that one day she would leave him. He tried to push the thought out of his mind, but it always lingered in the back of his mind. Eventually, Sarah grew old and passed away, leaving John alone once again.

In the end, John realized that it was the people he had loved and lost that had given his life meaning. Without them, he was just an immortal wanderer, searching for something that he would never find.

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