
Chapter #1 Past

A clean room,with a calm air.Everything seems peaceful. No noise, just a sound of slow breathing.There is fire in chimney,a small flame only for some heat.An old man is sitting on a chair.His face is not shown.There is darkness in room.His lips seems moving as he says"All thing we talk about is life and only life"as he opens a book in his hand.He continues"All people in world tell their story of life.Many have a splendid one and many have a sad story but they tell people about it how they spent it whereas that's different for me because for me it is not about life..... I have a story of DEATH!"

As he says that, everything moves back into the past in a low darkness and memories reach a place where the story begins.

And with the light brightness a kingdom can be seen,kind of ancient times.From far,looks like a peaceful one but the reality is opposite as there is no thing we can call peace in this state.There are always two fears ,also corresponding to each other.

First one for the people of the government. The lives of people in the kingdom had been ruined because of new king.The corruption is nothing a case for sub ministers and they are the only landlords of the kingdom and poor people suffering from calamities.The tax increases every month and no one can raise voice for justice as there is no justice.All they can do is just to bear the pain of life.Less facilities,less schools,less hospitals and treatments.

In this dark period,a small light appeared and became a big one with time passage. It is the second fear which is for government .

In morning,two shops owners are talking.

"Hey!Do you hear about yesterday incident?""Yes,I heard about it.I saw many soldiers standing there too.Murder just like before." and they are talking when two more people joined them."What are you talking about? "The murder of sub minister Hanzo Arima last night!"One shop owner replied to the newcomer.

"Yes!I heard too.Killed very badly!" "Well,he deserved it.Increasing tax without any need and just making money for himself are really damn things.With this,half of the sub ministers are killed now!" The shop owner said with smile."Good for them.Finally God listened to us!He is really very powerful.No one can even touch him." and so on the talk goes about the murder of sub minister last night.

This is the second fear that horrified the government to the spine.The person who is the only justice these days and hero of poor nation.No one knows his identity nor his face as he covers it with a mask looks like a death reaper.Black coat around his body that makes its appearance more horrible.Conveying justice on landlords and rotten people of government with his death reaper scythe just like his name too as he call himself 'Death'.

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