

"5th May 2017,

Guess what? my family has decided to move to Chennai....so much for my fantisicing my crush and me getting married....

whatever , currently they are picking schools for me and once they realise that I'm sad not because I love Nellore (the place I reside in currently) to move to Chennai, which I do not for that matter but because I have a crush in here, there're gonna kill me cause apparently, having a crush is forbidden in our religion...

it's not not like that, I know it's not because I searched it up on the net and Islam has no rule forbidding crushes....it's just that we're not supposed to do *anything* if you know what I mean until we're married.....

I guess I'm drifting away from the topic which is...The fantasy world I built around me and my crush....all shattered to a hundred pieces like my heart.....ooohhh the agony of it....."

This is a part from my secret diary which I wrote in grade seven and which I've managed to keep a secret till now , (which is a big accomplishment, owing to the fact that my family is a bit too poky)....

Looking back I just realised, how naive I was, how trusting....but all that changed once I moved to Chennai..

On 5th of June, the same year , after a whole night of driving , we finally moved into our very first house in Chennai, we rented it and I hated it , we absolutely had to move in that smelly , stinky house since we had no other option....

school was supposed to start on the same day but we got an SMS (yep it's still a thing in India )

that the reopening was postponed to 7th , that is two days later , so yeah we heaved a sigh of relief....since we could sit back and relax for two whole days after toiling soo hard for over a week , or so I thought , because no sooner had we received the SMS, mom told us to unpack.....


it's gonna be a long two days...

This is a recollection of my past which I'm sure young teens would love to read about since it's a lot drama based , has a lot of crushes and romance fic....Ready for it?

Almas_Evans_Pottercreators' thoughts