
Story of a Rose

What happens when your past comes back to you with its secret? What happens when you encounter people whom you left behind? What happens when you come back to the city where your heart lies? The answer is chaos or calm? Will it break you or make you? Join Rose on her journey and discover yourself along with her. Rose is the CEO of Maple Corporation. She is not your typical emotionless businesswoman. She is strong and opiniated but too emotional. What will happen when her past meets her present self.

anjiworldian · Urban
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8 Chs


Seeing Matthew's reaction, everyone could guess something was wrong. But before anyone could react, the woman calmly removed Matthew's hand from her wrist.

" I am sorry but you have mistaken my identity. Neither I am Joy nor do I know any Joy.Please give a way."

Matthew just stood there for a minute and watched as she went ahead.

He hesitated before calling once again,


Rose stiffened for a moment before continuing moving forward so that nobody could noticed her abnormality for a moment.

She said without looking back,

" I don't want to repeat Mr. Matthew I am not any Joy. You are mistaken.

For your knowledge let me tell you I am Rose.

And please stop staring at me. It is impolite and it is rather rude of you to create a scene in others' places."

Actually at that time Rose wanted to scream she was not his sister but years had taught her many lessons over these years and one of that was to never lose her control in front of others and another reason was she could not bear to say so.

At this moment, Matthew had calmed down and he was instantly regretting his actions from earlier. After calming down, he could analyse that it had been ten years, there was no way she would come back now if she didn't for all these years.

But Rose looked too similar to Joy, the only difference was there temperament.

Then, he took a look at Rose, she was wearing a knee length white dress, her hair was quite long, about the level of her waist but her hazel eyes looked so similar to her that he was mistaken. He thought again may be even Joy would not look like her teenage self after ten years. Yup, it had been ten years, ten long years since she left.

Matthew then went on to apologize to everyone there because it was his fault at that moment for being impulsive.

After sometime when the matter completely cooled down everyone started chatting.

Matthew could see that Rose was also someone close to all three people there.But he just sat a corner a little away from them because of the previous fiasco.

While everyone were talking merrily Aaron tugged at Rose's dress.

"Hey, why aren't you talking to me?"

Rose turned her head sideways answering, " Who are you? Do we know each other?"

" Hey guys, you are playing foul now, didn't you all say that she was not angry then what was that."

Rose laughed in anger before replying," See who is talking here. The person at fault finding other's faults. Funny, very funny.

Some people don't even know how to apologise."

" Ooo, bestie, do we even need those formalities between us. Aren't we super close ."

" No, we aren't. We are super distant."

" Ha ha ha.That was a funny joke."

"It was not a joke."

" Rose, do you need me apologising? Aren't you the super cute most gentle woman in the world. Why would you hold grudges, now?"

" No, someone said once that I am the most petty woman in the world. So, I would hold grudges."

" Ha ha ha". From the sides Liam and Georgia burst out laughing. Matthew also smiled a little seeing their funny banter.

After a while, Rose stood up and said,

" Ok guys, I have to go home early. Bye, enjoy your party, I am sorry for leaving early."

Georgia held Rose's hand and said reluctantly, " It has been such a long time since we all gathered and now you want to leave early. Are you even my best friend?"

" I also want to stay but you know someone is waiting at home for me."

Georgia also knew that so she let Rose go. Rose bid her farewell to Aaron and Liam also before going out.

After a while, Matthew also bid his farewell to them as he was not that close to Liam and he was also embarrassed about the situation before.

After that the party continued and everyone was busy with oneself and the party.

Only Aaron stared at Matthew's receding back thoughtfully. It did not escape his eyes the commotion that was quite strange. He also bickered with Rose purposely to divert her attention as he had noticed how she had stiffened. Others might not notice but he had been knowing Rose for the longest time, he could read her emotions without her telling. He noticed her fluctuating emotions and he also knew that she purposely went home early because of Matthew. Although she looked fine, she wasn't. But as a friend what he could do was limited, he only hoped that she would stay strong and happy no matter what happens in future. But he had an inkling or say intuition that the matter had not ended yet. There were going to revelations that may shock all of them. What future holds for you, nobody knows.

Ok guys, did you expect this coming?

Yup, Matthew is not the male lead of the novel.

Okay, the last two chapters went too long. I am tired now.

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