452 Mori Aikko’s Tears (2) – Part 1

When Gun-Ho woke up at the condo in Daikanyama, Shibuya, Mori Aikko was not there. She probably left for the airport already.

"I wanted to give her some money to spend, but she is already gone."

Gun-Ho's returning flight ticket to Korea was scheduled the next day, and since Mori Aikko was not there with Gun-Ho, he thought of changing the ticket to leave for Korea early. And then, he thought maybe he could use the day to see people he knew in Japan like Mr. Sakata Ikuzo, who was the world-renowned Japanese engineer and used to work with Gun-Ho in Dyeon Korea, and the Korean restaurant owner—Ms. Ji-Yeon Choi.

"I will have lunch with Mr. Sakata Ikuzo, and then I can swing by Ms. Ji-Yeon Choi's restaurant and have a bowl of oxtail soup for dinner."

Gun-Ho looked at his watch.

"It's already ten o'clock."

Gun-Ho cleaned the room where he spent the night with Mori Aikko, and he also emptied the trash can for her. After arranging the bed, he walked out of the condo.


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