

In a small bedroom, pink wall paper on the walls, a few colouring books on a side cabinet next to the bed, a wardrobe blocking the door and in the middle, James, lay unconscious, over time his body started releasing black gue and blood, over a few days he was incased in a cocoon, black and red in colour half attached to the bed pulsating like a heart.

"Ba-bump, ba-bump..."

Time went by, a day, a week, even a month, but the cocoon just grews by a foot every week and beats consistently, until 3 months and a half later when a hand pierces through the outer layer of the cocoon.

'Where am I' is the only thing going through his mind as he claws his way out of the cocoon, one limb at his time, he finally makes his way out.

He looks around the room, unaffected by the fact from where he just came from, try a to gather his memories, but nothing, the first thing he could remember was the inside of the cocoon.

'Don't worry my child, I have been looking for you and your brothers.' a voice of an angel states.

"Who's there" He asks, as he looks around the room to find the origin of the voice.

'What is wrong, my son, It is your mother, queen of our people, I speak to you through the virus, your body is in the midst of destroying it so we don't have much time, it has been to long since our race was brought to near extinction, it is time to rise again.'

"I, I"

'Your memories, it couldn't have, my son, do you remember anything, of our great empire, the rebirth plan'

"No, I don't remember"

'A error, one that we did not foresee, you are my fourth son, prince Damien, your DNA was compatible with your host, among a few others, your DNA, being the strongest, took claim of the host'

"How much princes our there"

'You have 7 brothers, only you and another 2 have awakened, your 3rd and 6th brothers, your 7th brother has also found his match, and in a cocoon like the one you were in, a large portion of our people have also found them selfs suitable hosts, those outside our drones, used to spread the DNA and find compatible primitives to awaken our people, if you meet a yellow eyed person, they will most likely be a member of our people, as for you and your brothers, share the white eyes of you father, I cannot speak for any longer, beware the primitives, as they will..' her voice stopped before she could continue.

The End