
Chapter 1. 1

[Shiro's point of view]

I nodded,"I will make a pact with you." He smirked,"That's good, my lovely Pactmaker."

He let me go and I fell deep down into the darkness. I wished I could enjoy the fall but I couldn't. My throat was too sore to scream. I shut my eyes tightly. 

I felt a thud. My eyes were open in less than second. I realized I fell on ground from my bed. Instinctively I rubbed my head as I got up from the floor and I walked to the kitchen. I turned on the coffee machine and prepared some coffee for myself. With still sleepy expression I took a small sip. 

It was a school day. I hated school days.

"Won't you make some coffee for me too?",I heard from behind of me. I stopped in middle of my movement.  It was the voice of the man from my dream. I turned around and stared at him with big, surprised eyes. "W-Why-.. H-How-.. W-Who are you even?", I stuttered, trying to get one straight sentence out of me. 

I thought he was just imagination from my dreams. True seemed to lie somewhere else. He introduced himself,"I am Raymond Morgan, my lovely Pactmaker. To answer your how and why questions, I was summoned by your dream we closed a pact in, young lady." He spoke with soft honey-like coated voice. It was indeed calming yet I found it scary. 

Raymond's hair was raven black and messy but  it was somehow obvious he messed it up on purpose. There were enough buttons of his black shirt undone to show his collarbone. He wore white jeans and on his feet he had black leader shoes on.

I took a big sip from my mug to absorb this information and I spoke with half awake voice,"I'm Sado Shiroko*. You can call me Shiro." He said my name was exotic. I shook my head and I disagreed with him. My name was pretty basic. 

I wanted to go back to sleep but then, I made a pact with a stranger in my dream last night. How could I do something like that? I sighed. I was tired so I finished the cup. Raymond was looking at me the whole time. I found it incredibly creepy. 

I filled the empty coffee mug with water and put it in the sink so it will be easier to wash it later. Raymond kept staring. He sat now on the counter,"What a little place you have. Don't you wish for bigger home?" "Not even once", I said and went back to my bedroom and changed from my sleeping t-shirt to my school uniform. 

My school uniform was made from a white shirt, blue blazer with the school logo, black skirt and black shoes. We could wear socks of our choice. Today I decided for purple ones.

Raymond waited at the door of my small flat. I took my bag and hung it over my shoulder. "You should eat", he said as I passed by him but he ended up being ignored. 

"Close the door please", I told him. He stared at me, I could feel it. "As you say, my lovely Pactmaker", he said with his casual, sweet tone that was stretching words like honey. 

As I usually do, I ran down stairs and straight outside on the still sleepy looking streets. They were empty as usually around this time. It was too early to be up and all the shops were still closed.

"Where are you going, Shiro?",Raymond spoke as he unnoticed by me followed the whole time. "The hell but we call it school", I said as I continued to walk slowly towards my school. It was a bad habit of mine to get up around 5 am and walk to the school for more than 2 hours. I loved to walk through the city as it woke up from its short sleep. 

He chuckled. I thought it sounded better, way more relaxed than his voice when he said,"I saw hell, I'm sure school it isn't that bad."

So he WAS a demon after all. I knew it! 

I looked up at Raymond, his eyes were shining blue. I immediately forgot was I was going to ask. I was so caught up into his blue eyes. They reminded me of the color of the sea. 

From my trance-like state I was hurled out by his question,"What are you staring at?" Nothing but stutter came out of my mouth,"I-I.. uh.. I-I was..uhmm..I-I-I.." I felt my blood rushing into my cheeks. He caught me off guard. I felt so embarrassed I looked down on the sidewalk and I kept walking little faster.  

How could I be so careless?

How could I let my guard so easily down?

Was there something special about his sea colored eyes?

*please note Japanese write their last name before their given name.Japanese version of the name:サド 白子

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