
Chapter 623: Regardless of the Circumstances

Deep within Duke's heart, he felt that perhaps such an outcome was the most natural.

Their lips met.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly demure Jandice took the initiative, her tongue moving like a wily serpent, dominating Duke's mouth.

"Mmm... Ah..."

After a moment, they parted.

To Duke's surprise, just as he thought everything was set in place and prepared to take the lead, Jandice suddenly broke free.

She seemed eager to proudly showcase her elegant figure but ended up bashfully adjusting her attire. Looking at the stunned Duke, Jandice leaned in and gently pecked his forehead.

"I'm sorry. Although I long to give myself to you tonight, this is the Alliance's day of victory, a day of triumph for my hero, Duke Marcus. Today, everything about you should be perfect. I know Lady Alleria, she's proud, but she would set aside her pride for her love for you. Lady Vereesa too; she might be heartbroken that you destroyed a tree, but she will surely come. It wouldn't be right for me, a mere admirer, to interrupt such a sacred day."

Duke felt a warmth deep within. He understood what Jandice was thinking. This once noble lady, now in a diminished state within her family, had completely seen herself in the role of a lover.

Perhaps it was guilt.

Or maybe she felt she wasn't worthy of him.

Duke wondered if his parents had put unnecessary pressure on her, but he could clearly sense that this tender and sensitive woman was just a young lady longing for love and familial affection.

Rubbing his head, Duke stood and reached out to her.

Jandice, as if frightened, stepped back, whispering, "Not today."

Undeterred, Duke reached out again, and Jandice retreated once more.

This time, Duke used a teleportation spell, grabbing Jandice from behind.

"Duke... I..."

"Foolish girl, did you really think that you could leave unnoticed? Maybe this is a beautiful mistake, but I think we need to talk, don't we? Alleria? Vereesa?"

Playing undercover love games under the watchful eyes of two ranger heroes known for their tracking skills is asking for trouble.

Truthfully, Duke was unsure how to face Jandice, who had suddenly entered his emotional world. Although he dreamt of having a grand harem, he wasn't sure how to handle such situations.

In battles, he was a champion.

In relationships, he was all talk.

Yes, he often fantasized about ruling over all the beauties of the world, becoming the only male lead in a romantic epic. Deep down, however, he was just an inexperienced engineering student when it came to love.

He knew the Windrunner sisters must be nearby and would have overheard. Ironically, after confidently calling his lovers over and seeing their painstakingly made-up faces showing a hint of bitterness, Duke became flustered.

"I... well... actually..." Duke started, stuttering at first. When he felt the trembling of Jandice in his arms and realized she intended to apologize to the Windrunner sisters to make it easier for him, he tightened his embrace.

"This Jandice is too pitiable. Whether it's making you all sad or making Jandice sad, I'm the jerk! So, I declare, I'll establish a harem and include her too! How about that?" Duke said with finality.


Absolute silence.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze.

Jandice couldn't believe her ears. She had thought of numerous possibilities, like becoming Duke's secret lover or being firmly rejected.

She never imagined Duke would confront Alleria directly.

Her mouth agape, a major faux pas in ladylike decorum, she couldn't control herself. Tears flowed: "It's not necessary. Thank you, Lord Marcus. I really don't want to ruin the relationship between you and the Windrunner ladies. I..."

Alleria interrupted with a sigh, "We get it, Jandice. Duke, what are you really thinking?"

Duke replied, "Sorry, I hadn't realized Jandice's feelings for me. But I am the kind of person who, if it's someone I'm not close to, wouldn't care if they died a thousand or ten thousand times. I can make decisions logically and have a grand reason for it. However... for those close to me, I want them to be happy."

Alleria's face lit up with a brilliant smile, "Duke, don't treat me as a possessive and selfish woman. From the moment I decided to be with you, I made up my mind. Humans have a fleeting lifespan, and to ensure our time together is without regrets, I want you to be happy every day."

Vereesa added, "Yes, we sisters decided long ago. Even if you marry a noble lady according to human traditions, we can accept it. As long as you truly love us, and if you truly don't, we will leave."

Alleria approached Duke and Jandice, took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Any good woman you like, we don't mind sharing with. But remember, if you break our hearts, we'll leave on our own."

"We swore by the Sunwell," Vereesa added.

"Regardless of the circumstances! Whether it's Jandice, Calia, or anyone in the future," Alleria emphasized.

Duke felt trapped.

He realized why they were doing this. They saw him as a terminal patient due to his short human lifespan. To the long-lived high elves, a human's life is fleeting, so they're willing to make major concessions.


Duke hesitated, "Really, under any circumstance?"

"Yes, any circumstance!" The sisters stepped forward, speaking in unison.

"Well, because I helped the dragon race kill Deathwing, Nozdormu granted me a few eternal life slots..."

Alleria: "..."

Vereesa: "..."

A few seconds later.

"Duke, you big jerk!"


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