
Progenitor Evolutionary System.

A limitless, black void. Suddenly a weird, slow song was heard in the distance.

Suddenly the void cracked and a bright golden light began to emit from every direction as a golden ball appeared.

As the ball appeared it began to throw itself toward a faintly visible silhouette.


Asahi abruptly stood up from his bed.

After shaking his head, he still felt the sense of dizziness. Thus after a considerable amount of time passed, as he came to his senses. He felt his chest and realized his heart was beating furiously.

"What a strange dream huh..." he slightly sighed.

Asahi sat on his bed, drifting off to his thoughts, and at this moment he heard a sound

Looking around, checking his phone, he saw nothing that could have created a sound and soon thought that he imagined it. Picking his phone he realized he had no message. He was about to dress when suddenly text appeared in front of him and all the other being in the world.

"Greetings Earthlings. The world you are currently living and all his multiverses are getting absorbed in the true universe, your species is graded as an inferior one.

A new planet ten times the current one, uninhabited by intelligent species will be given to you but be aware that even an ant or a flies on this planet is capable of annihilating mankind on his own. As per the rule of the Heavenly Dao, all the being, regardless of their species, living on the planet 'Earth' will be sent into one of the numerous multiverses to be trained for a duration of five years so that they can have a hope in survival.

Good luck, inferior species."

As Asahi was feeling unsure about what was happening, the surface of his body began to glow and a faintly visible shadow of a golden ball was seen around his body while a mechanical voice began to talk inside his mind.

Soul binding to the host...

Soul binding completed, adapting to host...

Progenitor Evolutionary System has been successfully bound to your soul.

"What's going on?"

Asahi noticed that on his mind, there was a golden ball that closely looked like a golden drop of blood, and underneath it was a name: <Progenitor Evolutionary System>.

Curiously, he tried to interact with the drop of blood in his mind. Suddenly, a message popped out.

"Earth is a planet who is ordinary, humans are as weak as an ant for being of the others planets. But it possesses a surprisingly high number of sub-multiverse, as the people called them, 'Anime World', 'Movie World'... <Progenitor Evolutionary System> is a mean that can allow you to travel in this sub-multiverse and grow strong enough to survive in the incoming assimilation."

The passage disappeared, and the golden drop of blood exploded and transformed into a golden book and automatically opened itself on a page.

On the page different categories were visible, <Shop> <Stats> <Multi-verse>.

Asahi was stunned for a moment and proceeded to furrow his eyebrows, "This voice definitely isn't a fake, and this system confirmed it. So that means I have to go into another world similar to one of anime to strengthen myself in order to survive in our new world"

Asahi choose the option <Multi-verse> and a roulette appeared with numerous name on it, <Naruto> ; <Dragon Ball> ; <Shingeki no Kyojin> ; <One-Piece> ; <Tokyo Ghoul> ...

"I definitely have to get a world with high-level power!"

"I would really like to be in Dragon Ball as I could just gather the dragons ball but everything is up to fate, so GO!"

Choosing the <Spin> option the roulette began to move and name began to flash without stopping.


The wheel began to move less and less quickly and settled on <My Hero Academia> and soon enough a voice was heard inside Asahi's head.

"<My Hero Academia> is considered as a Level 4 World. The classification system is like this: level 1, 2, 3 are the Mortal level world. Level: 4, 5, 6 are known as Spirit level world. And Level: 7, 8, 9 are known as Dragon level World.

In <My Hero Academia>, 20% of the people are normal and 80% have supernatural gift known as Quirk (個性, Kosei) when the host is ready he can use a random chance to get a bloodline, martial arts or talent, which are graded the same way the worlds are. "

Not thinking too much, Asahi instantly chooses to use his random chance. A ray of light flashed and engulfed his whole body in a moment releasing a warm ray of light.

"Bloodline type gift: <One Punch Man's Bloodline(level:???)>do not worry, the bloodline is perfectly fused with the host's body and no secondary effect will be shown."

"System why is the level '???'"

"It is because this bloodline is over the Dragon level. The potential contains within is enough to even surpass the god-rank."

Hearing this, Asahi smiled brilliantly thinking about how much stronger he would be training with One Punch Man's potential.

"The host will soon be sent into the world, the time inside this multiverse is passing four times faster than in your original world, which means that the five years of training for you will be prolonged to twenty years."

He looked at the text in his mind, and choose to transfer, smiling confidently he took a last look at his room and through the windows the city where he lived and soon his figure disappeared into luminous spots like all the living being on Earth.

This marked the day where every being on Earth began to strengthen themselves in the hope that five years later they could survive on their new homeland.

I am really a fan of those stories where everyone on Earth suddenly got a system and fight against each other because of their ambition while defending against a bigger threat in some kind of 'Apocalyptic' world so here is a story that I wrote.

The release rate will be two chapters the Saturday and Sunday.

World_Sovereigncreators' thoughts