

This was interrupted when Iruka came in "As of today, you are all ninjas. To get to this point, you've all faced difficult trials and hardships. But that means little, what comes next will be far more difficult. Now you're only genin, first level shinobi. All genin will be grouped into 3-man squads."

"Iruka-sensei." Ino raised her hand "Where's Mizuki-sensei?"

"Mizuki-sensei was injured while capturing and arresting a traitor alongside Naruto, Tatsu and myself. Now as I was saying, each squad will be led by a jonin, an elite ninja. Teams 1-6 (Blah blah bla nobody cares). Team 7. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha. Next, team 8. Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame. Team 9 (Nobody cares). Now, team 10. Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi."

"Iruka-sensei." Ino raised her hand "How come Tatsu isn't on a team?"

"Well Ino, considering Tatsu's role in stopping Aizen after he turned traitor, we examined his skills and the tests revealed that his skill is far beyond that of the average genin, so therefore he is an elite genin and is going to be a one-man team."

"WHAT?!" Sakura screeched "Why don't you give Sasuke that title, he deserves it more than-"

"Sakura, shut up!" Sasuke did everyone a favor and got her to stop talking "I know for a fact that Tatsu has earned that title more than anyone through years of effort, if you've got a problem with it then take it up with someone who cares about your opinion."

Iruka breathed a sigh of relief "Thank you Sasuke. Now as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted." he shot a glare at Sakura "After lunch you'll meet your new jonin sensei's, class is dismissed until then."

Everyone left, Sasuke faster than anyone could see.


Ino was trying to take charge with Choji and Shikamaru "Listen up guys, if we're doing this we're doing it right, got it?"

"Yeah yeah." Shikamaru waved her off 'She becomes a real pain in the neck when people try to argue with her. I guess we have to thank Tatsu for that."

"Thank me for what?"

Shikamaru looked and saw Tatsu standing beside him "You know what."

"I do."

Then Shikamaru saw Naruto trying to sneak up on Sasuke "What the hell's he doing?"

Tatsu raised an eyebrow upon seeing Naruto pounce "Well if I know Naruto, this'll probably end with Sasuke on the ground and Naruto on the toilet."

"...That's weird even for you."

"The usual bet?"

"50 ryo."

"Deal. Anyway, I'm gonna head over to the hospital and check up on Mizuki. You guys wanna come."

"I'll go." Ino offered "I'll meet you guys here later."


Later, Sasuke met up with Sakura outside the academy "Hey Sakura, I've got something I wanna ask you. About Naruto, what do you think of him?"

Sakura scowled suddenly "He's really at home interfering and enjoys it when I make mistakes. Naruto doesn't understand one thing about me. He's just annoying, and Tatsu is just as bad if not worse. All I want… is for you to accept me, Sasuke."

"For me to accept you?"

"I'll do anything for the sake of that." she puckered up for a kiss.


Tatsu suddenly sneezed "Oh boy."

"Something wrong?" asked Mizuki.

"My Naruto senses are going off the scale, he's about to do something really stupid. Oh well, that's what Shadow Clones are for."


The real Sasuke found himself tied up 'I got careless, he tricked me with a Substitution and Shadow Clones. I guess I've gotta give him more credit."

"I guess you do." Tatsu's Shadow Clone knelt down beside him "I'm halfway there."


"Just a bet?"


Sakura still had her lips puckered "I'm desperate… so…"

Sasuke, actually Naruto in disguise, found himself with stomach problems 'Diarrhea at a time like this?!' he suddenly ran off "I-I'll be right back!"

Sakura was still blushing "Sasuke's so shy."

"Somehow, I don't think that's it."

Sakura scowled when she saw Tatsu appeared "Oh great, you. What do you want?"

"Just checking something now, and now Shikamaru owes me 50 ryo. Later." and he disappeared in a puff of smoke.


One of Tatsu's clones stopped by Naruto's apartment to check something out 'The milk is way past the expiration date, no wonder the poor kid got diarrhea.'


Sakura was waiting when she saw the real Sasuke show up "Oh Sasuke, you're such a shy bad boy. Are you prepared? I'm raring to go!"

Sasuke just rolled his eyes, having been informed of the situation by Tatsu 'How I'm not deaf yet I'll never know. Where's Naruto?"

"Oh there you go changing the subject again. Anyway, Naruto just picks fights with you, and Tatsu is just as bad."

"Tatsu and I don't pick fights, we train, and Naruto is the same in that regard."

"Oh please. You know why those two are so annoying, because they weren't raised right. They don't have a mother or father, no one to teach them right from wrong. Think about it, they just do whatever comes into their heads."

Sasuke stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to her, a cold glare in his eyes.

"If I did things like Naruto or Tatsu, forget it! I mean, my parents would get mad and I'd get in trouble so of course I don't do it. But if you don't have parents to tell you, how would you know? They're both selfish and bratty, they're all alone."

"Enough." Sasuke "Alone, you say? It's not about your parents scolding you."

"Wh-Why are you saying that?"

"Because I can relate to them. Like Tatsu and Naruto, I don't have parents anymore either, in case you hadn't noticed. That, and you're annoying."

Sakura let out a small gasp.

"The shinobi world is a cold and cruel place, someone like you will never survive as you are now. Frankly, that'd be doing the world a favor." and with that, he walked away.


Tatsu nearly froze at what Sasuke told him "You better not be messing with me."

"I don't mess with people." Sasuke pointed out dryly "Least of all you. Frankly speaking, you're the closest thing I have to a real friend. You were there for me after…"

"Yeah, and you were there for me when my brother died. We stick out for each other. Still, even for Sakura that's going too far. Then again, hopefully Naruto will stop following her like a lovesick puppy. Where is Naruto anyway?"

"He tried attacking me with Shadow Clones but they all got diarrhea. I'm pretty sure he's still in there."


The real Tatsu received the memories of the Shadow Clones and breathed a sigh "For crying out loud Naruto."

"What'd he do?" asked Ino.

"He transformed into Sasuke to get close to Sakura and got diarrhea from some expired milk. Then Sasuke told off Sakura for insulting Naruto for being an orphan."

Ino looked down, sadness in her eyes "I see."

"You're wishing you hadn't given her up as a friend?" Tatsu gently put a comforting arm around her shoulder "From what I know Sasuke was actually getting through to her, so maybe there's hope."

"Yeah, hope…" Mizuki looked out the window with a downcast expression.

"Something wrong Mizuki?"

"Well, I've been thinking about Aizen. The truth is, I've had my suspicions about him for a long time now. I just feel like maybe I could've stopped him."

"Aizen was already too far gone, there was nothing you could've done. Maybe there's hope for him to reform in prison."

"I hope so. He was one of my first friends, along with your brother and Iruka."

"And while we're on that subject, thanks for being there for me when I was in a dark place."

"Sure thing." Mizuki gave a small smile.

"Well in the meantime, I'd better get going myself, since I don't have a jonin sensei like the rest of the graduates do I'm gonna have to deal with a few others testing me to see if I'm really ninja material."

"So who are you gonna be fighting?" asked Ino.

"I've got a few ideas, nothing set in stone but I've spent at least four years training with the strongest jonin in the village so how bad could it be?" and then he took his leave as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Famous last words."

"He might be a little bit on the cocky side and not much for formalities, but he's shown a lot of promise and growth." Mizuki noted with a small smile "He's gonna go far."

"He's definitely ambitious, but it's pretty admirable."


The scene of the third training ground was quiet and calm.

Tatsu stood leaning against the metal fence with his nose buried in a certain novel, but he glanced up once he sensed them arrive "I was wondering how long I was gonna wait for you guys, but at least you're not following Kakashi's example."

"He's one of a kind in that regard, and for good reason." one of the figures pointed out to him, this one being a young woman with brown hair in a ponytail, black eyes and fair skin, as well as wearing a chunin vest "It seems like time flies, I still remember you being this spunky little kid and now you're a full fledged genin."

"Not yet, you know that."

"It's why I'm here, coming out of retirement to see what you can do."

"Not the time for snark right now Ayame."

"On that we can agree." the other figure, this one being Hayate, glanced around at the training grounds with a small fond smile "You know looking back, this place brings back a lot of memories for me. It seems like just yesterday I was training your brother Kazuma and Ayame here for their first go at the Chunin exams."

"Yeah, Kazuma was a prodigy of prodigies. I still like to think about the times he took me training out here in secret." Tatsu glanced up at the wind blowing through the trees, and he quickly shook his head "No use living in the past now is there? Let's just get this started, you said you were gonna test me didn't you?"

'I guess I shouldn't be surprised, he's still sensitive about the subject of Kazuma. You're right, let's get this started. Time for you to show us just how far you've come Tatsu, after all you haven't given up on your ambition have you?"

"Not a chance in hell, why else would I put myself through four years of training from hell with you and the others for?" Tatsu pulled his sword out of its sheath "I've come too far to give up now."

"You've still got the same fire in your eyes, now let's do this. No bells or anything, and that makes it different from Lord Third's bell test. In order to pass our test, you have to perform to our satisfaction but be sure not to forget the most important rule."

"I've gotta come at you with intent to kill or I don't stand a chance, I know."

"Exactly, so show no mercy to either of us."

"A ninja has to know when to lock away their emotions to get the job done."

"Seems like your head is in the right place. Now then, shall we start your test?"

"How about less talking and more fighting."

"Sounds good to me, I have a feeling we'll have to keep on our toes. This isn't just some simple training anymore, this time around we're going to get serious." Ayame warned him.

"That's exactly what I'm counting on." Tatsu started the battle by firing off a quick volley of shuriken.

Ayame ducked and fired off a volley of her own shuriken.

Tatsu dodged them by leaping into the air, only to be confronted by another volley of shuriken while in mid air 'Dammit! Wind Style: Skybound Wind!" he blitzed through several hand seals and fired off a sharp blast of wind, cutting through the shuriken and forcing Ayame to leap out of the way.

'So that's his game, he was trapped in mid air so he used Kazuma's Wind Style jutsu to counter them rather than risk moving himself out of the way and risking falling for a trap.'

"Now for a follow up!" Tatsu attempted to slash his sword at Ayame.

That was when Hayate suddenly appeared next to him and grabbed him by the arm, and he gave a small smirk "I think that's enough of that. He's grown up so much and he still is right before me very eyes, and not only that either.' he glanced back to see a Shadow Clone holding a sword aimed at his back, as well as another one with a sword pointed at Ayame 'His strategic skills and timing with his jutsu are spot on. You've done some maturing haven't you, but you're a little bit on the brash side so you still have a ways to go. You attacked Ayame before either of us had the chance to say start."

"I'm not pulling a Naruto on you, if you wanted me to wait then you should've said so. It's not like me enemies will wait for me."

"This is also true, but let's do this the right way. Ready? Start." and so he and Ayame suddenly disappeared in puffs of smoke.

'So that's how he wants to play it then does he? Do I look like Naruto to you guys? I'm not some hotheaded jackass who lets my emotions cloud my judgement." Tatsu looked around, his mind racing 'Nothing on the right, the left or above me. That leaves two options left, but there's two of them and they're both too smart to try it from the same place, which means that one of them is below but the other is probably gonna try a sneak attack from behind. Lightning Style: Purple Thunder!" he summoned two purple balls of electricity, one in each hand, and the ground with one while he thrusted the other one behind him.

Hayate suddenly materialized into view as he leapt out of the way of the lightning attack, losing his grip on his sword in the process "I didn't expect you to catch onto that so fast."

"That's just part of the package, and I'm sure Ayame is gonna agree with that."

Sure enough, Ayame emerged from underground and let out a weak cough "Okay, didn't expect you to go full on with a lightning attack."

"Hey you were on the same team as my brother and Itachi, for you to be paired with a couple of powerhouses like those two and not be a beast would raise some serious concerns."

"And Kamikaze logic strikes again."

"There's nothing finer is there?"

"No there isn't. But anyway, you've had your chance to show off a little bit, so now it's my turn." and she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"And then there was one." Tatsu glanced over at Hayate "So are you gonna get involved in this one?"

Hayate raised an eyebrow "You really expect your enemy to let you know if they're going to double team you?"

"Expect a sneak attack it is." and so Tatsu disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Soon enough, Tatsu was making his way through the dense forest area, and with his sensory abilities he quickly detected Ayame hiding nearby 'There she is. One of the first skills for a shinobi to learn is to conceal their presence and remain hidden, at least if you're not luring your enemy into a trap.' he glanced over and sensed out Hayate hiding a short distance away behind him as well 'This is completely different from the way he's been training me, if I screw up even once they won't hesitate to take me down. Failure means instant death in the world of the ninja after all. The question is, which one of them will attack me first?'

"Secret Sword: Tsukikage!" Hayate was the first one to attack him as he charged forward with a few afterimages and his sword in his hand.

Tatsu countered the sword with his own, as well as swiftly dodging a quick barrage of kunai fired off by Ayame "So we're going hand to hand and weapons first then?"

"You're referring to the first basic shinobi battle skill, taijutsu."

"Kenjutsu and weapons are more of a sub skill to that."

"You remember that far back, good." Hayate charged at him with his sword in hand.

Tatsu dodged, blocked and countered every stroke using his own sword, before dealing Hayate a swift kick to the torso and retreating back to gain some distance.

"You left yourself wide open!" Ayame charged at him with a kunai in hand, and she started slashing at him.

'She's as fast as ever, one shot and I'm done for. But at the same time, it won't do her any good if she can't hit me!' Tatsu leapt out of the way of her attacks, leaving a tree to get cut down instead of him.

"Leaf Style: Crescent Moon Dance!" Hayate summoned two Shadow Clones and they all charged at Tatsu as they drew their swords.

Tatsu slashed through one of them with his sword and dissipated the other clone with a swift kick to the side of the head, though he was unable to stop the assault of the original with his sword, receiving a gash across his shoulder in the process but he took the chance to slug him in the torso with one free hand, sending him stumbling backwards a few feet while Tatsu himself retreated to gain some distance, quickly wiping the blood from his wound 'He's not pulling any punches this time, which makes it more exciting for me.'

"Did you forget about me?" Ayame charged down at him from above with a kick aimed at his head.

Tatsu forced himself to roll out of the way, panting slightly from the exertion of energy he was feeling now, and breathed a sigh at the sight of another tree being toppled over 'I remember when they actually used to pull their punches for me, and that was when they were training me one on one. Now I'm facing both of them at once when they're fighting seriously.'

"Leaf Style: Hyper Crescent Moon Dance!" Hayate summoned a total of 10 Shadow Clones, and all of them drew their swords and charged.

'Looks like he's finally getting really serious, he almost never bother to go over two Shadow Clones in one fight.' Tatsu found himself forced to fight off the advances of several clones at the same time, slashing at them and managing to take down a few of them but still receiving a few nasty gashes in the process.

"Flower Bomber Barrage!" Ayame formed a hand seal and activated some of the various paper bombs she had spread throughout the area, detonating them in a deafening explosion.

Tatsu managed to escape from it, but he received a few minor burns across his right side as well as a few gashes 'This is starting to get interesting, finally they're really trying against me for once…'

'He's doing a lot better than I thought he would, but that's just proof of how far he's come since back then.'

'But that raises the question, what should I do next?'


What no one else knew was that a certain figure was watching them from afar, clad in a mask and a forest green kimono with a black katana strapped to his side, and underneath his mask he smiled slightly 'You've gotten quite strong haven't you Tatsu? I just wish I could be there for you during this time.'


Tatsu slowly made his way through the woods, his mind racing 'I could sense Hayate-sensei's chakra coming from this way the last I felt it, which means that he's probably trying to lure me into a trap. I can't forget that I'm dealing with two jonin level ninja, and while I know them they also know me, so they know what can and will get to me.'

That was when a figure suddenly materialized in front of him, having short brown hair, emerald green eyes and a pair of glasses, clad in an ANBU uniform and bleeding heavily with several weapons sticking out of his back "Tatsu… over here…"

"Kazuma… big brother… You look hurt…"

"Orochimaru… he found me… and he experimented on me… I managed to escape… I need you to help me… please…"

"Don't worry brother, I know exactly what I have to do." Tatsu promptly whipped out a kunai and threw it at Kazuma, only for it to pass through him "It's too bad he's not real, I'd give up just about anything to be able to see my brother again. Alright you guys enough screwing around with illusions, I can sense you guys hiding close by. Fire Style: Crimson Dragon!" he blitzed through several hand seals and breathed out a large red fire dragon, torching several of the trees in front of him, as well as the ones Ayame and Hayate were using to hide and forcing them to reveal themselves "Well you guys, is there something else you wanted to talk about? I could taunt you about this but how about you just come out and say it already."

Ayame breathed a sigh "The second basic shinobi skill, genjutsu."

"Illusions, which I personally suck at. But then again, I have no intention of falling for the same illusion seven times."

"I guess originality is gonna have to be a key to beating you."

"You're damn right, if you wanna beat me then you'll have to come up with something entirely new. I'm not that stupid or naive anymore."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Ayame pointed to the Shadow Clone holding a kunai pointed directly towards Tatsu's back, only to glance back and see Tatsu's own Shadow Clone aiming his sword at her back, as well as another one doing the same to Hayate "Huh."

"You were saying?"

"Clearly nothing that actually registered, but I do give you points for creativity. But with that being said…" and then she and Hayate both suddenly disappeared.

'Trying to attack from the shadows huh? Classic ninja stuff.' Tatsu quickly dodged a barrage of kunai from within the shadows and fired off some kunai of his own "I know you're there sensei, attacking from my blind spot is too obvious a move to actually work on me."

"Perhaps, but this isn't." using his Transparency jutsu, Hayate dealt Tatsu a sharp kick to the side while he was preoccupied with the kunai, sending him stumbling backwards a short distance, only for him to suddenly disappear in a puff of smoke "So you duped me with a Shadow Clone then did you?"

"Lightning Style: Purple Thunder!" the real Tatsu dove down from above with a blast of purple lightning in his hand.

'So he's aiming for an attack from above, if that even touches me then I might as well be done for!' thinking quick, Hayate leapt out of the way of the attack, leaving it to create a small but somewhat deep crater.

'So what's gonna be next then?'


Ayame and Hayate made a quick rendezvous by the river near the training ground "Looks we'll have to step things up a little bit, just hang back and let me take this one alright?"

Tatsu appeared in front of them, sporting some significant battle damage but still raring and ready to fight "Looks like it's about time for us to go over the third and final basic shinobi battle skill, that of ninjutsu."

"You know this well, but let's see if you can back up the talk." Ayame quickly blitzed through several hand seals "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" she breathed out a powerful fire dragon that shot forward.

Thinking quick, Tatsu leapt out of the way of the fire dragon just in time, though his foot was burnt in the process, sending him skidding across the grounds, only for his foot to be caught by a hand sticking up from underground "Crap."

"Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu!" said hand pulled Tatsu almost completely underground with the exception of his head, and it then revealed itself to be Hayate as he rose up from the ground, only to be met with a puff of smoke "Another Shadow Clone fake out huh?"

"Lightning Style: Purple Thunder!" the real Tatsu suddenly burst out from within the trees and unleashed another blast of lightning.

Hayate quickly leapt out of the way of the attack, resulting in the formation of a large crater that the river quickly flowed into and filled almost halfway.

Tatsu pulled himself back to his feet and spat out some blood "Okay… what's next?"

"Now it's my turn." Ayame quickly blitzed through some hand seals "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" she unleashed a large water dragon that quickly shot towards him.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" with his chakra now beginning to run low, Tatsu formed another Shadow Clone and used it to hurl himself at the water dragon "Lightning Style: Purple Thunder!" he formed several hand seals and hit the water dragon dead on with a blast of lightning, both attacks cancelling each other out "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he hurtled downwards towards Hayate and Ayame and promptly summoned 10 more Shadow Clones.

"So that's your game." Ayame and Hayate quickly dealt with 2 of the clones each, only to be caught and pulled into the water, but Ayame was able to rebound and readied herself for the next attack that was sure to come "Water Style: Ripping Torrent!" she summoned a water spiral in her hand and fired it forward "Bring it!"

"Right! Lightning Style: Purple Thunder!" using the last of his chakra, Tatsu summoned one final Purple Thunder blast and slammed it into Ayame's water jutsu, the two of them colliding with extreme force.

'You've really grown haven't you Tatsu? He'd be proud of you if he could see you now, I just know it.' and on that note, the collision subsided, and both of them were blown backwards as a result.


A little while passed, and things had calmed down.

Tatsu quickly shook off the exhaustion he was feeling as he was pulled by Hayaye and Ayame back to dry land "Well to be honest, that was a lot more hellish than I was actually expecting it to be."

Hayate and Ayame shared a look and gave Tatsu a smile "No need to look so put out about all of that, you did far better than either of us had anticipated."

"Well that helps, but not with any of the burns or bleeding."

"Such things are trivial in one's path as a shinobi." that was when the Third Hokage revealed himself, along with Kakashi and Asuma "You certainly demonstrated a great deal of tactical skill, as well as in various skill sets that are vital for a shinobi to thrive effectively. Now then tell me Hayate, Ayame, is there anything else you would like to add?"

Hayate shook his head "Other than his resilience and spirit, not much."

"I see, then I suppose I have all that I need. Tatsu Kamikaze."

"Too tired to salute." Tatsu gave a tired wave.

"In response to your performance, and the fact that they clearly intend to pass you, I grant you the title of Elite Genin of the Hidden Leaf."

"Yay…" and then he promptly fell to one knee, but despite his exhaustion he couldn't shake his smile 'Looks like I did it, I'm finally a shinobi for real. I just wish you could've been here to see it happen, but I'll get stronger than anything they've ever seen. For your sake and for the sake of all of them. Just watch over me, brother…'


This is the first chapter of this story I've been revising, mainly ironing out some details and expanding on a few things I sort of slacked off with, the first of which being this time I'm showing Tatsu's graduation test against the likes of Ayame and Hayate. Plus I get to showcase the fact that Ayame has shinobi training in this fic, something I'll be going into later on.

I know Mizuki was the reason Naruto found out about the Kyuubi, but him being an evil douche has been done so many times it's become stale and overdone. I couldn't think of anyone else to take his place, so I just made up an OC who's betrayal was as obvious as possible, hence why I named him Aizen. That, and I wanted to try something new that I haven't seen before: making Mizuki a good guy.

The Leaf Dragon God appeared in Shippuden episode 312. I think it has a lot of potential and wasn't used anywhere near to its fullest.

Tatsu (his name means Dragon) will be a one man team with no sensei, inspired by the Fanfiction Naruto: One Man Team. He will be paired with Ino, Lee will be awesome and not a youth-screaming douchebag that's still respectable.

Sakura will be bashed for a large part of Part I, as stated in the summary, but I do have plans for her later on, meant to fill a certain void.

Sasuke will not be a revenge-obsessed psychopath, he will not get the Curse Mark, and he will not leave the village in search of power like he did in canon/

Hayate will die in this fic, but much later, as in surviving into Part II. That's all I'm telling for now.