2 Insanity

I sat there. In the dark. I thought. Nothing there. No sound. Just the sound of me breathing.

Yet, it felt chaotic. The dark was colorful. I can't explain, that's just what it felt like. Time froze, but everything was still moving. Still, there was nothing there.

There were no sounds. Yet, I heard voices. A story spinning in my head to explain nothing.

What's happening?

I don't know.

Did something happen?

I don't know.

Am I trapped?

I don't know.

Where am I?

I don't know.

Everything feels like as if I'm waiting through hell, yet there's nothing here. I know that.

Sometimes, I imagine. I get mad. As if something or someone sent me here. So I scream in my mind. Destroy things that aren't there until I realize that I'm doing nothing.

I'm think a lot about the difference of having my eyes open or closed. It doesn't seem to make a difference. It's all darkness.

I've been here so long, I sometimes wonder if I've ever been anywhere else. I think that there's somewhere besides here. That if I wait long enough, something will change. So I will. I will wait.

As long as it takes.

Something will change.


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