
System space

In case you don't know the speech formats:

System :[Enjoy the story~]

People talking :"Please comment."

People thinking:'Don't think logically...'

I'm a space with blue skies spreading over the horizon with fluffy clouds floating around in the sky tempting those who saw to want to try to jump onto the clouds to have a nice long nap on top of them and below is clear blue water that ripples from time to time with soft relaxing music playing in the background. Experiment 069 slowly started to open their mouth to let a single ethereal note. The sound traveled far and as the sound resounds throughout the space the water ripples with the sounds centered around them and the clouds bounced giving an equally beautiful sound of various instruments then everything went back to normal with the soft music in the background.

They felt tempted and opened their mouth to let their heavenly voice once again resound across the space. They began tapping their feet and then ripple spread from the water effecting the clouds above them letting some instruments join complimenting the heavenly voice and song. Each cloud was unique with each of its sounds not being repeated. They began dancing slower with the sounds harmonizing with his movements.

"I close my eyes and I can see

The world that's waiting for me

That I call my own

Through the dark, through the door

Through where no one's been before"

The system space turned into a night sky slowly. The clouds disappeared slowly with the light. The sky had an orange tint then before this scene can be captured in your heart it already turned dark. One by one stars started to show up illuminating the endless dark space flickering with sadness. 069 didn't care about what is happening around them and just kept singing and dancing. They kept their eyes closed, not noticing the changes in their surroundings and the water that was shining equally bright as the numerous stars in the night sky be turned into a murky black consuming the clear and bright water that was full of hope starting from the farthest reaches of the space then getting closer to them till they were surrounded but also avoiding him.

"They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They can say, they can say I've lost my mind

I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy

We live in a world we design

'Cause every night I lie in bed..."

Before the song could be finish something tried to attacked them but they didn't care and kept dancing with more sounds accompanying them. The song was now sung again with more passion turning the water to a clear blue color again that shines as bright as the stars in the sky. The space is changing once again but now the daylight is coming back and land is beginning to form from 069 till the farthest corner.

"The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could br

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it is going to take

A million dreams for the world we're gonna make..."

In the space that they stood water is beginning to spread making a lake and then after it spread far trees and plants began to sprout. They stopped singing holding a faint sadness in their eyes. They started humming the rest of the song. Something that only a select few knew was that 069's voice can control the environment which is a special skill that they only have that is bound to their soul. They began humming another happier tune thinking about the future, of the worlds he is going to visit and how they are going to destr.... Side track the worlds to collect Fate.

They are excited thinking that they didn't have to pretend anymore and can just be free with no restrictions till... They have to return once the missions are completed. They shook of the negative thoughts and once again thought about the things that they will do inside the worlds they are going to visit, bringing the unsuspecting worlds a disaster but fortunately they are only advanced regarding things that they trained in at the research facility. In an unknown place some worlds shivered causing countless natural disasters across the worlds.

069 began humming and dancing again only stopping when he seemingly thought of something with a smirk on their face and the giggling that comes occasionally. The tunes once again brought great changes to the surrounding area, more plants sprouted and fish started appearing in the lake with animals appearing in the surrounding area.

They were interrupted by a voice that resounded throughout the space.

[ Experiment 069]

Irritated they replied with a snarl quickly turning the once clear blue lake into a lake filled with blood and corpses. The once flourishing land was turned into a graveyard with plants dying out and animals exploding covering the plants in red turning the scene into a literal hell. Skeleton started appearing bleeding from its eyes, crying, for what it is crying about is not known. They opened their mouth, their voice sounded like King Yama's threatening to make them spend eternity in hell being tortured by demons in the worst possible manner but maybe King Yama would be better to irritate because you would be able to endure it for the time you are sentenced.

"Don't you dare call me by that name! I won't accept that... That... That f*ckin' embarrassing name anymore! Either call me Six or Host!"

After Six's outburst everything went silent but occasionally in the background you can hear something exploding but as time passed it became less but the eerie sound can still be heard in this otherwise silent space. The space slowly turned into its appearance before the outburst, the paradise, but the water was still a light shade of red and the skeletons didn't disappear just hidden inside the forest.

A bird that seemed as if it is on fire appeared, a golden Phoenix, and quickly flew down to Six landing on the grass making it burst into brilliant gold and red flames creating another scene of destruction but this time it held unparalleled beauty making those who saw it mystified. A majestic Phoenix will take away your life with its magnificent flames leaving you as ash that travels the world till the wind and water eroded you till you are left with nothing or you land in the water seeing the beauty of the ocean. The two, a human? And a Phoenix stared at each other with an extremely akward silence till the Phoenix decided it had enough of the silence.

[Six, we need to begin collecting energy so this can be done as fast as possible. The system space may have a slower time flow but time still flows here so if you want to help Galla you must do it fast.]

Sux just stared at the Phoenix on the ground with a circle of flames surrounding it then sighed and thought of how troublesome this was.

"... Fine.

After that they quickly lost consciousness making the Phoenix give a quiet sigh leaving to a whole new world that can be considered a tutorial to him but a challenge to others.

I'm tempting myself with these clouds. Sorry for the long overdue Chapter but I was having an inner conflict about it. If you guys didn't notice then I will say I am awful at describing things and I don't understand music... The song is A million dreams ? I just love that song!

Miggiecreators' thoughts
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