
First world original story line

The world has many unexplored areas that caused the creation of the mercenary and adventure guild that explored the areas to uncover ancient relics and hidden natural resources. The male lead, Laurence Liger, is part of a a royal family which is speculated to be the strongest but he felt too restricted with his family so he ran away wanting to join a guild. He was captured by a slave trader before he could join a guild. The female lead, Kailyn, was a mercenary with countless slaves of various races saw Laurence's beauty and muscular body so she decided to buy him to satisfy her needs. She quickly took him to her home that was in the middle class section of the city.

Once they arrived she repeatedly raped him causing him to dislike her but then he fell in love with her body and later on with her. Laurence's family searched for him in various places but never found him as he was cooped inside Kailyn's house since he was bought. They would never have expected him to be the slave of a lower class woman. They found him months later as he followed Kailyn infatuated doing all of her commands with no hesitation. They demanded him back but was then killed by Him and the other slaves. Kailyn then became queen and Laurence her king and slave.

She had four children, a girl and three boys. The girl was fathered by Laurence but the boys fathers is unknown. They lived happily till the age of 85.