Ann Kindale spent her whole life dreaming of adventure and wonder. After taking a job as a clinic cleaner she discovered the world of Werewolfs is real and not only that there are Weres of almost every kind of animal. However, she finds out that as human most Weres see her as a plaything and that is the one thing this hard-working girl refuses to be. So she keeps her head down and enjoys the wonder of this new word that is until an Alpha from a visiting pack decides that there is more that she could be. Ulric Stoneblack spends most of his days bored fighting for fun, bring women to his bed for pleasure, and working for no other reason than to do have something to do. One day he is invited to an alleyed pack only to be attacked by were tigers. After the attack, he is tended to be a beautiful girl with a body built for sin. He is even more excited to discover that she is his mate. Ulric can't wait to take her fill her with pups and live happily ever after. First, he has to convince her. (Please feel free to leave any idea comments or improvements you can think of while reading. I love telling stories and what everyone to enjoy them just as much! Please and thank you)
One would think that a fully grown male would take the time to think about their action. If someone had the strength to quickly snap an enemy's neck and move on they would do that. But no, these muscle bond testosterone junkies just had to partially transform then use their claw to disembowel another Were. Then after all the fighting leaving an area painted red yell that one of the poor maids "Clean up the stench of furball" before the victory barbeque. Because now, all of the sudden blood was obscene to the oafs.
That was how poor Ann end up on her hands and knees scrubbing the concrete by the pool. She was grateful for the job don't be mistaken, and one could only imagine how floored she was to discover the world of Were-beings where real. Never had there been someone more excited to see an online job advertisement for a private clinic cleaner.
She had worked there for a full month when the first patient was forced to reveal his were-self. No one could blame the poor boy though. He was only sixteen going through his first change and it looked brutal. The boy had hardly taken three steps into the clinic before he fell on his hands and knees and transformed right before Ann's eyes.
One moment there was a tall string bean of a boy with sweat-soaked black hair and a red fevered face with one swollen black eye. The next there in his place stood a shaking black young horse. It was terrifying and amazing! The doctor of the clinic she worked at then sat her down after the patient had been cared for and sent home explaining everything. It could have come straight out of a book Were clans, feuds, wars, and instincts. He had given her a way out involving a hypnosis mind wipe, but Ann didn't even let him finish the offer before she was asking all sorts of questions and how she could help.
It was not long before she was not only cleaning the clinic but she was learning field medical aid and about different were's physiology and treatments. The first time she saw a weredeer was wonderous, the first time she saw a werewolf was horrifying. Yet, she took it all in strides. When one of the were clans came begging the doc for help Ann all but hid in his luggage forcing him to take her along as an aid.
Yet instead of aiding the doc on this trip, she was put on maid duty as it often was when the doc had asked her to stay at the clinic. Once she was again cleaning and cooking for spoiled arrogant asshats did not make her homesick for her lonely youth. The only good thing about being a maid for the clan was during fights she was allowed to help with the field aid. And she could observe the Weres learning more about their ways of life.
Until one of the asshats decide his poor decision need cleaning up, and who better than one of the three human maids who had no sense of smell to clean it up? Well, she could still see the blood and smell that bull a mile away but she did not mention that fact. Finding it not worth the fight to call out their flawed logic.
All of these thoughts and memories swirled through her mind as Ann continued to clean the concrete. Though she had cleared the red color a long while ago now it was just a measure of making the bleach had sunk into the ground. Enough to ride the congress of the stench from the recent carnage that had taken place for the fools that had caused it. She had no idea how long that would take but she hoped she would get the all-clear soon so that she could go inside. A long hot soak in one of the too-small tubs in the maid dorms was shouting her name. This train of thought was broken when she heard shouting from not far off.
Looking up Ann scan the enormous yard for the source of the sound before she heard another cry of distress. Standing up the young woman rung her hands dry on the worn apron she had been given to wear over her jeans. Heading towards the sound wondering what could be so surprising to cause the noise. Rounding a cluster of bushes and past one of the trees in the back yard that was just a bit overgrown Ann saw two girls standing looking to the ground in shock.
On closer inspection, she saw that they were maids like her by the aprons around their waist and a bit younger as well. One was a thin blonde-haired girl who still had a few teenage acne bumps on the bridge of her nose. The other was a tall dark-skinned girl with eyes too large for her face and ears a bit too small.
"Was the matter?" Ann asked approaching the two women dropping the apron from her now dried hands looking at the terrified looks turning towards her. Glancing slightly at the aid kits in their hands before back up to the two young and frightened faces. "This is not the first horror scene we have cleaned up this month."
Neither of them answered just pointed to a large figure in the shade just out of her sight. Sighing heavily Ann went through the two to see what the fuss was all about. It only took her a second to understand. There was a male laying there passed out looking pretty beat up and dirty.
From his sheer sizes, she would have bet him as an equine Were, even on his back like he was it was easy to tell he was tall. And like all the other fully matured Weres he was muscle stacked on top of toned muscle. Not like body builds who were looking for a shock and awe look, but like a man who could deadlift a full-grown oak tree in a lumber yard without breaking a sweat.
Yet it was clear that he most certainly a wolf from his partially changed state. He might have had his human-shaped torso with deep olive skin that had no right to look that smooth as well as human-like arms and legs that were a little too well sculpted. But his hands and feet were full wolf claws covered with silky silver fur that stared sparse on his arms before fully covering his now paws topped with three-inch deadly sharp claws. The male head was also mid-change not quite human yet not full wolf either. The muzzle was too short and the head was too round for a full wolf but no human's entire head was covered in silver fur that thinned out over his marble shoulders and pecks. Nor did any human have wolf ears and a pronounced brow as the male before them.
He was a bit terrifying in this in-between state Ann would admit, but also Ann had seen much much worse.
From where she stood Ann could already tell the male had a dislocated shoulder and collar bone which were not going to be fun to relocate. The fact that he was so far from the battle scene meant that after the win he had come here to recharge himself so he was going to be in attack mode when he woke up making helping him even more of a pain.
With another heavy sigh from this tiresome day weighing her down, Ann began to dig in her pockets speaking with the other two women not really making eye contact. "I am going to need bandages and something to clean him up with. We have to get as much of this dirt and dried blood off him to see what is his blood and what is not. As well as what injuries have already healed."
Ann pulled her hand out of her pocket in the right was a small narrow wooden whistle. "If you are a Were, I would cover your ears." Ann finished walking over the unconscious male.
Putting the whistle to her lips she sank to her knees moving his arm over her own shoulder. Ignoring how nice it felt to have the warm bulk against her body. How nice it would be to be held by an arm like this. However, She had learned long ago that 'how nice's came with a hefty price tag. Even if she was only twenty-five.
A lining everything into place Ann took a deep breath in through her nose before she gave a small hop on her heels forcing his collar bone and shoulder back into place. No sooner did the sickening loud wet pop sound did she blow on the high-pitched whistle.