

Willow's POV

*toot toot toot*

I groaned as I got out of bed... *Yawn*

Love my dream.

<( ̄︶ ̄)>

"Hey." Phoebe slammed my bedroom door open. "Make me breakfast. I have to got to school early." she said and left.

Hi. I'm Willow and I'm in my highschool life. "Phoebe" is my cousin and her mother is my aunt "Priscilla".

"Willow!! Fast!!" Phoebe yelled.


I rushed to my bathroom and took a shower as fast as I could.

Grabbing my bag and guitar, I went downstairs to prepare breakfast for Phoebe and saw my aunt watching television.

As usual, we just ignore each other, unless something important should be talked about.

I made bacon, eggs, and hotdog for Phoebe. While waiting for her, I sat down and ate my own breakfast.

"Ugh, thank God." Phoebe sat in front of me. "Looking this pretty takes a lot of time." she plucked her lips. "Ew. Why this??" she said pointing at the breakfast I made for her. "Do you know how much calories these have?" I looked at her in disbelief.

~I really want to hit you right now.~ ಠ‿ಠ

"Whatever... I'll buy breakfast on my way instead." she said getting up. "Mom, I'm leaving."

I however, tightened my grip on my fork, urging myself not to stab her with it of course. ʕಠ_ಠʔ

I heaved out a sigh and got up. I took the food with me to school and left. More for me! Bleh! Hahaha

"Willow!!!" I looked back and saw Sean running towards me.

Sean is my best friend. Since grade school, we've already known each other. Even before my parents died.

"Oh? Sean! Good morning! You're early today." I greeted him.

"Good morning." he said catching his breathe. "Mr. Lee told me to go here early. He wanted me to tour the new students today." we continued walking.

"Really? I didn't know they'll come today." the dean did tell us we'll be having a lot of transferees.

"Well they are. Wanna help me tour them around school?" he asked.

~Aah, he's nervous lol >.<~

"Don't tell me you're nervous?" I elbowed him slightly. He just smiled in defeat.

We talked while walking untill we reached the school. Girls in groups chit-chatting, boys talking and playing with their phones, just as usual.

We went to the hallway to go to our lockers when I stumbled upon a not-so-new state of my locker.

"Dammit, Phoebe." I muttered as I stomped towards my vandalized locker.


was written on it with lipstick.

"That's hard to remove. She used matte lipstick this time." I face palmed myself.

"Looks like you won't be able to join me then." Sean spoke.

"Looks like it." I opened my locker then heard whispers and laughters around me. I threw my bag inside and walked towards the janitors room.

"I can help you. I still have some time left anyway." Sean followed behind me.

"It's okay. I can manage myself." I said grabbing the scrub and a bucket of water with soap.

"Are you sure?" I hummed in agreement. "I'll tell Mr. Lee you'll be late to our first period because of this then."

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"I have to go now."

I knelt in front of my locker and took my polo off.


I started scrubbing but the lipstick was to sticky. This will take a long time....

┻━┻ ヘ╰( •̀ε•́ ╰)


People around the hallway rushed to their respective rooms as the bell rang, indicating that classes will start.

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Sean's POV

Hi. My name is Sean and I'm Willow's best friend.

I'm walking towards the dean's office right now to meet the transferees.


"Oh Sean. Thank you for being here." Mr. Lee greeted me as he opened the door.

"Good morning Mr. Lee." I bowed. "Uh Mr. Lee, Willow will be a bit late for our first period. You see, uhm, she had uh, locker problems." I bit my lip.

"Ahh, I see... Meet the new students." he said looking at the seven boys seated in front of his desk.

"Hi. My name is Calvin." says the tall guy with dimples.

"Tyrone." a bright smile was plastered in this guy.

"I'm Hugh." wow. He looks so handsome. Even for a guy like me.

Wow. All of them are good looking. I'm pretty sure they'll be the most handsome students this year.

"Nice meeting you all. My name is Sean and I'll be the one to tour you around school." I smiled at them.

"Let's go?" I smiled at them and they smiled back. "Welcome to *** Art University!"

They look pretty cool actually. Almost like celebrities if I say so myself.

We started walking in the field. It's a good weather today either. Not much heat but not cold too.

"So, this is the field. This is where we hold our physical activities like Sports or Dances." after that, I took them to Building 1. "This is the building where students who study Theatre and Arts can be found. This is the theatre, studio for acting, studio for song recording, that's the art room, the editing room for media or photography students, and many more."

Next, I brought them to Building 2. "Building 2 is where you can find the cafeteria, school gymnasium, and the school clinic."

"We have here the park. We sometimes have art exhibits here or booths and events. Students often stay here if they don't have class or they want to study. That building beside the park is the school library."

"Calvin! I know you'll be spending most of your time here." Tyrone said patting Calvin's shoulder receiving giggles from the Hugh.

"Building 3 is where our respective classrooms can be located. First years are on the ground floor while grades above are on the second to fifth floor."

"And this is the main building. When you enter the school, this is the first building you'll see. The teacher's room, and the dean's office can be located here. The main building is connected to the hallway where the lockers are found and it also leads to Building 3." the school tour is almost over. "So, that's that! Our school isn't that big but I assure you, their teaching skills here are the best!" I exclaimed.

"We know. That's the reason we chose this school." Calvin smiled.

"So what are your majors?" I asked.

"I'm majoring in creative writing. I think I might minor in music." Calvin said.

"For me, I'm majoring dance and minor in music." Tyrone beemed.

"I'm majoring in music and minor in dance." Hugh added.

"I'm music too! Nice knowing you. I hope we get along well."

"We hope so too."

"Uh, can you help us find our lockers?" Hugh asked.

"Sure. Follow me."

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Willow's POV

Whilst scrubbing. I decided to plug in my earphones.

~Doesn't Phoebe get tired of doing this? She does this like every week! Yuck, this lipstick is too sticky!~ ಠ,_」ಠ

[Now Playing: Love Story by Taylor Swift]

I started humming to the song whilst scrubbing. Thankfully, the lipstick is almost gone.

I started hearing muffled voices behind me but I chose to ignore it. Probably some students skipping class.


"Jesus!" I almost threw the scrub to the person who called me. I fell on my butt by the way!

I pulled my earphones from my ear and saw Sean with unfamiliar faces standing beside him.

"OMG. Sean." I immediately stood up and fixed myself.

~This is so embarrassing.~


"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you..." he scratched the back of his neck. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes, I'm fine."

I heard him giggle.

~These guys with him are probably the transferees. Right! They're on tour.~ *face palm*

"Ah right." he spoke again. "These are the transferees. Everyone, this is Willow. My best friend."

"Hi." I slightly waved my hand. I saw them all smiled at me.

"We have to go now. I have to take them to their lockers. Text me if you're done. We'll go to class together." Sean said and I nodded receiving a ruffle to my hair from him.

After that, they left... My knees felt like a jelly that I almost fell on my knees.

~What the hell did just happen?~ (>-<)

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ -[TIME SKIP]- ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

"Hyaaaaah!" Sean stretched his back. "That chemistry test was very hard."

"It's not if you studied." I giggled. "Let's go. I'm hungryyy."

I dragged him to the cafeteria while carrying my guitar. I got confused because he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"What's going on there?" he pointed at the flock of girls squeeling and screaming.

We walked towards them and saw the transferees in the middle of the crowd. I got shocked when the guy with "dimples" looked at me and mouthed the word "help".

"Ah!" I pinched Sean's arm. "What was that for?" he exclaimed.

"Let's help them." I whispered.

He stuck his tongue out first before placing his hand on his chin. Guess he's thinking of a diversion.

"Aha!" he snapped his fingers. "Everyone! The Gucci branch at the mall near the school is having a SALE!"

Aaaaaaaaaand that's what it took to make all those girls run and get into their cars to drive onto the mall.

Oh, and just so you know, students at are school are like obsessed with expensive stuff. They buy them not because they'll use it but because they want to brag about it to everyone.

~LOL I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING. Sean will be in big trouble after this! XD~


"You okay?" he ran towards the transferees.

"Yeah. We know that we're good looking but we didn't expect them to be like this." one of them said while panting. "Thanks by the way."

"No problem." Sean grinned.

Wow. They really are good looking. Even much more now that I'm closer. I feel like I'm surrounded by celebrities! The thing is, I'm just an ugly duckling compared to them XD.

"Hey, is it true? Gucci is having a sale???" the guy with the dimple asked showing his killer smile.

~he's breathtaking XD~

"No. I just made that up. People here loves to brag bout how expensive their stuff is. I knew they'll leave if that happens, although I'll probably get into trouble because of it. Hehe." he scratched the back of his neck.

"Willow right?" I got startled when the guy with cute dimples talked to me.

"U-uh, yes."

~I can feel my cheeks getting red! Send help!!~ (>.<)

"Nice meeting you Willow. I'm Calvin. This is Tyrone and that's Hugh." he said pointing at each of his company.

This Hugh guy is pretty cute. I mean, all of them are cute. It's just that this guy caught my eye the most. His doey eyes makes him look adorable, along with his big nose that compliments his face, his thin lips and the cute mole under it.

~Slow down dude! Y'all are so handsome, I can't process fully!~

"N-nice meeting you t-too." I stuttered.

"Be comfortable Willow, you're the first girl we met here. We'd like to be friends." Tyrone giggled.

"Let's eat! I need to release some stress from all of those tests." Sean said and walked towards a ten-seated table. The rest of us followed behind him.

"Right... You'll also need that energy for running away from all those girls you just tricked." I laughed.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ -[TIME SKIP]- ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Walking back home with earphones plugged in my ear and a song playing on the highest volume setting has been a favorite habit of mine.

"I'm ba*splash*-oh!" Cold water was thrown into my face as soon as I stepped inside the house. "Oh my god."

"I told you to wash my skirt carefully!" Sonyee screamed in my face. "Now look at what you did. My beautiful white dress turned yellow because of you!" Phoebe's face was plastered with fury that her face was turning red.

It's very cold that my knees were almost shaking.

"What's going on here?" Aunt Priscilla came from the kitchen. "Willow, why are you all wet?"

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to *smack*" I caressed my cheek. My aunt just slapped me.

Just so you know, this isn't the first time that happened.

"This dress is much more expensive than your life. Of course, you wouldn't know that because all you've ever had were our leftovers." Aunty said.

My lower lip started to tremble and my eyes were getting watery and watery every second...

"What did I ever do to deserve this?.. Because as far as I know, I did everything they wanted me to do. I threw away my pride just for them... I became their little slave...

I miss my parents.."

Tears started running down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry... It won't happen again... I promise." I said through tears.

"No dinner and breakfast for you." Aunty said and walked back to the kitchen. "Oh, and make sure you'll be spending your allowance wisely.. I won't be giving you some for a week." she smiled and left.

Meanwhile, I just stood there with my body trembling.

"Good for you." Phoebe rolled her eyes.

I want to fight back and defend myself. I really do. Still, there's nothing I can do because my aunt was the one who raised me when my parents were gone.

I went to my room and covered myself with my blanket.

"It's been a long day..." zzzZzzzZZZZ

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[Chapter unedited]

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