
Chapter 1

Marley stood outside the hotel room, heart pounding like a drum solo gone rogue. Three goddamn years, and finally, Oscar had asked her to meet him here. She glanced down at the text message on her phone again, as if by some miracle, it would reveal more than it already had.

"Meet me at Royal Palms Hotel. VIP Room 7. It's time."

"Time" had been gnawing at her since their wedding day when he turned cold as ice. Married at 21, fresh out of college, she'd thought she was living the dream. Yet, the man who had once pursued her relentlessly had become a stranger in their own home.

"Here goes nothing," she muttered under her breath. Her hand shook as she slowly turned the knob, bracing herself for whatever awaited her inside. The darkness that greeted her felt like a physical force, but she stepped in all the same.

As her eyes adjusted, Marley spotted a figure on the bed – her husband. In that moment, her excitement surged, and she dove onto the mattress, wrapping her arms around him without bothering to turn on a light.

"Oscar?" she whispered, her voice trembling with anticipation.

The man seemed stunned, but he welcomed her embrace. When she pressed her lips to his, he responded with a passion that set her soul on fire. This was it. This was the moment she'd been waiting for, praying for, every night as she lay alone in their cold, empty bed.

"God, Oscar, I've waited so long," she whispered between kisses, her thoughts a whirlwind of desire and disbelief. The man moved, taking control of their intimate embrace, and Marley surrendered herself fully to the moment.

Marley felt his hands on her body, exploring every inch, his touch sending shivers down her spine. His fingers traced the edges of her bra before slipping inside, teasing her nipples through the lace fabric. She arched into his touch, desperate for more. 

Marley's blouse came off easily, revealing her lacey black bra. He pulled it off too, revealing her perfectly rounded breasts to him. He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it gently while running her hands through his hair.

Marley groaned in appreciation. Encouraged by this response, he reached for his belt and slowly unbuttoned his pants. He slid the zipper down and pushed them off, finally revealing his throbbing member.

She felt him enter her slowly, stretching her tightness. It hurt but also felt right. He pushed more, filling her completely. She groaned softly, feeling full for the first time.

She arched her back in pleasure as he started to move faster, grinding against her hips. Their bodies slid against each other, creating a slick sound. She moaned softly, enjoying the feeling of his rough hands on her skin.

She gripped the sheets tightly as he picked up speed, hitting that spot inside her over and over. Her expression turned into one of pure bliss, every nerve in her body on fire. She could feel the tension building within her, getting ready to explode.

He pushed deeper into her, hitting that spot one last time before pouring his seed inside her. She cried out his name as wave after wave of pleasure took over her body.

The hours slipped away as they explored one another, fueled by years of unspoken passion. The two lovers tangled in the sheets, drowning out the thoughts that threatened to intrude upon their newfound connection.

Marley lay there, a tangle of limbs and satisfaction on the pure white bed. Her body felt like a well-worn ragdoll, all limp and floppy. She turned over, the blanket slipping off her body, revealing pale skin marred by blue-purple love bites. Her delicate eyebrows furrowed, still trying to make sense of the frenzy from last night.

"Damn, that was intense," she thought with a hazy smile. After three years of marital celibacy, they'd finally done the deed. All those nights spent wondering if Oscar's body was defective or if he just didn't care for her – it seemed almost laughable now.

The sound of rushing water in the bathroom caught her attention. Oscar must be taking a bath. The room itself was spacious, adorned with vibrant flowers that seemed to salute their union. Marley snuggled into the bed, making herself a cozy little nest while she waited for him.

The bathroom door creaked open, and out stepped the man in a robe, steam billowing around him. Marley's face flushed crimson, and she quickly averted her gaze, too shy to look directly at him. Even after everything they'd shared, facing him still made her heart race like a rabbit in a trap.

The sound of the man's footsteps echoed through the luxurious room as he approached the bed. Marley's heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through her veins. She frantically searched her mind for something meaningful to say, wanting to express her love for him.

But before she could open her mouth, his cold voice cut through the silence. "Why are you still here?" he asked, his tone dripping with dissatisfaction.

Marley's blood ran cold. The magnetic pull of his voice had previously drawn her in, but it filled her with terror. Her eyes widened, taking in the stranger standing before her. This was not the man she thought she'd spent the night with – this was not Oscar.

"Who are you?" she choked out, panic clawing at her chest. How could she have made such a mistake? Oscar had led her to this room, so why was this man standing here instead?

"Answer me!" she cried, desperation seeping into her voice. "Where is Oscar? Why are you in our room?"

Marley glared at the stranger, as she stood up her grip tightening on the blanket. "How did you get in here? Where's Oscar?" she demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear.

"I don't know," the man replied, his cold, deep eyes never leaving hers. 

"Really?" Marley shot back sarcastically. "Because it seems awfully convenient that you're here instead of my husband."

"Listen," the man growled, impatience creasing his brow as he took a step toward her. He reached out to grab her by the shoulder, forcing her to confront him. "Let's just—"

"Get your hands off me!" Marley shrieked, jerking away from his grasp. The sudden movement caused her body to flinch slightly, and the thin blanket fell away, leaving her exposed. She hastily covered herself with her arms, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and fury.

"Look," the man began, his damp hair clinging to his forehead as water droplets traced paths down his muscular chest. His white robe hung loosely around his frame, barely concealing the strong body underneath. "I was sleeping here when you came in and...well, you know."

"Shut up," Marley snapped, her mind reeling as she struggled to process the situation. She couldn't believe that she had mistaken this man for Oscar, but there was no denying what had happened between them. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of rage and humiliation threatening to overwhelm her. "This is all your fault!"

"Mine?" the stranger scoffed, his low-pitched eyes raking over her naked form, lust flickering in their depths. "You're the one who barged in and threw yourself at me!"

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