
Chapter 1

Being a clerical officer, a messager and a secretary at the same time was not easy for a young lady who really felt that she had matured and needed a running mate in her life. I was always busy with office work and had no time for love life but my heart always told me the person who was in my life was not the best to become the father of my children and therefore I needed to create a room for another person or else I become a Referend sister. Ie Catholic nun.

My elder siblings were not as educated as I was and so they got married at a very tender age of 19 and 20s and so I could tell my African uneducated parents and especially my father was tired of seeing me around his compound for he kept complaining that at 22 years I am getting old already.

Feeling being a bother to his eyes, I decided it was high time I rent my own house and leave my father in peace and that's how I started living alone. Since I didn't want the neighbors to judge me wrongly, I rented a shop - like house and stocked a few items such that everyone thought it's a business I was for but back in my mind, i wanted to be out of my father's compound.

Back to my love life, it was this fateful Tuesday during the April holidays and all the school fraternity were out for holidays apart from my friend Mrs Joseph who was the teacher on duty and I who was in charge of the office. It came to her time to leave and she wanted to rush to the nearest airport and I had to escort her but I was hungry whereby she promised to buy me some bites if I agreed to escort her at lunch hour. Well I agreed to her request and just like that she bought me some ribe bananas and we parted our ways.

Some few steps after parting, there came this dack tall smartly dressed with black trouser, pure white shirt, black leather jacket and god father cap who approached me and asked for a banana bite and by the way who am I not to serve such an elegant gentleman? it started just like that and step by step we walked together as I headed to the office.

The guy introduced himself as Lawrence and to his surprise I was Lawrencia and before we could talk much, oops! I had reached my office. But guess what? he insisted to know where I was ending to but I refused to tell him completely and at that moment he thought I was heading home, even when he 'cheated' me that he worked in Nairobi Kenya as an officer in clearing and forwarding company, personally I told him I was right from college and searching for job. He gave me his address and business card then we parted our ways.

Back in the office, I decided not to go for lunch and instead recite a rosary and while I was deep in meditation, it started raining heavily and I fell asleep and the same man came into my dream and asked for a hand in marriage, Before the dream completed itself someone tapped my shoulder and I woke up. oops! the dream became a reality and here he was barely 2 hours after I met him. Smiling as usual he said he had to find out who I was, and what I was doing and even why I cheated him brabrabra. Well, we talked at length and our friendship started.....

Those were the days when there were no mobile phones and so we survived on letter writing. His siblings were schooling in that school where I was working, which made our communication more easier. Days became weeks, weeks became months and months became years and our love grew even more to an extent of me forgetting my first love which was so 'boring' to me and I needed an alternative.

During all the period I kept my slogan that till we get married, my body is the temple of the holy Spirit so we had to wed in the church before we could taste the forbidden fruit, strictly, no alcohol and drugs and both of us had to be Catholics lest we part ways. My man had no problem on that.

Two years in COURTSHIP, my Lawrence visited me in my shop and somehow I sensed he was drunk and I confronted him when he started vomiting and he confirmed that he was 'a little drunk'. My trust for him became a "minus" and I blamed myself for trusting him so much! My investigations started and I no longer trusted him but I still loved him though I was not certain of him being the father of my children. I really wanted to know him more.

After a few weeks I insisted I wanted to visit him in Nairobi city where he claimed he was working and so we planned to meet on stage so as to board together. Generally, he ought to be very happy with that but I realized he got shocked but promised to meet me anyway at around 10 am because we were supposed to travel together, stay for a weekend and back to my home county the following Monday.

On that fateful day, I took a public transport to Embu town, went to Daya shop, bought some few clothes materials for my business and went to stage to wait for my man bearing in mind that I was not going to Nairobi whatsoever and if he came, then somehow the rumors that he was not working in Nairobi were wrong and if he failed to come, the rumors were right. So I waited and waited for about 2 hours when I saw his brother.

oooh! hello sis in law? he greeted, yes Bro I answered. I believe he sent you right? I asked. yes sis , he answered. oh ok! , go ahead and tell me.

He explained that my husband to be said that we weren't going to make it to where we were going because something cropped in......to be continued tomorrow.