
Who is it?

It was a normal day stiles got a call from scott "stiles we have a meeting in Derek loft" scott said then hung up stiles got to Derek loft he got out of his jeep and walked up to the pak "what's up" stiles said "we have a problem" Derek said "my mam said that they was people with bits on their neck one of them said a word vampire" scott said "VAMPIRE.....that's not possible" stiles mumbled "did you say vampire stiles?" Malia said "o no I have to go bye" stiles said then rushed off before anyone could say anything stiles go in his jeep and drove off until the pak couldn't see him he pulled out his phone and called his dad but no one answered about 15 missed calls stiles drove to the sheriff's station he rushed up to Parish " have you seen my dad?" Stiles said catching his breath "no he wasn't in today why" parish said "it's doesn't matter" stiles said then rushed off to the jeep he drove up to his house he took out his keys and unlocked the door "DAD!" stiles said going to every room one by one "yes stiles" said a voice stiles looked up "dad there you are I was calling you and you wouldn't pick up so I got worried" stiles said "sorry I must of turned off my phone"why were you not at work" stiles said "am sick am I not allowed a sick day off now its leat get some rest" stiles dad said "ok dad love you good night" stiles go's to his room but before he opened his door he hard someone in his room he quickly opened the door and shouted "HAY WHAT AR..."stiles stoped stiles dad hear him and rushed in there was a girl she had blood short hair and blue eyes "hi dad missed me"she said.

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