

Rihan's face seemed very timid next to Ryba.

They stopped in front of Rose and Ryba wanted to know where Rose was going.

'To see the carriage arrangement,' Rose said with the usual expression she always has.

Ryba sighs, 'You never sit patiently. You will feel worse while teleporting. That's why we canceled teleporting our whole journey. We will only teleport half of the way.'

Rose was surprised, 'I'm ok though. I won't have any problem teleporting…'

Ryba informed that Ruan Erliyen won't listen to any excuses. If Rose feels better after teleporting half of the way, only then they will continue the rest. Otherwise, they will travel with the carriage.

As they were talking Ryba noticed Rihan was observing Rose.

She smiles, 'I bet you have already recognized who she is.'

She introduces Rose to him, ' This is my aunt, Ruan Sayo.'

'Greetings! Lord Ruan,I am Han Rihan. Lord of clan Han.' Rihan placed his right hand on the left side of his chest and bowed slightly to show her respect.

Rose as well did the same gesture as a response to that, 'It's nice to meet you, Lord Han. I hope you are doing well.'

'Thanks to the Almighty that I am.' Rihan was really polite.

He has come to see Rose. Ryba also told her that her son Ruhan is also back.

'He is arranging the formalities about the carriage, so you don't need to worry.' Ryba assured Rose.

'Oh!! It's not because I'm worried. It's because I'm bored.' Rose said, which made Ryba sigh, 'I see. Then I won't stop you.'

Rose bowed to them and went past. After walking a few steps, Rose stopped. She called out Ryba. Ryba turned to see Rose. Han didn't stop. He went a few steps ahead seeing Rose approaching there to say something to Ryba.

Rose said, About Atrisa..,

'Don't worry, I haven't told grandma anything and I don't plan to tell her anything.'Ryba assured her.

Rose smiles while saying, 'No! No!...it's ok if you tell her. I don't have any problem with that. I wanted to tell you that I don't have any problem. I will be going now then.'

Ryba kept looking at Rose with a stunning face. She walked to Han. He holds her hand and walks upstairs.

Rose saw someone new who was talking with their knight and thought that was probably Ryba's son. His face had a similar appearance to Ryba except for the eyes. They were like Han Rihan. Seeing Rose getting there the knights bowed slightly to show respect to her. He turned to see who was that. She was pretty far from them. He was startled by her appearance. When she got near them she answered, 'No, I didn't change my gender. I will never.'

He bowed and didn't lift his head, 'I'm so sorry Lord Ruan. I was just wondering...in my mind.'

Rose tried to ease his guilt by saying she is accustomed to it. And as he didn't say anything out loud so it's her fault that she heard his thoughts.

'You must be Han Ruhan.' She asked with a soft voice. Ruhan smiled and answered that he was. Even though Rose was assuring him not to pay attention to the mistake, he still didn't lift his head. Rose knows she was already much taller than any 11 years old girl. She didn't have any ladylike appearance so that made him confused. She never imagined seeing someone as powerful as he is this polite. Then she couldn't but think of Han Rihan as he was very polite

Everyone came down after a while.

Rose was sitting on the mountain's stairs. She was thinking something while tangling and detangling a red thread. Lily came to Rose and sat beside her. Cail East was getting up there on the mountain top through the stairs. He saw them sitting to the side on the last step on the upper stair.

He stopped stepping up and greeted them, 'Greetings, Lords.'

They nodded to his greetings. Seeing Rose and Lily act normal he felt everything was normal.

Still, he wanted to be sure so he asked them and they told him everything was ok.

But in a moment, Rose adds, 'Just something went missing.'

Cail was surprised as something going missing is a rare occurrence so he wanted to know, 'What is?'

'The ring of clan Dell's knight which we took from those vampires.' Lily answered.

Cail tried to show the possibility of losing the ring on the way here was a natural thing.

Lily didn't agree with him, 'Certainly not.' She emphasizes the word that she had kept it in her dress's pocket and Lily didn't wear it after that so there is no possibility to lose it like that. That means it was someone who knew about where it was kept. Cail states that Rose's face turned pale.

She says with a sad expression, 'Ya. And the high possibility is that it's from the judges.'

Cail was utterly surprised, 'Judges?... from which department?'

'Hunters.' Rose scoffed.

Cail understands Rose's attitude so he said, 'I will keep an eye on their behavior.'

The girls were surprised to hear that. Lily frowns as they didn't ask him to keep an eye on them. Cail hesitates but apologies that he didn't help them when they were out for a noble cause. Lily didn't know the meaning of Noble cause Cail was implying.

Cail said, 'Yes. After seeing her, I understood that she was wrongly accused.'

'Didn't you believe she was dangerous?' Rose mocked him.

Cail sighs with a laugh, 'Huh! Ya! I still think she is dangerous. But I also realized that not every dangerous being is bound to be evil. A righteous person is always a dangerous one to the non-righteous one.'

Rose denied his offer while getting up. She dusted off her pants. As Cail was standing two steps down from where Rose was standing, their heights became similar.

Rose reminded him that they have told him that they won't make Cail do something that makes him a traitor in Justice's eye. Cail went silent to see Rose's eye unwavering like that. Rose continues, 'And we are not doing anything noble. I promised Atrisa that I would return her soul.'