1 The Conversation

My body slouched lazyly on the nude colored double couch.

With a sign I massaged my temples with my finger tips.

"Tired?" I heard auntie Bella's voice rang out through the space.

Tired won't describe how I'm feeling, exhausted is what I would say.

A smell of lavander hit my nostrils, a sign that Bella was near.

I closed my eyes as I inhaled the scent; it calmed, soothed and made me feel at home. Right then, I needed it.

Being pulled out of my comfort zone made me feel cranky.

But that's what my sneaky friends had planned for me for that day, they knew that I wouldn't place my vote of confidence.

Instead of telling me where we were headed, they kept quiet and told me that it was a surprise for my upcoming birthday. They trapped me like a caged bird. Once they revealed their  plans, I itched for an escape but there was nowhere to run. I had no transportation to get back to my comfy safety shell I call home. I wasn't a fan of public transport because I always felt uncomfortable around crowds.

They practically dragged me through every store that sold clothing. Shopping was one of the things I wasn't fond of. I had to choose a couple of dresses just to satisfy them but I also snagged the chance to grab some new jeans, joga pants, tank tops and sweaters.

Another point that totally prazalized me to the brain was that they were planning a birthday celebration.

Still they knew I didn't do well with crowds and if they were serious about planing it, they knew it would dent me thinking about how they did it all for me. I would eventually suck it up and forgive them for their mischief.

Thinking about it once more made me sign. Again.

"You going to spill out what is bothering you or is it because Lilly and Britney are planning a birthday party for you?"

Lilly and Britney are my two best friends who caged me, I loved them to pieces but sometimes I wish to drive some nails inside their heads to place some sense into them.

As an groan formed in my throat, a realization struck me hard. My eyes popped open, viewing a small familiar figure seated on a similar nude couch. My narrowed eyes took her from head to toe; Her familiar warm brown eyes stared at me, her golden hair tired into a messy bun, her prefect pale skin glowed and a loopy smile formed on her perfect pink lips. I loved everything about her, she treated me as her own child and was a good mother figure to me.

"You knew. " it's wasnt a question but a more or less like a statement, my eyes still narrowed.

Her smile windened, viewing her perfect white pearl teeth.

"That would be the truth and I had no comment in it. They decided themselves." her silky voice washed over me, making me want to crawl to her side and rest my head on her lap.

A stranger would think that we are mother and daughter but her light perfect features were far more different than my dark ones.

I had dark curls that seem to spiral out of control most of the time, my tanned skin and dark long eyelashes seem fit my character and my stromy grey eyes also has some darkness in them.

Bella seemed to have the same idea in mind, her small hand patted the empty spot beside her, she knew everytime I'm around her I would want some contact.

I quickly abandoned my couch and joined her. I did what thought of, I rested my head on her lap, leaving my legs dangling over the armrest. I wasn't tall nor short, just average hight.

Her small hand automatically started caressing my spiral curls. It was as if I was five years old, not a "about to turn" sixteen year old.

As I got comfortable, I felt a different energy rubbing off her, it was clear she was holding something and was waiting for the right moment to tell me.

"So… Other than your upcoming birthday party, I've got exciting news I've got to share." she said in an high pitched tone.

I tilled my head to get a good look at her. Her brown eyes looked down at me, her pink lips foaming a tight smile.

I raised one dark eyebrow, indicating for her to go on.

"I received an invitation or you may call it a letter form that came from Bravord. It indicated that you are one of the chosen students that are given the chance to attend the school."

My brain worked slowly, trying to process her words. Bravord was a school for supernatural beings… People like me.

I was a witch who came from a line of powerful ones. Bella was one and my mother was one. The school catered for the witches and wizerds, the Kendra, vampires and wolves. I had heard that to get in, you must receive an special invitation.

The school was situated near a small town in England.

I'd have to move if I accept the offer but there was a ton to think about before I make the rash decision.

I had no idea how to act on the news, for starters I would have to leave my comfy home and two best friends and travel across the world to attend it. Second I would have to juggle my company and the new school but that wouldn't pass even if I wouldn't move.

My mother, before she passed away started a line of jewelry, perfume, cosmetics and fashion label called Aron. It was a well known brand across the global and favorites to celebrities.

Since my mother had died whilst I was young, she had wrote her will about me taking everything that she owned but I was too uneducated for taking over the company so Bella stepped in. She managed to hold of the lawyers for a few years, stating that I still had to learn how to run it. From a young age I've been taking extra classes that streamed in the line of work that I was expected to handle as CEO of the company, like business and accounting.

Now turning sixteen, the lawyers seem to be on the edge. After my big celebration, I'll be signing papers soon and I will become the CEO of Aron. I knew that I wouldn't do it alone, Bella will become my COO and I'll have someone who has experience by my side.

But things still weighed on the balance, I felt like everything was placed on my shoulder.

Was it normal for a 15 year old to have so much pressure?

Bella's soft hand that jammed through my unruly hair, now massaging my scalp pulled me out of my thoughts.

My body shook in pleasure, making me sign in satisfaction.

She knew the right spots to release the tension in my body that I myself do not notice at most of the times. I found her brown eyes still staring at me. One would think they are hypnotizing, I used to fall into sleep by looking at them.

"I know there is a ton to think about, but this is a good opportunity for you. You can have a chance to embrace your supernatural side, it would do good for you. Maybe you'll learn how to adapt to crowds and stop hiding for once in a while."

I wanted to fume and throw a tantrum becouse for her words but instead I was gaping like a fish. "I do not hide, I just feel comfortable in a non too crowded space." I said, my words finally coming back to me.

She gave away a small chuckle "Alright then. I know there are other factors to think about, like Aron. After signing the contracts, you need to set up a meeting with your assistant."

I gave out a huff "Reality sucks."

Her warm expression became blank and unreadable but clear with seriousness "I will be there every step of the way with you, but it is not my army to lead but yours. You have to substitute everything you've learned so far and play the role that was given to you. Yes, school is another factor, but take it as a way of finding new strategies of building Aron much more stronger than it is now. Keep in mind to enjoy everything you do because if you don't, you'll end up hating it. Live a little, staying in 'non too crowded spaces' will only limit the joy and purpose of life. Soon enough you'll have to be the head to Aron and you'll have to attend meetings and events. Not learning how to adapt around crowds will lead you a step down and that won't be pretty. ."

Silence was brutal after she said those words but they struck me right to the core. I wanted so badly to push them away but I knew I had to face reality at some point. I knew that I had to step out of my comfort zone at some point and my two best friends were helping me to do that. Yes I was angry at that but I must be grateful. Starting a new school would be a great experience in order to achieve the goal but yet I wouldn't want to leave Seattle, the comfort zone of my home, Bella and my two best friends.

Bravord was a boarding school, the only time I would be able to see my circle would be in the holidays… but something didn't make sense.

"Wait… How will I be able to attend meetings and events if Bravord only allows students to leave during holiday seasons? Or even manage the company from far away?" I asked

From her unreadable expression, it lit up once I asked the questions "I thought about that and I spoke to the head master of the school and we reached to an agreement."

I looked at her with one dark eyebrow raised, waiting for her to continue but she seemed like she's not going to elaborate.

"Well, are you going to tell me?" I urged

A small smile formed on her face "I know I talked about you getting out of your shell but I know that you'll need some peace and quiet while you work. The Head Master said they will prepare a room for you that you don't have to have a roommate because all of the learners have roommates. You'll also attend classes four out of the five days of the week. You will be given the permission to leave so, able to travel back here for the business meetings and other events."

I nodded numbly in understanding but there are things that I need to still think about.

I felt Bella's small hand caressing my cheek "Are you thinking about Lilly and Britney?." she asked as if she was reading my mind.

"Yes, and you." I answered

She signed softy "The next time you see them, ask then what is the purpose of this celebration their planing. Maybe it will get some weight off your shoulders and you'll be able to decide if you'll joining Bravord soon."

By the sound of her words, she knew more than she was letting on but I knew it will be useless to ask her. What I've learned, she would keep something away from you with a reason and when the time comes she'll let you in.

I wanted to sign in frustration but I kept it in.

Only four days left till my birthday and something tells me it's going to be a difficult road to travel before me.

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