3 sardonyx x corrupted gem hybrid willow vore

Sardonyx sighed with relief, as she watched the last corrupted Quartz flee, limping a bit from the vicious blow it had taken from her hammer. She herself was leaning on the shaft of the hammer for support, hurt from the battle that had ended only moments ago.

She looked down, to see the gem of one of the corrupted gems that had just attacked. Grunting in pain as she leaned down, she scooped it up, bubbled it and send it to the temple. With that done, she looked around for her companion. She'd lost track of Willow during the fighting.

"Willow?" She called, looking around. "Where are you, darling?"

"Uuuhhhnn…" Came a groan of pain. Sardonyx looked where the noise came from, to see Willow. She was lying on her side, curled into a ball.

Using her hammer like a crutch, Sardonyx limped over to her fallen friend. "Willow? Are you alright?" She asked.

Willow didn't respond, beyond another moan. Sardonyx crouched down, taking willow into her hands. Immediately, Sardonyx saw the source of her injuries. On her side, was a multitude of deep scratches and cuts.

Sardonyx looked around. They hadn't managed to poof all of the corrupted quartzes. Sardonyx knew they would likely be coming back soon. Willow was obviously in no condition to fight, and she couldn't afford to constantly be looking after her in a fight. There was only one obvious solution, she decided.

"Hehe, this might not be the most pleasant experience for you, but it's for the best." Sardonyx chuckled to herself, bringing the hybrid to her mouth. Dangling Willow by her tail, Sardonyx lowered her gently on to her tongue. She slowly worked Willow towards the back of her mouth, taking pains not to upset her injuries further… as well as not to cut the roof of her mouth on the gem clusters on willow's back.

Next, she swallowed, forcing Willow into her throat. She could feel the crystals on willow's back rubbing against her throat lining, an odd sensation she'd never really had with any previous… passengers. Willow eventually dropped into her stomach, making a small bulge in Sardonyx's abdomen.

"I guess I'm just lucky that tail of yours didn't cut me on the way down." Sardonyx said, patting her stomach. "But don't worry, darling, you should be much safer in there! Who knows, you might even come to like it…"
