
Chapter 2

"YOUR JOKING, RIGHT!!??" I asked, while confusion and angry were burning up inside of me.

"No, I'm not joking, and I think your reaction is utterly rude!" my mother replied trying to keep her cool.

"It's okay, honey. He didn't offended me or my son. It is perfectly normal for him to act this way. He's probably just surprised."

My mother was about to tell him he was right, but I cut in before she said anything.

"Well I am so glad I got permission to be angry with, MY PRINCIPAL, for sleeping with my mother!"

My mom was about to yell at me, but got cut of by the sudden sound of laughter. I looked around and the person that was laughing was nun other than.....Scott Wilson. I felt angry bubble up inside of me and I lashed out at him.

"Well I am so glad you find humor in all of this but I do not, so can you get off your high horse and show some respect to someone other than your narrsistic self. And now that I think about it there are a lot of things I don't want to happen. Like, I don't want people knowing my mother got married to the principal, I don't want to be accused of cheating because my mom is sleeping with the principal, I don't want to be defined as Scott Wilson's brother, I don't want to be compared to him, don't you get it.....I DON'T WANT TO BE RELATED TO YOU!!!"

Scott's eyes open wide and he looks utterly shocked. I look around the room and his dad and my mother look shocked too but no one said anything. I grabbed my bag and headed to the front door, I started talking but I never looked back.

"I don't feel like going to school. You can fix that right up for me can't you Daddy." I said the word 'Daddy' sarcastic and let out a fake laugh while looking at the wooden door. I could feel Scott's eyes on my back, but I couldn't tell what emotion. Hatred, Guilt, etc. I went out the door before anyone could say anything else.....

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