
Chapter 4: Making a Team Pt.1

~~3rd Pov~~

When Shane's body hit the floor, you can feel the entire camp suck in a deep breath out of shock. 'what the fuck' was a common thought going through everyone's mind.

Rick crawled to Shane's body in a mild shock. Tears began to run down his face. He picks up the body of his partner, best friend, his brother. He felt a sharp pain in his chest. A piece of heart was carved out of him in front of his very eyes. The camp looked on to this scene and couldn't help but shed tears also. Wondering if they could ever do what Shane had done. Was it selfish or a heroic act full of bravery?

Not giving a second thought to the bodies around them people started to retire and start fresh in the morning. All the while, Max, Emma, and the rest slept in the Vehicle. Wondering if Solomon knew that the horde was coming. But, shook that from their minds. But it wasn't the craziest thought considering the dead now walked the earth.

Still, it was impossible to know the future. But if he did. That one percent chance that the man they were now following, could tell the future was exhilarating. And without Solomon's knowing a seed of faith was born in his new team.

Across the camp, Solomon sat in the tent that belong to the Korean man who gifted him a book only moments before the attack. He and his family were all dead. Solomon knew that if he was alive and real, so were they.

But what was plot and what was fate was the question.

Solomon's thoughts were in overdrive. Because of his eidetic memory, his recall was unparalleled. At this very moment, a map was revolving around his mind and he focused on a specific area, The CDC and the roads leading to Emory University and the library that sits on Cliff Road. The same main road that the CDC sat on.

He needed the books in their library. With his memory and high-level comprehension, those books could turn him into anything he wanted to be. A doctor, electrician, chemist, biologist, architect, and so on. If there were enough books on it, he could make it happen. But it was only a quick fix until he could gather more people.

Solomon understood the world was bigger than the plot. The Korean man was evidence of that.

'Four strangers, two vehicles, provisions, and weapons aside from food and water. The plot is constant but can be changed. How much, I don't know.' Solomon thought.

"The CDC is really looking more desirable. I don't have to go in to get what I need." Solomon spoke to himself.

Solomon spent the rest of the night contemplating the rest of his life until he drifted off into a slumber.

~~Solomon's Pov~~

Aaaahh! I let out a big yawn and stretched my arms toward the sky.

Stepping out of the tent I see the aftermath of the horde, T-Dog burning bodies while others drag bodies across the campground. Out of my peripheral vision, I see Mike and April walking toward me. I meet them halfway before asking them what they wanted.

"We just wanted to tell you everything is ready, and the tanks are full. We were just waiting for you to wake so that we can head out" said April.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask looking around and not being able to find Max, Emma, or Finn.

"Max and Em are helping take bodies to the place the camp wants to bury their fallen. And Finn… well, he's talking to that Andrea girl." said Mike, "She's in a tough spot after what happened to her sister."

"Hahaha good, He could use somebody in times like these when life is fickle"

"Help out where you can and tell Finn to come sees me, I have a few things I need him to do" without anything else to say I walk off to watch the events unfold. Jim was also bit last night, and while moving bodies to the fire It was T-Dog to figure he had gotten bit.

This little change didn't bother me. I never expected to calculate the future to the last decimal. And, honestly, it was a lot more exciting the more the world become unpredictable, not including the fact that walkers could take any one of us off the board at any time.

With Shane gone and the way he went, Rick was still affected by the events of last night. He tells the group that if there was a possibility. Then he was willing to take a chance and head to the CDC to avoid anyone else from making the decision that Shane had to make.

It was kind of ironic hearing him say those words. But, without any protest, they returned to cleaning up the aftermath. When everyone broke off, Rick and I made eye contact, and made his way over to me.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you, everyone told me you had your guys protect our families. If you weren't here I think the casualties would be more than what they were" said Rick

"No Problem, Cowboy. Your people have been really hospitable to us and what kind of people would we be if we let children become walker food" I replied.

"Haha, I'm glad you said that, I have a request. If you don't mind indulging a desperate father, I would like for you to stay with us. At least until we make it to the CDC. There is strength in numbers." Rick proposed

'What the hell is this?' I thought.

"Sure, I can do that," I tell him as we are interrupted by the arrival of Finn. Separating from Rick, I take Finn for a walk to have a little discussion out of the range of inquiring ears.

~~3rd Pov~~

As the camp prepared to leave everyone was loading their stuff up in their perspective vehicles. All but one group. Solomon's group. He was informing everyone of the change of plans until something caused Max to question his decision.

The rest of the group watched the scene. Even though they were apprehensive about Solomon's decision. They knew they didn't have the right to question. Besides being a decent leader, he also spared their lives and allowed them to ride along with him. Not the other way around.

"Why are we going to the CDC? Back at the station, you said to us "Don't go to the CDC and get the hell out of Atlanta." said Max.

"Lower your fucking voice," Solomon growled as he stepped closer to Max.

"Yeah, so what? I didn't want you to go to CDC and touch the shit I wanted. Now, we're going to the CDC to protect those kids and get the things I need. And I know you're confused about how we can rob the CDC if that's a safe zone. But, now is not the time for that and you'll understand everything when we get there. Now get your as in the truck or stay here" Solomon spoke firmly.

Max looked around at the group, not wanting to choose sides they looked away, so he let that be. Finally, his eyes settled on his wife. Her brows were slightly furrowed, and she wore a stern expression and just shook her head.

Turning back to Solomon, Max releases a sigh and says "Alright, your call then."

He then turns around to get into the driver's seat. Followed by Finn, Mike, and April. Emma walked to the passenger side of his truck causing Solomon to call out to her "There's no need Em, I trust you guys enough. You don't have to be a hostage."

"I know, I just want to ride with you. Is that okay, Solomon?" Emma asks with a light smile.

"Haa no problem at all." Solomon replied.

Solomon looks over to see everyone is ready to leave. But, walks over to the Morales' car urging them to wait before pulling into line in order to head out.

"Hey, Morales… I heard you weren't coming along?" said Solomon

"Yeah, my friend. We have some family in Birmingham. And want to get to them and make sure they're alright" Morales explained

Solomon gives a soft scowl causing Morales and his wife to have ware a questioning look

"What is it?" Morales asked.

"Birmingham? Michigan or Alabama?" Solomon asked in turn.

"Down in Alabama… Have you heard something Solomon?"

"Just come with me. I got somebody you might want to talk to before you make a decision for your family. And bring your wife as well" said Solomon

Solomon leads Morales and his wife to the second swat truck before waving his hand to call over Finn who was sitting in the passenger seat. Finn then walks over to Solomon and Morales.

"Yeah, what's up?" Finn asked nonchalantly.

"Finn, Which Birmingham is your family in?" asked Solomon

Finn gave a depressed look and turned to Morales as he knew what this was about.

"Alabama… Is that where you folks want to go?"

"We have family down there that we want to get to. Any information would be greatly appreciated?" said Morales

"I'm sorry man, I've lost family too. But that's not a place you want to go. Especially by yourselves with two little ones. The place was overrun long before Atlanta fell. It was one of the first places to get napalmed to contain the virus. Everything burned."

Hearing the news, Morales' wife Miranda fell to the ground in tears, As Morales kneels to console her. Solomon gestures to Finn. Finn picked up the signal and went back to the truck.

"Morales. You don't have to follow Rick, you can come with us after we get Rick and his people to the CDC. We're moving on. I just think it's not a good idea to risk your children on a very slim chance of finding relatives in a burnt-down city" said Solomon

Solomon was ready to stop watching and testing the world. Now it was all about survival and strength.

"We can't go, baby… It's not about us… Eliza. Louis… We need to protect them. We can't risk their lives for our wants" Miranda spoke, trying to keep her sorrow at bay.

Looking over to Solomon. Morales helps his wife up. Jaws clenched and eyes wide he says to Solomon "If something happens to my family. You are responsible, Solomon. Now, as a husband and a father, I ask that you please help me protect my family."

"I promise you on my life"

~~Solomon's Pov~~

Damn, that was a little intense. I kind of feel bad lying to them but, I couldn't let those kids die. That would have made me feel worse. Picking up the radio, assuming Finn felt the same way. I assure him that it wasn't an easy decision, but he just saved that woman and her kids.

"What about the husband?" Asks Finn, kind of confused.

Emma looks at me waiting for an answer.

So, I tell them the truth.

" He would have been just fine, broken from their deaths, but alive he would have been. No more question gets your rest tonight is going to be a long one." Turning off the radio so I couldn't hear his response, not caring if the answer satisfied him or not.

"I was right about you. You know things don't you Solomon?" The question came from Emma.

"Not enough. Nothing is certain in this world. Things change every second. We may meet someone on this road. And then again that person might be attacked by a roaming walker. And it's not that I know things. I know people." I try to play it off, giving just enough so that she can believe it but not too much for her to become overly reliant on my knowledge.

"Haha, I knew it! The others thought it was dumb luck or terrifying foresight! But you knew that horde was going to attack the camp and I'm assuming that Shane guy had to d..."

I grab her by the hair before she could finish and pull her over to me. "I'm only going to tell you once and you tell everyone else. If anyone knows about this. It will not end well for anyone. And if you or anyone else starts to scheme I'll know, and I'll kill you all" throwing her back to the passenger seat she gains a docile expression.

"I'm sorry," she says "I got too excited. I'll tell everyone else whatever you want me to tell them." She leans back in her seat a little downhearted.

"As I said, I know people. I know myself. One of me can't face a world of them. So consider yourself and your friends as being used. Follow my design or move on. But watch your mouth."

"Thank you..." she said, "Thank you for coming to the police department to save me" Tears rolled down her face and I just shook my head.

" You're a dumb ass. I did that for me. I just needed labor hands, now stop thinking too much and get some sleep."

Along the way, everything was still in the prediction range. The radiator hose on the RV caused us to stop but because we took a long time to set out due to me trying to deceive Morales in order to save his family. Jim began to turn a little after we stopped and Jacqui opted to run the knife through his brain.

She laid a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I'm Sorry, baby. Forgive me…" she said in a low soft voice. Due to the quiet atmosphere, everyone around heard her words.

It wasn't long after that we were back on the road.

Solomon and his team finally arrived at the CDC and when they got there, it was a ghost town. Dead bodies everywhere and walkers wobbling here and there

"Everyone's dead, how is this a safe zone" April asked

"It's actually dangerous as fuck, you never know when it might…go… boom" Solomon replied, making the explosion gesture with his hands.

Picking up the radio Solomon called to the other truck. "Everyone stay at ease. I'm going to talk to Rick, I'll be back."

Stepping out of the truck, I approached Rick's group as they were gathering their things.

"Thank you for getting us here, I really do appreciate your help, Solomon," Said Rick as he shook my hand.

"No problem, Cowboy. You just make sure you take care of yourself. Try not to get fat in your new cushy palace."

Rick chuckled a bit. "What about you?"

"What do you think? I'll pick what we need from this graveyard. Then I'm thinking about Athens. I guess Mike has family there. From there, I'm thinking of Louisiana and Alabama. Hell, the world is ours."

"That's good. But you can reconsider..."

"That's it. I'm not cut out for a safe zone. Hurry up before the people inside go to sleep for the night. We need to get to work ourselves." I shooed Rick away.

My group and I watched as they made it to the door. It took a lot of shouting before the doors opened. But when they closed, the people that stayed with me gathered around the hood of the Morales' vehicle.

I looked at the group, we were now eight strong with two children.

"We're short on time. Maybe 12 hours. So, there will not be any sleeping," I began, "First things first, Miranda stays in the swat truck with the kids until it's time to head out. Never open the door. The rest of you pull out anything that you can use to kill a walker aside from a gun. "

I took a short pause then continued as Miranda and her kids went for the truck.

" We came for the big trucks, called LMTVs. The armored Humvees with 50 Cal mounts. And whatever supplies these people left on the front, we have plenty of time, let's just get it done before sunrise."

And so, they did. I showed everyone how to dismount and mount the 50 Cal Machine Guns and showed them how to operate them along with any other weapons they weren't familiar with.

When all of the new vehicles were in line, they were assigned people and cargo. Clearing out the swat trucks and moving everything to its perspective vehicle was a breeze. Next was collecting ammunition, then Magazines, medical supplies, Water, and a truckload of MREs.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that we were in a treasure trove. The place even had unpacked trucks. But I suppressed his greed and went for a reasonable balance.

Closer to the CDC building, was a Water Buffalo, a 400-gallon tank of water that could be towed.

"Hey, let's attach this to one of the vehicles" Mike called out, "We should put it in the middle to be protected. Just in case we roller through taken territory."

The noise wasn't really an issue considering, I was standing in the middle of the lawn with my sword drawn. I used the flocking walkers as practice dummies to combine my 108 steps with the thirty-two sword forms.

I was getting better the more I practiced. But no one could tell, except for Emma. She watched me like a hawk. Everyone else thought I was a sword master just by swinging the thing and killing a few walkers.

But Emma watched me become more sturdy and confident. The better I became, the more charm I exuded in the midst of my sword dance. But I pretended not to notice. It was still too early in the team-building phase to create strife.

"Taken territory? Really? What the hell do you think this is?" April asked.

"He's right," I said, "Not all groups are on the road. And the city isn't completely empty. As long as we're on the road, we're at war."

I then moved away, never ceasing to practice my footwork. I stopped at the vehicles to check on Miranda and the kids.

"Where are you going?' She asked

"On a scouting mission, mama. Take care of your kids and the group while I'm gone. Unlike them, you have power."

Miranda looked confused.

"Maternal Instinct. Make sure they don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I then walked around the corner, towards Emory University Hospital and Library.

Next chapter