

Wrongly condemned, a soul was lost. Executed by his family, a fate so cold that even the universe wept at such an act and yet fate did bend. Reincarnating him, a new path to mend On the stellar continent and vast universe where he awoke anew A world of wonder, where stars shone true A chance to start fresh, to live and to grow Free from the shadows of a wrongful woe The legend is about to begin lets join him on this thrilling adventure

ELDION · Sci-fi
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4 Chs


The heavy metallic chains which had bound a young boy echoed through the whole court as he was being dragged by two men who were in heavy armor. The whole placed buzzed with murmurs as the crowd gathered, whispers of treachery and betrayal could be heard all over.

"Traitor he deserves to be killed"

"He is a disgrace to the Vertblade House and deserves nothing but death for his crimes"

"Kill him and don't show any mercy to that traitor"

Lucryn Von Vertblade an indirect descendant of the House of Vertblade who was born without talent was nothing more than a useless person in the family. The Vertblade family was one of the most powerful and famous family of genius who excelled in martial arts, magic and craftmanship. This made others feared and even coveted their secrets.

Lucryn who had always dreamed of becoming a strong martial artist trained his whole life whiles knowing he didn't have the talent for it but he still studied everything that he could know from martial arts to magic and to craftmanship, hope of achieve his dream one day.

But all that came to an end when he was suddenly held captive and accused of stealing the secrets of the family and giving it to outsiders. He was imprisoned and tortured for days until his punishment was decided.

Finally, he had arrived at the centre and put to his knees whiles facing the crowd. The executioner loomed nearby, his presence a grim reminder of the finality of justice in the realm.

As the moon was at its peak casting it cold blue light over the courtyard, Lucryn was led to the gallows. The crowd fell silent anticipation hanging thick in the air. The final moments before the lever were pulled Lucryn's gaze met the whole crowd and when he saw the look in their eyes, he felt nothing but only prepared himself to embrace death because he already knew that no one was going to save a piece of trash like him.

With a heavy heart and a steady hand, the execution fulfilled his duty. The recoiled as the trapdoor opened beneath Lucryn's feet, his silhouette briefly outlined against the cold blue light.

The whole courtyard was silent for a while before each and every one of them began to go back to their homes leaving the courtyard empty.

Within the silent courtyard the shadow of a man could be seen looming around the place as if he owned. "Poor thing how could they do this to you, with evidence you were executed for a crime you didn't commit, but don't worry your death won't be in vain as it was the will of God" the man said in senile manner. He then stretched forth his hands towards Lucryn's body suddenly causing a golden ball of light to come out of his body.

He took the ball of light and disappeared into tin air, just as he left another ball of light come out of the body it radiated a blue cold light and with the ball was a starry sky which was quiet mesmerizing. The ball of light flew straight into the sky without a trace moving so fast that within minutes it was lost and couldn't be seen.

After this two phenomenal the body began to dissipated turning into particles of light and disappearing into the lonely cold night.



Hello everyone this is my novel and my first book am a beginner so you can pardon me for some mistakes and if you like it leave a comment and look forward to the next chapter later.

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