
C-Tier Mana Circuits

After the shopping spree with Mira, Edwin made his way to the warehouse where the thirty women, including Giselle, Yrellea, and Beatrix, awaited him. The atmosphere was a mix of gratitude and camaraderie, making the hour spent with them pass swiftly.


As the time neared its end, the majority of the women left the warehouse. However, Edwin had specifically requested Giselle, Yrellea, and Beatrix to stay behind. Their sly grins hinted at the intriguing conversation that was about to unfold.


Edwin, displaying genuine gratitude, addressed the trio, "I truly thank you three for helping me save my sister. Please tell me what you want from me. I will do my best to provide it to you."


Giselle, with a reassuring smile, responded, "There's no need for such formality, Sir Johan. We were glad to help. Now, as for what we desire, it's something unique that only you can provide."


With curiosity lingering in the air, Edwin inquired, "What is it?"


Beatrix, taking the lead, stated, "The three of us have discussed this matter and want you to spend an hour with us each day in my apartment for an entire month. This means that you have to use your ability on each of us for 20 minutes."


Edwin nodded without hesitation, "Alright, I agree."


He recognized that the favor they asked for was a small commitment compared to the enormous favor they had granted him by saving his sister's life.


After the agreement was sealed, Yrellea, with a playful smirk, chimed in, "Well then, let's not keep you any longer, Sir Johan. We should head home now."


Edwin followed Beatrix to her car, a sleek vehicle that quickly whisked them away to Beatrix's flat near the warehouse.


Beatrix's flat was nothing short of impressive – spacious, clean, and elegantly furnished.


Edwin found himself in a comfortable setting as the three women ushered him inside.


As soon as they entered, a timer was set, marking the beginning of the first intimate session.


Yrellea, the first in line, embraced Edwin tightly. Her hands moved over his body with a mix of sensuality and familiarity, maintaining the intimate contact for the entire twenty minutes.


Once Yrellea's time concluded, Giselle stepped forward. Edwin and Giselle engaged in a similarly intimate exchange, with the clock ticking away the allotted twenty minutes.


The final round belonged to Beatrix. Edwin hugged her tightly, their hands exploring each other's bodies with a shared intensity. The clock counted down the minutes, and as the final seconds passed, the unique arrangement was fulfilled for the day.


Since he was done for the day, he decided to call for a cab to take him back home.


As Edwin did that, Beatrix, Yrellea, and Giselle gathered in the living room of Beatrix's flat. Excitement and hushed whispers filled the air as they shared their experiences.


Beatrix, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, couldn't resist teasing, "Well, ladies, today was certainly an interesting day, wasn't it?"


Yrellea, her usually composed demeanor now tinted with a playful smile, added, "Interesting might be an understatement, Beatrix. I'd say today was quite enlightening."


Giselle, with a sly grin, chimed in, "Edwin certainly has a unique talent, doesn't he? I mean, our Mana Circuits improved by nearly 10%! That's no small feat."


The room echoed with laughter as they shared their experiences, recounting the warmth that enveloped them during Edwin's unique sessions.


Beatrix raised an eyebrow. "Did any of you feel… a certain desire for more? I mean, it's not just me, right?"


Yrellea nodded in agreement. "I have to admit, towards the end, I wouldn't have minded if things got a bit more… intense."


Giselle, with a playful smirk, added, "Absolutely! I mean, we were practically begging for it. Why didn't he just take the plunge?"


Laughter filled the room once more as they contemplated the events of the evening. It seemed that despite the initial purpose of enhancing their Mana Circuits, another desire had sparked within them.


The conversation then took a turn to how Edwin handled the situation with a certain level of restraint. Yrellea commented, "He's a gentleman, isn't he? Not many men would resist such an opportunity."


Beatrix, with a thoughtful expression, replied, "True, but I still wish that he had thrown me on the bed and had his way with me. Not that I would have minded."


Giselle, raising an eyebrow, mused, "What if we suggested it next time? Just let him take control."


Beatrix smirked, "It might not be a bad plan. After all, we are doing this to get stronger. Letting Edwin take the lead could be a different kind of training."


Yrellea, playfully rolling her eyes, quipped, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We've got a month of this, and who knows what surprises it might bring."


As they continued to discuss their gains and desires, little did they know that the very man of their discussions was now making his way home, contemplating the intriguing turn his life had taken.


As Edwin rode back home in the cab, he couldn't shake off the sense of achievement that tingled through his senses. Today's sessions had brought him tantalizingly close to the elusive C-Tier stage for both his Mana Circuits and Mana Pool.


'Just a few more sessions, and I'll break through,' Edwin mused, a triumphant grin playing on his lips.


However, amidst the triumph, a curious shift in perspective had emerged within Edwin. The aspirations he once harbored for achieving C-Tier Mana Circuits and Pool, driven by the desire to become an above-average Hunter and secure financial stability, now seemed to wane.


'Funny how things change,' Edwin thought to himself. 'I've longed for this moment, and now that it's within reach, the allure of the Hunter Guild and its perilous missions doesn't seem as appealing.'


Edwin couldn't ignore the fact that he now possessed the means to enhance his power and financial standing without venturing into the dangers of monster-filled realms. His unique ability had become a lucrative source of income, making the prospect of risking his life as a Hunter less enticing.


'Why put my life on the line when I can continue improving without the constant threat of those creatures?' Edwin contemplated. 'And there's Mira to consider. I want a life of comfort and security for her. I can achieve that without plunging into the chaotic world beyond the wormholes.'


As the cab traversed the city streets, Edwin found himself pondering the new path that lay before him. The prospect of living a life that didn't involve the constant struggle against otherworldly threats seemed increasingly appealing.


'I'll carve my own path, make my own destiny,' Edwin resolved inwardly.


Little did he know that this newfound perspective would bring both unforeseen challenges and unexpected opportunities.

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