

I am satisfied with my life, she thought as she was sitting under the old tree, whose roots were deep and thick just like her beliefs. Cold wind blew and made her shiver. But it was not cold enough to make her stop gazing at the beautiful scenery of mountains in front of her. She wondered how come God made this beautiful universe just for the people. And people who don't even believe in Him.

'Fatima' ! ... Ayesha yelled so loud that made all the birds fly away.

'Hmm' .. Fatima responded.

'Come on Sardar has summoned you '... Ayesha said.

'Hmm'.. she replied with no expression at all.

She jumped from the tall old tree and untied her horse.

Ayesha walked beside the horse and went into the village gates, straight to the Sardar tents. Sardar's tents are the biggest and can be seen from far away. when they reached near the door Ayesha said ;

'Good luck. I have a feeling he's going to give you a new mission.'

Fatima smiled at her companion and went inside.

Fatima went in and placed her hand on her heart and bowed her head a little, greeting the Sardar.

Fatima said;

'I hope you are fine my Sardar.'

With a smile Sardar said;

'Ah. yes yes. Alhumdulliah I'm fine. I haven't seen you in a while. Don't you want to see your father ..huh? don't you miss me and barely visit?'

I didn't want to disturb you with all the migration going on. people are already stressed enough and you are always busy with them . I want you to sort their issues out before giving me time. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. just stay healthy for all of us . she replied.

Alright then ,have dinner with me.And always remember that you are a part of me. Always choose the right path even in the most difficult of situations. Don't go astray. I believe in you. You are the future of my "sapahis". He said with a proud smile.