
Chapter One

Face turned towards the sky, perhaps while standing with outstretched arms. The sky's color before it turned to black was this beautiful blue color which was called steel. She turned around only to notice some red flowers between the other trees. It was some trumpet keepers.

She took some steps closer, reaching her arm further, seeking to touch it. The flimsiness petals felt so soft in her fingertips. She smiled to herself brightly either side of her lips drawing a small pink moon.

She left out a chuckle to be heard watching the small birds approaching the wonderful flowers when suddenly all of them fell to the ground lifeless. All of the scenery changed dramatically, the sky was no longer blue. Instead, it was dark bloody red.

Her fingers now were decorated by small bloody drops. She gasped and let her body fall down on the ground still looking at the blood. 

Clicking sounds from guns echoed everywhere and bullets falling to the ground. She looked down at her stomach only to realize a lake of blood decorating it. 

"No!" She screamed the first tears forming in her eyes. 

Soon she was forced to wake up from the nightmare as someone kicked her tiny body off her bed and pressed his gun on her forehead.  

"Don't you dare do something stupid like fighting back or even screaming for help. No one can help you." He smirked whilst whispering in her ear, his mouth dangerously close to her face. The tone of his voice was giving away his identity.

He pulled back and then the girl could now recognize the intruder, the man that now was threatening to take her life. She shot a black gaze at him, clenching her fists in small rocks. 

"Jongsuk you asshole." The comment that left from her shield lips made him chuckle playfully. The whole situation made him act like an insane person. 

"Ah, sweet Christine." He got the nerves to call her by her second name. She raised her fist to hit his face but he was fast enough to quickly hold her arm away. The men behind him were ready to shot her immediately for her careless act towards their leader but Jongsuk's demanding glare was clear enough to not let them.

He wanted the kill all for himself. 

"You are eliminated by the Government," he announced to the poor girl. She stared at him in both shock and despair. This was a nightmare, a real nightmare this time.

"That can't be true, you're lying," she shouted out loud not wanting to hear his bullshit anymore. Jongsuk raised his left eyebrow, the psycho bastard was even laughing in her face. 

"I warned you, girl. You didn't act as you were told, it was the final choice." Both of his eyes blinked when he remembered that her family was not here anymore to protect her.

"Your parents made the wrong move to make you just like them. They died by my hands and here we are six years later, the final member of their lovely family is under my mercy again."

"Don't talk about them. I'm sure you were the first one to convince The President, you hypocrite. Just kill me already." She challenged him, breathing in and out slowly trying to keep her calm.

"Is this your final wish?" He singed and brushed his fingers against the gun's metal with care.

Her chest now was moving up and down furiously. Of course, he noticed.

"I'll take that as a yes." 

He was a big fool if he thought that she'd actually let him kill her. She took the chance and kicked him hard on the lower part of his body with her knee. Her act added a source of pain in the spot, making him buckle down his body at the corner of the wooden floor.

She jumped on her soft bed, harshly removing the sword antique that she had on the wall to protect herself. She didn't really know how to sword fight but since it was a real blade she decided to kill anyone that wanted to stop her.

"Stay away from me if you don't want to end up with new cuts."

She warned them although they were wearing bulletproof vests, with their eyes glaring at her small figure.

She had to think of a smarter plan than this.

Her head instantly turned around when the sound of clicking guns was heard. Noticing the large vase with the flowers on the small table beside the bed she threw it directly at the guards who eventually created a path between them as a reflex action. The space was big enough for Alexa to slide her small body between them. 

The moment Jongsuk was back at his feet and yelled: "Catch her," the girl broke the glass that was holding the fire extinguisher with her fist, pieces of broken glass cutting the skin of it. 

The plan was to fill the room with the white smoke to block their vision so they couldn't attack her, and that was exactly what she did. The success of the plan was sure when she locked them inside the bedroom and run away from the front door, letting her legs guide her.

Jongsuk groaned loudly, this girl got some nerves to hit him. "Break the door down, she can't run away too far in this neighborhood"

Only one person could be trusted at this desperately moment by Alexa, her best friend Lee Seojeong.

In no time she found herself knocking- or better punching- the door from Seojeong's cloth shop. Thank God it was almost seven in the morning and she was already up to take care of the shop before she opens it up.

Seojeong almost got startled to death by her best friend, it would be such a shame to drop the delicious coffee that she just made and was ready to taste it. She hurried and opened the door.

"Jeez girl, were you dreaming about me?" She laughed to herself with her small joke but quickly her happy face and her beautiful smile died down when she saw Alexa having heavy tears in her eyes.

Just like she could read her mind Seojeong quickly understood what happened.

"Damn" she ran to the computer that was located on her desk in the corner of the shop. She was an excellent hacker. She got inside the tax office's computer system only to realize that the worst scenario in her head was right.

Alexa was truly deleted from the society system.

At this point, she didn't know what to say to her. She knew that nothing could make her feel better not in the least, so she let her body drag her into a tight hug. 

"Does that mean that the guards are after you?" She asked when she realized that she had to be executed, she couldn't let them kill her best friend because she did nothing wrong to deserve such a fate. 

She nodded her head before answering: "They lost me, I know that I'm putting you in danger because I'm here but I didn't know where else to go" she cried, her voice quivered even more in the end of the sentence.

"I would probably drag you here from the start if I knew so you don't have to worry. What we have to worry about is that they'll be here sooner or later." 

Their voices could be heard from outside which made Seojeong grab Alexa from her wrist and hide her inside the stock closet before she could even blink at all. 

"Stay here, don't make a sound" she warned her and pretended she was organizing some cloths on the shelves. 

Jongsuk and one a guard member had already stopped in front of the showcase glancing to the inside only to witness a beautiful girl trying on a new shirt.  His eyes became black, a weird feeling of lust filling his veins. 

He signed the guard to keep looking farther and returned his gaze to the girl, now with a mischievous look decorating his face. With arms crossed at his chest, he entered the shop without a sound so he could observe the girl quietly. 

Seojeong smiled, face full of irony watching him from the corner of her eye. 

"Don't you know that it is rude to stalk people, especially girls, like that? I could have been naked or something" she stated, trying her best to hold her anger back and play her role.

"It didn't seem like it was bothering you" he responded to her statement showing his precious smile, and for the first time in a while his real smile without Seojeong knowing it. 

Just when she was ready to step over the line for her best friend and get herself in trouble a gunshot was heard, making both of them turn around with shocked expressions. Jongsuk's eyes roamed at the outside whilst pushing the girl behind him out of protection. He caught her by surprise.

Before anyone out of the two could say anything, the man from before entered the shop panicked. "Sir, Mr. Johnny is here his mission was not successful" he informed him.

Jongsuk frowned to the behavior of these two. "Seems like the deleted ones have a nerve today" he commended.

Alexa who was hidden deep inside the closet was hearing every single word with eyes full of terror. Suddenly she heard voices from outside, from the back door of the closet. It was slightly open which was what allowed her to hear clearly, that was the first time she saw him.

Jaebeom was running around the same neighborhood trying to hide from Johnny who was exactly behind him. "Stop right there while I'm being nice" Johnny yelled, his arm stretched in a perfect line aiming his gun straight towards Jaebum's chest.

He pulled the trigger but before the bullet could hit his heart, the black-haired moved, causing the bullet to create a bloody circle on his right shoulder.  

He let out an extremely loud,  full of pain scream and fell in between some large paper boxes, his feet getting numb due to the pain. Blood was already all over his white shirt. He leaned his head on the wall and finally his eyes met with hers.

Alexa was staring back at him with worried eyes, signing him to come inside. A glimpse of hope appeared at his now sparkling brown eyes, with all of his remaining strength he tried to move quietly. Alexa opened the door more for him to enter.

The moment he was ready to come inside, he collapsed as he couldn't take it anymore. He kneeled down and swallowed another scream, only letting a whispering groan be heard. 

"Please help me" he struggled to say, his eyes pleading her. Her heart pounded furiously, he wouldn't have to say it twice.

Without even thinking she rushed outside, quietly, wrapping her hands around his waist to get him on his feet. "Don't think of the pain, I'll help you"

He was bigger than her, she found it hard to carry him since she was so tiny but she didn't give up.  When they entered the dark closet again his body went numb and fell down, drifting Alexa on the floor with him.  Her eyes widen as she noticed how much blood he has lost.

She put her palms on his shoulder, putting pressure. The action immediately created a new wave of pain to wash over his entire body. He grabbed her hand trying to stop her bud she didn't let him. "

"We have to stop the bleeding" she reminded him when they heard Johnny's voice but this time from the inside. He came in from the front entrance.

"I assume he's hiding in the closet room" he announced to Jongsuk whose full attention was now on the closet door.

"Are you sure?" Seojeong asked, wondering if she was able to lead them away. 

"Yes," he said but more like state. "You have to let us check" his voice was clear enough for her to understand that he was commanding her. She didn't have a choice. 

"Of course" she breathed nervously and smiled to cover it up.

Jaebeom and Alexa didn't realize that now they were holding into each other's hands desperate as the death was approaching them with torturing slow steps.