
Rain Check

2033, July 2nd.....


Shouted a brown skinned armored man after having been sent flying. He crashed through a nearby building on the street. It was afternoon in Los Angeles, California and right now a superhero battle was going on.


Shouted a man who wore the coloring of America, he had a shield as well as looked to be an African American male. "Did...did you just tell me not to curse?" The other man questioned while getting back to his feet. "Pay attention!" Shouted a female voice, and the next thing that came in was a hammer. It collided with the a large light grey creature, the Abomination. He let out a roar of anguish after recovering from the blow of the hammer. The hammer returned to an armored woman who resembled Thor, though her stature proved the difference. "Hold on, is no one going to point out the fact that Cap just told me to watch my profanity?"

"Don't worry Jamie, I was watching." Said another male, he spoke through an earpiece on Jamie's ear. "See, I'm not the only one!" Jamie shouted only to gain the glare of Captain America. Abomination's roaring charge got the three heroes to go into their preferred stance. "Thor, Starwing, Alpha-Four!" Cap ordered and threw his shield directly into Abomination's face. The spherical frisby bounced off of the humanoids head, momentarily blinding him. Starwing felt his boots activate and allow him to float. Then bolted at Abomination, the nemesis of Hulk gritted his teeth then sent chest sized fist at the young hero. Starwing smirked then spun around the attack, he moved almost gracefully before sending a spinning kick to the back of Abomination's head.

The kick made the humanoid stumble forward, before he could recover Mjölnir met his face. Thor had sent Abomination up into the air, then flew after him. Starwing flew alongside her, both heroes charging up their respective powers. Thor with her lightning and Starwing with fire like energy. Together, they struck against Abomination, knocking the beast higher into the air. Abomination seemed to still have some fight left in him. So Both Thor and Starwing flew up higher than Abomination. The two stopped then flew back downwards directly at Abomination. The humanoid's eyes widened upon realizing what was about to happen to him.

Starwing and Thor hit Abomination with their own empowered attacked. Thor with a sideways swing from Mjölnir and Starwing with a vertical punch from his fist. Together they watched Abomination fall downwards and back into the street with a loud thud. He had caused a crater from returning back where had once stood. The first one on the scene was of course Cap, who had recovered his shield and remained vigilant. When the dust settled, he saw that Abomination was out cold. He pressed a finger to his, beginning to call in a team to recover the villain. Starwing landed beside the Captain not long after with Thor on the other side of him. "So..." Starwing started only to be met with another glare from Cap. "Don't you dare-" Just as he said that another voice behind them spoke up. "You're starting to act like Steve."

The three heroes turned to find none other than an armored individual decked out with a lot of weapons. This was War Machine, an old timer who still had it in him as it seems. "Goddammit.." Cap said only to find an accusing finger being pointed at him. "He said a bad word." Starwing accused causing Thor to giggle to herself. After having to wait for the retrieve team, Starwing said his goodbyes to his friends and flew off. He was heading to San Francisco, specifically speaking he was heading home. 'Oh God please don't tell me that I'm too late.' He thought then slowed down his flight as he entered San Francisco's airspace. He didn't want to causing a ruckus with his arrival, nor did he want to be caught late.

He came to a stop on a balcony of a decently built apartment. It sat up a hill, one that had cars parked in their parking spots. Jamie checked the time and saw that he still had fifteen minutes left. Without wasting time, Jamie ran towards the bedroom and almost collided with a blonde haired woman. "Oop, sorry Ana." He apologized and took in how she looked. The young woman was roughly a year older than him, she looked athletically built, as well as looked like she was packing some heat in her muscles. She wore a white blouse with loose bracelets on her left wrist, her hair was cut nicely, reaching down past her shoulders. The beauty that this woman presented was almost too much for Jamie to take in. When Jamie was about to explain his reasons for arriving later than he should, but Ana cut him off. She placed a finger on his lips to silence him as a slight smile came to her lips. "No no, I don't wanna hear it, because you're here now." She stated.

Jamie smiled then nodded and quickly got inside of his bedroom. He moved with haste, showing off his superhuman traits. The woman who he almost bumped into was currently his girlfriend, Illyana Rasputina. Formerly, she is known as Magik, the sword wielding Mutant on the X-Men team. Right now she was currently in vacation with her boyfriend. She and Jamie had been seeing each other for several years now, to say that they were a couple was an understatement. Jamie came out of his bedroom wearing a loose blue long-sleeved shirt. He had lean blue jeans and had on a pair of black Nikes. He could smell food having been cooked, though he was fairly sure that Illyana didn't cook it.

"Jamie, your gumbo's finished!" Called Illyana, she was walking out of the kitchen with a decorated pot. It had steaming fresh gumbo I it, showing off the cooking skills that Jamie had. "When are you going to teach me how to cook?" Ana asked with a raised brow. "The same time when you stop burning the bread." Jamie responded, while coming to her side. He placed a gentle kiss to her cheek. When the table was set, Jamie and Ana stood beside each other, satisfied with their work. "You know I'd stop burning the bread when you stop stressing me." She stated, then watched as Jamie have her a mocking smile. "Babe, all I'm doing is watching you." He responded. "Yeah well that stresses me out, I already have you checking me out every time we're alone."

Jamie smirked then wrapped an arm around her. He pulled her to his chest, allowing her lavender perfume to fill his nostrils. His own Noir cologne being fresh in her nose as well, as the two shared a smile. "You're acting like I can actually stop watching you... baby you're the best thing that I've ever seen." Jamie said with a low and much more softer tone. To this Ana raised a brow and a smirk formed on her lips. "Best?", She questioned, "What about those boots you love so much?" She was referring to his suit's boots. Jamie shrugged a bit as he had his arms wrapped around her waist now. She wrapped her arms around his neck, relaxing in his grasp. "You're unbelievable..." She softly said then stood on her toes, giving her man a gentle kiss to his lips.

Before the two lovebirds could go any further, a knock was heard at the front door. Jamie and Illyana both turned to the door, then reluctantly they pulled away from each other. "I'll go get it." Jamie said, but felt a hand stop him. Ana pulled him down a bit, then placed a kiss on his cheek. "You look good by the way." She complimented before walking off to grab the wine that she bought. Jamie felt his cheeks redden a before smirking at his woman. "You look great too." He returned the compliment then approached the door. When he opened it, he was met with a tall Russian male. He wore a polo shirt, khakis, and pointy shoes. Jamie smiled as he looked at the man. "Piotr, so glad that you could join us." He greeted, and watched the Russian male return the smile. "Thank you for having me." Piotr greeted. The two shook hands before Jamie moved aside for Piotr to enter. Before he could close the door, he held footsteps approaching. His eyes landed on a woman who shared his hair color and eyes, as well as a man who looked pale skinned. "Mom, dad, come on in." He greeted then stood to the side. Jamie and his mother shared a loving hug, so did he and his father.

After the assembled people shared greetings through handshakes and hugs, everyone sat at the table. It was a nice dinner, wine was being drunk, childhood talks, even funny stories of "work". When dinner was over, Jamie and Illyana would watch their family members leave. "Your mother likes my hair." She commented before laying her head on his shoulder. "Who doesn't?" He responded, then laid his head on her head. The two stood there for a moment before Jamie slowly turned to Ana. "There's...something that I wanna ask you", He started in a low soft tone, "But I'm kind of afraid of your answer..." Illyana turned her head and looked up to Jamie with a confused look. "I'm listening.." She said, then watched as Jamie had started to take a knee.

He grabbed something from his pocket, as Ana started to realize what he was doing. "Illyana Rasputina....will you mar-" Before Jamie could finish proposing a white blinding light enveloped them. "Illyana!" Jamie shouted and quickly grabbed her hand, he pulled her to him shielding her from whatever was around them. Just as the light had appeared, it disappeared along with Jamie and Illyana. The only being left behind was the ring that he was going to give her.

2010 September 1st.....

With Jamie and Illyana, the two had been whisked away. Jamie shielded her to the best of his ability, until eventually they felt solid ground once again. Jamie looked around, finding nothing out of the ordinary. That was until his eyes landed on something odd. When he processed what he was seeing, his eyes began to widen.

"Jamie?" Illyana called, moving back a bit to look up at him. She followed his gaze towards what he was staring at. That was when she felt her eyes widen as well. It was revealed that they were in New York City rather than San Francisco. Not only that, but they were standing before what should have been Avenger's Tower. Now, it had Stark on the name rather than Avengers. "Did we...just get thrown back in time?" Jamie slowly asked, then felt Illyana take his hand in hers. "Jamie?", She called, "Might want to take a rain check on that proposal...." The two of them seemed to have gone back in time. Before Tony Stark joined the Avengers, before the Avengers were even brought together. Maybe this wasn't even time travel, they could be in a parallel universe.

These questions began to form in their minds until Jamie remembered what she had just said. A frown began to form on his face, the woman that he had been in live with had just "rain checked" him. 'This day can't get any worse...' He thought, then began to walk with her. The both of them took several steps away from Stark Tower until they saw their costumes a few feet behind them. 'Okay...someone obviously wants us here." Jamie thought as he narrowed his eyes there. "Illyana?" He called and she moved a hand towards their costumes. "Already on it." She said, and a portal opened up below their costumes. Immediately after, they fell into another dimension. "Any ideas on how to get home?" She asked, knowing which of them was the smart one. Jamie slowly shook his head before a deep breathe left him. "None whatsoever..."