

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Night stay?

Jennifer came back after few minutes revealed.Ana sitting on the dinning table lost in her thoughts she called her but she didn't replied she did it for like 3 times but still no response.Jennifer patted her shoulder to make her release that she's still on earth.Ana hurriedly looked back and took a long breath to calm herself.

"Where were you?",Ana asked and Jennifer gave a her an angry look,"what if I ask you the same question where were you?",Jennifer questioned her.She remember what happened in the kitchen and blushed a little.Jennifer was looking at her like why she's behaving like this."I-I was in the kitchen",Ana said.

She continued,"Now tell me where were you ,I'm was waiting for you from past 5 minutes",Jennifer took a seat next to her and told her she went to the bathroom because she was panicked.Ana felt guilty because she knew it before that Jennifer is afraid of rain and storms.Jennifer was telling her as she noticed a tear rolling down on her right Cheek.

Ana hugged her before she completed her sentence."I'm sorry Jennie for not being with you,I swear I haven't done this on purpose I almost forgot about it,I'm sorry-I-I'm very sorry",Ana said while sniffing,Jennifer told her that now she's okay and no need to worry.Ana was feeling sorry for her.

They were talking but someone caught there attention it was Roby he came with a food tray,placed it on the table and called Zen for lunch he came and all of them settled for lunch."Can't believe that I'm saying this to you but,ahh you're impressive",Jennifer admired Roby with a cold face.

Zen remember what just happened an hour ago and her cute scared face came into his mind a little smile appeared on his face."Well you'll get a lot of chances to admire me but right now just start because I'm hungry",Roby replied.

All of them started having there meal no doubt it was amazingly cooked and served.The chicken noodles were heavenly good and pasta was out of this world."Bro you are amazing like this is so good,sooooo good

your wife will must be very lucky",Zen said and smiled cutely.

"oh,finally I got a chance seeing him smiling",Ana whispered.

"Well I agree because this food is too good",Jennifer appreciated Roby.Ana was looking down on her plate and was thinking that how can someone be so perfect.Roby just thanked them for the compliments and continued eating.After finishing lunch Roby told Zen to play the Slides on LED.

Zen went to the TV lounge and Roby started picking the used plates to free the dinning table.Ana stood up and started helping him,Jennifer coughed to tease her,Ana gave her a death glare and Roby looked at her that what they're doing.

She followed Roby and went to the kitchen,she had plates in her hand.She placed the used plates and dishes in the sink while Roby put the remaining food in the fridge."Hey there is no need of it,I can do it by myself",he said in a cold tone,after putting the food in fridge.Ana didn't responded to him.

"Where is the dishwasher soap?",she asked after a few moments.He looked at her with a confusing face and then replied,"There is no need of it I'll do it by myself",She glanced at him and said,"You've done a lot,now let me help you,like you cooked for us,and served that delicious food to us that's means a lot so please let me do this".

"Hearing that he smiled cutely which fluttered Ana's heart he came near her she was standing near the sink.As he was stepping forward her Heart started racing now Roby stopped and he was at a few inches distance with her.He placed his both hands on the sink and caged her in his arms.He was this close to get which was making her crazy.

"This man wants me to bite him,I swear if he stayed like this for a few more minutes,I'll eat him alive",Ana in her mind while gulping.

Roby moved hand a towards the drawer for which he had to move little more closer,Ana's heart skipped a beat and she closed her eye's.Roby took the soap out and stepped back and saw Ana whom eye's were closed.

He smiled and said,"um,Miss Ana now you can open your eye's here is the soap",she heard his soft voice and opened her eye's saw him smiling she again gulped and grabbed the soap then turned back towards the sink to wash the dishes.He was just staring at her cute activities.They both started doing there own things.

Zen was connecting his laptop with LED but there was some error,he was trying hard.Jennifer came to see that if it was done or not yet she saw him struggling with wires because he was a little confused.She came towards him and asked,"Is it okay,do you need any help",he looked at her with a confused face and replied,"actually yes,I'm struggling hard to find out that why it is not processing,do you know how to do it?".

"Well,let me check",she said and took the wires from his hand.She was trying to find out that what was wrong because wall of the wires were connected correct so it was confusing that why is it happening.

She saw the plug it was also switched in the board but the next thing made her laugh.The boards switch was turned off that's why all of this was happening.She laughed while looking at the switch,Zen was confused that why she's laughing.

"Why you laughed",he asked innocently she looked at him again maintained a straight face and replied,"because you forgot to turn on the switch".She moved towards the switch and turned it on,as she did the the LED processed."Look",she said while taking her laptop from the couch.

Then she sat down on it and opened her laptop to see some important stuff.He looked for the remote but couldn't find it,he thought may be it is on the couch.He saw her doing her work with full concentration so decided to pick it up by himself.He moved towards the couch as she was sitting there and her laptop was on her lap.

The remote was placed on the right side of her,he came near her and bend down.As he bended down Jennifer felt something and looked up.Now their faces were this close that they can feel the hot breath of each other's.Jennifer suddenly looked at other side,Zen took the remote hurriedly and turned back.

Jennifer's face turned red and Zen tried to make himself calm.Roby and Ana came back from kitchen.Ana sat beside Jennifer and Roby sat on the other couch.They started discussing the project,the weather inside was good but outside it was raining heavily.After the discussion Jennifer took a glance at her watch it was 8o'clock.

She stood up immediately and asked for leave because it was too late.Roby opened the window it was raining heavily.Ana was worried because Jennifer is scared of rain and lightening.Roby told them that it will not stop till tomorrow he saw news about weather.He insisted them to stay at his place because it is not safe to go out in this situation.

"I don't think it safe to go out in this stormy weather",he said.And Zen also said,"I think he's right it is not safe to go out in such condition".Ana bothered to speak something and said,"Jennie they're right,it's raining heavily it wouldn't be safe".Jennifer was thinking about but it was also inappropriate to stay at someone's home whom you don't even know properly.

"But we-we can't stay here like,what about Miss Lana she will kill us if we stayed outside for a whole night",she said.Roby also found the solution of this and replied,"Don't worry I'll talk to her and let her know the situation she wouldn't say anything".

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