
Starting in Harry Potter with the Celestial Forge (Rewrite)

Waking up in the Body of a mechanic in the 1940s with the Celestial forge was not what i was expecting on a Friday evening. This will focus on the Second World War and the Cold War. This is really my first attempt to make any thing in fanfiction. So it will be trash as is my grammar so feel free to trash me as much as you want. Thank you reading. If you like the Celestial Forge system and how it works I recommend Celestial Mouse, Child of Iron, and The Ringing of a Forge of Stars. They have amazing writing and take place in cool settings they are all on QQ. Also this will suck I struggle with writting and I’m trying to improve and I’m just doing this for fun. Go read the previous listed for WAY better quality stuff.

Damon_Jager · Book&Literature
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17 Chs


We entered the main chambers around 4 in the afternoon which meant that the visitors had mostly left.

The men and I marched to the center of the chamber, I then made my announcement.

Rin-"In the name of his majesty King George VI by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. Has dissolved the treaty of independence of British Magicals, in response to an attempt on his life by Wizard Kind. Now in the name of the King all magicals are too reaffirm their loyalties to him and the nation, Any resistants will be met with force."

A crowd had gathered at this point most just thought it a prank or us mad men till a group Aurors and the minister of magic Leonard Spencer-Moon had arrived.

Leonard-"What in Merlin's name are you doing, Aurors arrest these men and wipe the Muggles mind." As the Aurors approached my men and I raised our rifles,

Rin-"Surrender or you will be fired upon." The Aurors out of bravado or ignorance of what a

gun move forward again, this time they took a single step and a wall of enchanted bullets and occasional laser fire hit.

*Booom* and the chamber was filled with explosions as we unloaded onto the crowed of Aurors aiming for the lower extremities as to not kill to many wizards.

Rin-"Secure the main chambers, I'll radio for more men this is going to be long night."

That is when the panic set in civilians began teleporting out, I sent a team of 20 to secure the entrances to the main halls while the rest of us began to clear and detain this who surrendered.

Sadly this wasn't a bloodless affair as Grindelwalds followers were more than happy to use deadly spells, a couple were detained for questioning while the rest were killed by the soldiers.

With the main floor secure I radioed Stewart to send down more men to secure the main halls while we move further down the levels to secure the Auros office and the Department of Mysteries which were the most dangerous areas.

The non magical members of military had come down and were very confused but followed orders well. The X-com moved farther down, our first we stopped off at the Aurors office where I dropped off 150 men to secure it while the rest of us moved to the department of mysteries.

We first hit the room of doors where I left a 10 men to secure while the rest of use where split amongst the doors.

I moved to the Death chamber where supposedly a door to another dimension was held or it would de atomize a person.

We weirdly didn't hit at resistance, at first we had a Treaded robot act as a trap dummy which saved a lot of lives as a lot of very nasty wards and spells had hit it.

When we reached the death chamber, is when we hit the first of the unspeakables. I was right behind the tank bot when we entered the room and as we secured the room the unspeakables came out of the edges of the room who shot out a wave of Fiend fire.

It killed a couple of men as I raised a T'au shield around the room as it was rated for warp fire, it took the main damage while the men organized and threw out Gamma and Cryo Grenades as the shield charm could take small arms fire.

While my group took the gate the others went to take the rest of the department, they also hit some resistance in the hall of prophecy as the unspeakables hide amongst the maze of impossibly tall shelves.

That group caused the greatest damage, as fighting among the halls a stray round would knock over or destroy entire wall of balls and the unspeakables didn't even try to hold back casting explosive and shattering spells that would send shards of glass and wood at the men.

The men during this sent and emergency request of a daylight globe from the island that should light up the entire room, as they were loosing men fast due to the surprise attacks.

While we slogged through the Ministry Stin and her men secured the Alley.

———-Stin POV——-

Stineag Beitean The last Tech Priest of Mars (soon to change) was excited she had not gone into battle for what felt like years.

The last true battle she had was before arriving here on Terra during the unification wars of her old life. While she had fought during the "Battle of Britain" it didn't feel the same as hand to hand had a more personal feel than anything else.

She and her personal guard of men teleported to the Diagonal alley,

Stin-"ATTENTION, in the name of his majesty King George VI by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. The independence of Magical Britain has ended and thus its citizens are to reaffirm their loyalties to the Crown and her laws. Now leave and return to your homes immediately or be arrested for treason."

Most of the Muggle born or half bloods immediately teleported out of the alley while the Pure bloods just scoffed and demanded the Aurors to arrest us as the "mud bloods" had risen up in rebellion.

She loved it when they resisted, she then gave the order.

Stin-"Search and Seize every shop except the Bank, arrest any who resist."

The men then dispersed 3 too a group and made their way store to store, those who worked the store didn't resist but the pure bloods would scream and rave about how unfair it all was and how the ministry would come for them.

That was the main Alley but when they hit Knockturn that is when the fighting started. When they entered the alley a couple of wizards tried to cast killing curses at the soldiers who dodged to the side, the wizard were promptly cut in half by my axe before the men could fire.

As we traveled down the alley it just got worse, brothels, drug dens, and Vampire nests. Each were cut or shot down by the soldiers when their Werewolf guards or other magical creatures.

It would take into the night to secure the entire Alley excluding the Bank which the British Government would be in discussions with, she wanted to just wipe the little bastards out with some type of artificial plague or nano plague, but she will talk to Rin before making something like that.