
App Launch

"Remember, from now on, everything in my shop, app, and other things needs to be practical."

"No need for superficial things"

IMS: "Got it, sir."

Crown: "Now, let's complete the adjustment of the app."


A few hours later

Crown: "This looks good."

"IMS set this as the interface."

IMS: "Yes, sir."

Crown: "Also, how is the development of the new dungeons coming over."

IMS: "Sir, the development of Attack on Titan is about to be completed."

"It will take less than four days for the development to end."

Crown: "So fast."

"Wait, only Attack on Titan."

"Are you not creating them together."

IMS: "No, sir."

"Creating them together does not have much advantage."

Crown: "How so?"

IMS: "Sir, if we create all dungeons together, it will delay the overall development speed of dungeons."

"Like, currently, it only requires less than four days for Attack on Titan to be developed."

"In case of creating all together, it would take more than a month for the first dungeon to be created."

"Although in this way the subsequent dungeons would be able to develop within a short time gap, however, it does not have any major benefits."

"If we develop individually, then people will have sufficient time to clear the previous dungeon before the new dungeon arrives."

"This way is more practical, sir."

"Developing all Dungeons together is Flashy."

(Flashy just like Bucky)

Crown: ">>>"

His face twitched.

Crown: "Tch! This AI has learned how to make sarcasm."

IMS: "I learned from the best."

Crown: "Flattery too."

IMS: "😉"

Crown: "Okay, stop it."

IMS: "Yes, my lord."

Crown: ">>>"

"Now, prepare for the launch of the app."

"I want the App to be pushed to the top at every platform."

IMS: "Confirmed"

"App 'Dungeon World' is being pushed to the top at every TV, Phone, Computer, Laptop, and every other possible place."


Whitehouse (Redhouse now)

General Ross: "How did this happen."

Emil Blonsky: "Sir, this kind of infiltration is impossible for any normal human."

"This was not the work of an ordinary force."

Ross: "Why do you say this"

Emil Blonsky: "General, I have the heightened sense because of my Devil Fruit ability."

"I can feel by intuition that this is most likely the work of a single individual."

At this time, a Captain in charge of the investigation enters and salutes.


General Ross: "Speak; what are the results of the investigation."

Captain: "General, although there are differences in the method of death, it is confirmed that it is the work of a single individual."

"Even the murder weapon used to kill everyone was the same."

"We have found the blood of the 1st victim on the bodies of everyone else."

"The assassin used the same knife to kill the president first and then the rest."

General Ross: "If the President was killed at the beginning, then why was there no movement for so long."

"The President has so many ways to communicate for help."

"Why was none of them used."

Captain: "General, according to the investigation of the instruments, it was found that the President had tried to use each of them."

"However, the President's room was isolated by someone."

General Ross: "The President's Room"

"You mean to say that the signal jammers were placed in the President's room."

"Do you understand what this means"

"It was not the Whitehouse that was jammed; it was just the president's room."

General Ross had lost his temper at this point.

He yelled, "Someone infiltrated the Whitehouse and even paralyzed all the instruments in President's room, and no one found out."

In the Shop

Crown: "IMS, I just found out that no one said his name even after his death."

"Is is name a taboo or something like that."

IMS: "No, sir"

"His name is not a taboo."

"It's just that he is not much important in the grand scheme of things, so no one really remembers his name."

"It's just like the pretty roadside flower that you occasionally water."

"No one knows what it is; it's just that the flower looks pretty there."

"By the way, I just checked the internet for his name."

"He is Matthew Ellis, the 45th President of the United States."

"While vowing to stop the attacks from the so-called Mandarin, Ellis was kidnapped and nearly assassinated by Aldrich Killian, but was rescued by Iron Man and Iron Patriot, allowing Ellis to continue his Presidency."

"During the HYDRA Uprising, Ellis was targeted again by HYDRA's Project Insight but was saved by Captain America."

"He isn't really someone great."

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