1 The End Wasn't Painful.

Well, I guess this is my life now.


"Jin hyung, hurry up! we're getting late!"


I hurried over to the minivan parked on the side of the road and kept the sandwiches in the back seat before sitting at the front beside Jungkook and we took off towards the resort. But halfway there, I got a call from an unknown number.


"Hello. Is this Kim Seokjin speaking?" WHAT??!! HOW DOES SHE KNOW MY NAME?

"Yes. How may I help you?"

"We called to ask if you know" she seemed to fumble with some papers "Min Yoongi?"

Jungkook signalled me to put the phone on speaker.

"Yes, why? is something wrong?"

"He got in an accident at eleven this morning. We tried to call the guardian, but they didn't pick the call. He seemed to have you in the contacts so we called. Could you please come to xxxx hospital urgently? It's an emergency."

The tires screeched loudly as Jungkook stopped the car in the middle of the road.

"What? wait, we are coming!"

We fumbled with the navigation system, quickly took a u-turn and sped towards the hospital without a second thought.

"EXCUSE ME! WHICH ROOM IS MIN YOONGI IN?"We quickly asked the the room number at the reception and ran towards the room only to see the doctor waiting outside with a worried expression. He told us that an operation was necessary and that he wanted to ask us before proceeding.

"ANYTHING IS OKAY BUT PLEASE SAVE HIM! PLEASE, I BEG YOU!" Jungkook was crying while I tried to comfort him even though I felt almost as useless as him at the moment. "We will try our best" was the only thing the doctor said before going inside and almost immediately the nurses carried Yoongi on a stretcher towards the operation theatre. My heart broke in pieces just by looking at him. There he lay, blood trickling from the crack in his head on to the snow white bedsheets forming a puddle of bright red liquid on the side of his head. He lay there, oblivious to the fact that we were standing there too, crying over him. They took him to inside and closed the door. We couldn't do anything more than stand there dumbfounded.

"I should call the others," Jungkook said in a quivering voice and left. I myself couldn't stand there and left after informing the receptionist. I sat on the bench after buying a coffee and tried to understand the situation I was in. 'Should I cry?' That was the first thought that ran through my mind, but surprisingly my tears seemed to have dried. I tried, but I couldn't just except the fact that he could leave us any second now, not knowing how heartbreaking it would be for me. For us. Honestly, I envied him for a split second. How easy it was for him to just leave all the worries behind and rest in peace forever. But the real pain would come to us, knowing that we could laugh with him but did not. Knowing that we could spend time with him but did not. Knowing that we could save him but could not. Unsurprisingly, not a single tear escaped form my emotionless eyes. I stood up ready to go inside but stopped when a horrible sight met my eyes. I ran towards him, trying to stop him before something happened, but he continued walking,not even sparing a glance behind. "Jungkook!" I yelled, trying to get his attention but he didn't look behind, as if he knew that if he did, I would stop him for sure. When he did look behind, I felt that it was too late. He smiled, but not like he always did. It was a smile full of pain and hatred, as if trying to say 'I am done with my life.' For a second I stood there, ready to accept the fact that I was going to lose another close friend, but then suddenly it seemed like a bullet was going through my heart. No, I could not live my life if I let him go as well. I ran towards him, the shock evident on his face, and pushed him to the side just as the tires of the car screeched in a vain attempt to stop. My vision went blurry as I saw Jungkook running towards me with his eyes streaming. I managed to let out a faint smile before everything went black.

Well, The End Wasn't Painful.
