
start from Naruto to conquer the multiverse

david was a normal middle aged man . well he died when he was watching Naruto and he reborn with a system in Naruto world well a normal isekai story what the system can only travel between world! no quests,no grandfather who gaves super skills what shitty system is this. this my first novel so be patient with me

Mina_Safwat · Fantasy
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35 Chs

chapter twenty five: mist ninja

day was walking in the way to hatake house when he heard a voice in the village edge,he went to see what happened, just to find his son might guy and his two teammates surrounding by seven people and heard the man with the shark looking knife saying while laughing

"it's our first victims from konoha maybe we will succeed in dealing a good deal of damage to them"

the man with the sword with explosives shibuki said

"we should act fast kill them and enter the village destroy what we can and run if we take a lot of time we will fail"

the man with nuibari said

"relax,we are the seven mist swordmen together we are invincible"

Kubikiribōchō holder said

"leave them to me my sword had along period without tasting blood "

day ran to stop him and felt his body lighter than before he didn't notice when he defeat the will in the fruit but his body changed then and he god the physical body of the people in one piece

the man holding kiba saw day and said

"look like we found a little rat , leave it to me "

he ran to day and a coat of lighting covers his knife and tried to stap day but the part that day was stap at turned into wind and day didn't even stop he just passed beside him and gave a punch to the kubikiribōchō holder that broke his ribs

the samehada wielder licked his libs while saying

"look like we find a big fish here guy ,any one knows who this guy is"

he said all this while doing a hand seal and do abig lake technique and the fight became in a water area all of sudden

the Hiramekarei wielder looked confused and said

"he is unknown guy there is no record of him ,he should be a secret weapon that konoha hide"

the samehada smiled and said

" not for long he will die here"

day felt himself getting stronger while fighting like it was meant to be he kept getting stronger in the fight the more pressure they put on him the stronger he became

and all their attacks didn't work in him if he wasn't protecting his son team he would have won long time ago.

but as the sound of fighting continue the konoha ninjas began to arrive with danzo and the third hokage.

danzo looked at Sarutobi and said

"Sarutobi, how can the village have another jonin level ninja and I don't know about"

Sarutobi looked at the fighting between day and the swordmen qnd said

" he a hidden force of the village and the less people who know about did the better

after a half an hour day defeat all the mist ninja by himself when suddenly the water at the floor rippled and the mist ninja and their sword disappeared in the water .

the face of Sarutobi turned serious and said

"they looked like they ran send people after them danzo,why can't let them escape they must learn how big their mistake to attack konoha and day come with me"

Sarutobi took day to his office and looked at him with a smile

"hai, day why do you hide your power don't you know how much the village need you especially that the war is coming "

day looked embarrassed and said

"in fact lord hokage,I only get this power today when I saw my son get attacked I felt that something in my body cracked and I became able to use wind ninjatsu without a seal but only wind can I use maybe it the fruit of all my efforts for the past years "

when Sarutobi heard said he smiled and said

" so, you don't mind join the war and became responsible for the wind country frontline "

day smiled and said

"of course not, I will gave my life for the village "

Sarutobi smiled

"that's a konoha ninja the will of fire will spread, you can leave now, I will inform you when the army you lead leave for war"

after day left , Sarutobi called hatake

"hatake,day is your old friend,I heard that even your sons is rivals ,did you know about his strength?"

hatake stay silent for a few minutes and said

"no, I was shocked as much as everyone else actually I still remember the day when the doctor said that he can't use ninjatsu and can only train his body maybe his work finally pay off "

Sarutobi smiled and said

"ok ,by the way you will be responsible for the stone village attack in the coming war, you can leave. "

hatake nodded his head and left the room.

Sarutobi put his chin on his palm and said

"day, hatake, minato,tsunade, orchimaro, jiraia, danzo,the senju clan and the uchiha clan we have a lot of jonin ninja that can be considered kage level a lot that the village can't take them all and the big families look like a tree that stop other families from growing, maybe this war is a chance "


the end of chapter twenty five