
The Queen is Born

"In the end, I'm still just a mere human, affected by his emotions..."

As his thoughts lingered on the difficult choice he had made a month ago, Shino Aburame stood alone in his underground lab, silently observing the phenomenon in front of him.

In the center of the lab, there was a large, egg-shaped larva pulsing with energy.

He knew what this meant - the zerg queen was about to be born.

As he watched with anticipation, a fair hand suddenly punctured the shell of the larva, reaching out to tear an exit.

As the hand tore apart the larva, the crack on the shell widened to reveal a beautiful, mature woman with flowing Uzumaki red hair, highlighted with strands of purple, the distinctive color associated with Zergs.

The beauty, seemingly aged around her early 20s, stood up and stepped out, completely displaying her fair carcass with all its glory to Shino. Her body was perfectly proportioned, with curves in all the right places.

Her skin was soft and smooth, like silk, devoid of bite marks. Her hair has grown longer, flowing straight down on the left while short and spiky on the right. Shino recognized it to be the distinct style of Karin.

After stepping out, the larvae formed from creep collapsed and integrated into her. However, the mature beauty didn't pay heed to this.

Instead, she looked around the room, dazed for a moment as she muttered in confusion, "I am Alina- no, I am Karin- no, I'm…"

A palpable tension hung in the air as she struggled to reconcile her true self with the identities she had merged - Alina and Karin - each carrying their own weight and significance.

It didn't take long for her straying eyes to directly fix onto Shino, her golden pupil reflecting his visage, brightening before she began to strode over, her hips swaying in a mesmerizing and provocative manner.

Her hand reached out to caress his face, letting him feel the subtle softness and warmth coming from it.

"It's you..."

Her eyes softened as a mesmerizing smile appeared on her face. With a flick of her wrist, she teasingly tugged down his high collar.

Her face unexpectedly leaned in, her face drew closer and closer to Shino's and within moments, their lips were locked in a fiery kiss that sent his mind reeling.

[Swarm Leader re-establishing connection with system… consciousness uploading...]

Shino's eyes narrowed a bit before he delved in deeper, gaining a fiery response. Their tongues intertwined, performing a french duet as they deepened their bonds.

[Connection completed. Zerg Queen is at Lord Shino's service.]

Their lips parted with a sensuous sound as a glistening strand of saliva stretched between them. The woman's tongue darted out, catching the strand and brushing his lips before slowly sliding back into her mouth. Her taste lingered on his tongue, arousing his desire even more.

With an amorous gaze, her fair hand trailed down his face, traced down his chest and drew a circle before she knelt down slowly to the ground to pay her respects to her master.

"Shino-sama," she said, her voice soft and sultry. "Use my body and soul as you wish. I am yours to command."

Shino looked down at her, taking in her beauty. He knew that he had created something powerful – in many senses. But he also knew that he had to be careful. The zerg queen was not to be underestimated, and he needed to be sure that he could resist her temptations.

"Stand up," he said, his voice firm but gentle.

Karin stood up, her eyes never leaving Shino's. He could see the intelligence behind them, the cunning that she would use to carry out his orders. He felt a shiver run down his spine - this was no ordinary seductress.

"What is your name?" he asked.

"I haven't decided," she replied, her voice seductive as she leaned in towards Shino's ear. "Shino-sama, who would you desire me to be? Alina or Karin or… both?"

Shino's eyes flickered with thought as he observed the beauty in front of him. After a moment, he declared in a firm tone, "Let your name be Karina from now on."

Karina's eyes flickered with excitement as she quickly caught on to Shino's implication. A mischievous grin curved her lips as she reached out to grab his hand and guided it to her voluptuous plumpness, sending a tantalizing shiver down his spine.

[Karina is ready to serve Lord Shino at any time.]

Shino stared at the woman, his eyes fiery and dangerous. Unlike Sasuke, Shino was no saint, he was definitely not one who had the will to control his impulses. However, he held back because this was not the time.

"Put on some clothes."

The duo's fiery gazes locked for a moment. The mature beauty's panting betrayed her desires, but in the end, she obeyed.

As if by magic, a mysterious substance coursed through her veins, emerging from beneath her skin as fluid to fashion a daring bikini that hugged her curves in all the right places.

But the transformation was far from over. The liquid morphed once more, coalescing into an intricate carapace armor that left little to the imagination. Its shimmering surface seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, as if beckoning to all who beheld it with promises of power and pleasure.

Shino knew that Karina would be a valuable additional to his command, and he could already see the possibilities that lay ahead. But he also knew that he had to be careful to not indulge too much unless there are corresponding benefits. His main pursuit was still strength.

"Come with me," he said, gesturing to the door. "There is much that I need to learn about you."

Karina followed him out of the lab, her body moving with a grace that was almost hypnotic. Shino couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty, but he also knew that he had to focus on his mission. He had to understand the full extent of her abilities, his control over her, and he couldn't afford to be distracted.

As they walked through the halls of his underground base, Shino listened to Karina's explanation the nature of her existence. She was a zerg queen, she told him, born in her most ideal state to serve as his loyal servant.

Naturally, she was connected to his system and would be able to carry out his orders without question, anywhere, anytime. In addition, she would be able to perform the pre-existing artificial intelligence functions, but now amplified to handle a greater load and capacity.

Originally, she would be an emotionless machine at his beck and call, but after Shino made the decision to merge the artificial intelligence with the consciousness of Karin, it resulted in a queen with a 'special' personality.

A tantalizing twist was added to the already impressive feature set: an unforeseen boost in their mental prowess, compared to the initial amplification estimation.

Her abilities didn't stop there. In addition to her original programming, she now possessed the power to command and control the zergs with greater flexibility, adapting to any situation that may arise.

Even without Shino's intricate prompting, Karina could organize his zergs to achieve his ideals.

Even better, Karina could conduct research on her own! Of course, this was based off the original Karin's talent for research, but Shino was still surprised because automation had been unlocked!

Not only that, her very essence was intertwined with the biosphere, morphing the environment into a breeding ground, a hatchery where new zergs could spring forth and thrive!

With this merge complete, he now had two functioning hatcheries at his disposal, effectively doubling his zerg production speed! Of course, this all depended on whether or not he could keep up with the required biomass to maintain such a feat.

High risk came with high rewards.

Shino listened intently, absorbing everything that she told him. She was intelligent, he could tell, and she would be a valuable asset for the expansion of his zerg empire. But the full extent of her combat remained to be revealed.

The duo left the biosphere, burrowing through the ground, their movements silent as they delved deep into the earth and headed towards one of the pre-dug caverns.

Finally, they arrived at a large empty cavern, dug by his drones to serve as his secret training room – a place where he could hone the skills of his main body.

"Stand there," Shino gestured to a small platform in the center of the cavern. "I am going to test your abilities."

Karina nodded and stepped onto the platform, her body poised in a seductive pose.

Shino walked over, grasped her hands, and began to inject his chakra. Their hands began to glow with a soft blue light, and Karina felt a surge of energy course through her body.

At first, the energy seemed to run rampant, but she quickly controlled the energy. Not long later, she looked down and saw that her hands were now covered in a shimmering purple aura.

"Hmm… What is this?" she asked, looking up at Shino as her mind queries the database.

"This should be chakra," he replied with a bit of hesitation. "According to our estimation before the experiment, the body's chakra network would be sealed during the infestation. Now, I have reactivated it. As a zerg queen merged with a ninja bloodline, you are able to use chakra as well, but it seems there had been some unknown changes."

Karina nodded, feeling the power coursing through her veins. She closed her eyes and focused, feeling the chakra flowing through her body like a river. She could feel her strength increasing, her senses sharpening, and her mind becoming more focused.

Suddenly, Shino's voice broke through her concentration.

"Attack me," he said.

Karina opened her eyes and saw that Shino had taken up a defensive stance. She could see the confidence in his eyes, but she could also sense the danger. She knew that Shino was testing her value.

She took a deep breath and charged forward, her hands glowing with chakra. Shino sidestepped her attack and countered with a swift kick, but Karina was too quick. She dodged his kick and launched a flurry of punches, each one backed by the power of her chakra and calculations.

Shino blocked her attacks, feeling the heavy momentum behind them, while his body was moving with a fluid grace. Karina, having merged with the same system that trained him, proved to be no less skilled than Shino.

As time passed, Shino's taijutsu was struggling to keep up. He was even forced to rely on basic ninjutsu and simple cheap tactics, just to stay in the game.

Before long, Karina could see that he was beginning to sweat, his defenses weakening. She knew that she had to keep pushing, keep attacking, until she could break through his guard.

She launched another punch, this one aimed at Shino's stomach. He blocked it, but Karina followed up with a knee to his chest. Shino stumbled back and eased the faint pain on his chest, but quickly regained his footing.

"Good," he said, nodding. "It seems your physical stats are already stronger than mine. If I don't use bugs, it is nearly impossible to win. And you still have potential to be unearthed."

Karina nodded, "According to my calculations, my Uzumaki physique is still far from its full potential. Only a mere 12% of its maximum potential was unlocked during the infestation, and more research will need to be conducted to unearth its potential."

Karina then continued to suggest, "However, rather than blindly groping my way forward, it would be best if Shino-sama could acquire some Uzumaki clan techniques – that would definitely increase the pace of the research."

Shino's lips curled upwards, revealing a wry smile. With only a mere 12% of her potential unlocked, her physical prowess already outclassed his own. The power bestowed by the bloodlines of elite ninja clans was truly an unfair advantage.

Reading his thoughts, Karina sauntered over to Shino with a mischievous grin on her face. As she reached him, she confidently placed a hand on his chest and leaned in, pressing her body against his. "Jealous? Do you want the Uzumaki bloodline, too?"

A hint of curiosity flickered in Shino's gaze as he arched an eyebrow.

"My abilities go far beyond the original estimate. I can even breed fleshly clones of both you and me. Naturally, a bloodline implantation would be no issue. As long as…" As her carapace melted away, she pressed her curvaceous form against his body, locking eyes with him and giving him a sultry look as she uttered in a seductive tone, "My dear gives me enough essence."

Shino's fiery gaze burned into hers, intense and unwavering, as his hand coiled around her waist. As he felt her strokes arouse his body, he murmured, his voice low and dangerous, "You're playing with fire."

Moments after, his ear was filled with her alluring, velvety voice of temptation.

"Then, burn me."

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